Uses of Class

Packages that use Variable Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types. Bar Chart component and its related models. BarLine Chart component and its related models.

Gantt Chart component and its related models. Line Chart component and its related models. Line Plot component and its related models. Pie Chart component and its related models. Radar Chart component and its related models. Scatter Plot component and its related models.

Tile Chart component and its related models. Waterfall Chart component and its related models. Provides classes for generating different chart objects. 

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] VariableList.asArray()
          Provides a conversion into a Variable array.
 Variable TableAxisZone.getVariable()
          Returns the Variable used for this zone.
 Variable TableAxisColumn.getVariable()
          Returns the Variable used in this table column.

Constructors in with parameters of type Variable
TableAxisColumn(Variable var)
          Constructor designating variable to display in the table.
TableAxisColumn(Variable var, int sort)
          Constructor designating variable to display in the table along with the sort type for this column.
TableAxisColumn(Variable var, int sort, int index)
          Constructor designating variable to display in the table along with the sort type for this column and the sort index if multiple variable sort is to be done.
TableAxisColumn(Variable var, int sort, int index, wid)
          Constructor designating variable to display in the table along with the sort type for this column and the sort index if multiple variable sort is to be done and a column width.
TableAxisColumn(Variable var, int sort, int index, wid, boolean vis)
          Constructor designating variable to display in the table along with the sort type for this column and the sort index if multiple variable sort is to be done and a column width and if the column is visible.
TableAxisZone(Variable var)
          Constructor designating variable to create a zone on in the table and chart.
Variable(Variable v)
VariableList(Variable[] variableArray)
          Construct a list of VariableList objects whose properties and order are defined by the Variables in the array.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] BarChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartTableDataModel.getCategorySortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CategorySort role by the setCategorySortVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartTableDataModel.getInsideBarLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the InsideBarLabel role by the setInsideBarLabelVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartTableDataModel.getOutsideBarLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the OutsideBarLabel role by the setOutsideBarLabelVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartOLAPDataModel.getResponse2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response2 role by the setResponse2Variable() method.
 Variable BarChartOLAPDataModel.getResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response role by the setResponseVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartTableDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable BarChartOLAPDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the BarChart data elements.
 void BarChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the BarChart data elements.
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setCategorySortVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable model that controls the order in which the values are placed along the category axis.
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void BarChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setInsideBarLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as bar labels drawn just inside of the bar element.
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setOutsideBarLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as bar labels drawn just outside of the bar element.
 void BarChartOLAPDataModel.setResponse2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar chart associated with the response2 axis (i.e. the secondary axis; the right axis for a vertical bar chart, or the bottom axis for a horizontal bar chart).
 void BarChartOLAPDataModel.setResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar chart associated with the response axis (i.e. the primary axis; the left axis for a vertical bar chart, or the top axis for a horizontal bar chart).
 void BarChartTableDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable whose associated values will be used to define the color mapping on the bar data elements.
 void BarChartOLAPDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measure is used to determine the bar's fill color.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] BarLineChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getBarResponse2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the BarResponse2 role by the setBarResponse2Variable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getBarResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the BarResponse role by the setBarResponseVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartTableDataModel.getCategorySortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CategorySort role by the setCategorySortVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarLineChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariables() method.
 Variable BarLineChartTableDataModel.getInsideBarLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the InsideBarLabel role by the setInsideBarLabelVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getLineResponse2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the LineResponse2 role by the setLineResponse2Variable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getLineResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the LineResponse role by the setLineResponseVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartTableDataModel.getOutsideBarLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the OutsideBarLabel role by the setOutsideBarLabelVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartTableDataModel.getOutsideMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the OutsideMarkerLabel role by the setOutsideMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartTableDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the BarLineChart data elements.
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the BarLineChart data elements.
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setBarResponse2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar-line chart associated with the response2 axis (i.e. the secondary axis; the right axis for a vertical bar-line chart).
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setBarResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar-line chart associated with the response axis (i.e. the primary axis; the left axis for a vertical bar-line chart).
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setCategorySortVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable model that controls the order in which the values are placed along the category axis.
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setInsideBarLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as bar labels drawn just inside of the bar element.
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setLineResponse2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar-line chart associated with the response2 axis (i.e. the secondary axis; the right axis for a vertical bar-line chart).
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setLineResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the bar-line chart associated with the response axis (i.e. the primary axis; the left axis for a vertical bar-line chart).
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setOutsideBarLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as bar labels drawn just outside of the bar element.
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setOutsideMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as labels above the marker locations (line vertices).
 void BarLineChartTableDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable whose associated values will be used to define the color mapping on the bar and marker data elements.
 void BarLineChartOLAPDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measure is used to determine the bar's fill color.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getActualFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualFinish role by the setActualFinishVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getActualStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualStart role by the setActualStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationLabelColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelColor role by the setAnnotationLabelColorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelJustification role by the setannotationLabelJustificationVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabel role by the setAnnotationLabelVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationLocationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLocation role by the setAnnotationLocationVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationPositionVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationPosition role by the setAnnotationPositionVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationSymbolColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbolColor role by the setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationSymbolVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbol role by the setAnnotationSymbolVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getAnnotationTaskVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationTask role by the setAnnotationTaskVariable() method.
 Variable[] GanttChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getBaselineFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineFinish role by the setBaselineFinishVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getBaselineStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineStart role by the setBaselineStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getCalendarVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the calendar role by the setCalendarVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.getCalendarVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the calendar role by the setCalendarVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getCustomSchedule1FinshVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 1 Finish role.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getCustomSchedule1StartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CustomSchedule1Start role.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getCustomSchedule2FinshVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Finish role.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getCustomSchedule2StartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Start role.
 Variable[] GanttChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getDescriptionVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Description role by the setDescriptionVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getDrawBarVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the DrawBar role by the setDrawBarVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getDurationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Duration role by the setDurationVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.getDurationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Duration role by the setDurationVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getEarlyFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyFinish role by the setEarlyFinishVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getEarlyStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyStart role by the setEarlyStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.getFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the finish role by the setStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getLabelColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the TextColor role by the setLabelColorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getLabelJustificationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Justification role by the setJustificaionVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Text role by the setLabelVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getLateFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateFinish role by the setLateFinishVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getLateStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateStart role by the setLateStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getLocationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Location role by the setLocationVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getParentVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Parent role by the setParentVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getPositionVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Position role by the setPositionVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getReplaceWithChildrenVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ReplaceWithChildren role by the setReplaceWithChildrenVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getResourceFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceFinish role by the setResourceFinishVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getResourceStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceStart role by the setResourceStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.getStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the start role by the setStartVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getSuccessorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Successor role by the setSuccessorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getSymbolColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the SymbolColor role by the setSymbolColorVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getSymbolVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Symbol role by the setSymbolVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getTargetVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Target role by the setTargetVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartTableDataModel.getTaskVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Task role by the setTaskVariable() method.
 Variable GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.getTaskVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Task role by the setTaskVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setActualFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually ended on an activity.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setActualStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually began on an activity.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationLabelColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the text used for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String variable whose values identify justification to use for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String Variable whose values specify the text to use for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationLocationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String variable whose values identify a date-axis location to use for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationPositionVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values identify a specific date-axis location to use for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the marker symbols used for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationSymbolVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a Variable whose values specify the symbol to use for displaying annotations.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAnnotationTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values identify the task bars to use for displaying annotations on the chart.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the Gantt bars.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setBaselineFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing calendar date of when work is scheduled to end on an activity.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setBaselineStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable containing the calendar date when work was scheduled to begin on an activity.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setCalendarVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule.
 void GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.setCalendarVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the color values for the bars.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setCustomSchedule1FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setCustomSchedule1StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setCustomSchedule2FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setCustomSchedule2StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setDescriptionVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing text to be displayed in the TreeTable instead of the actual Task variable values.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setDrawBarVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a numeric Variable for determining whether chart bars are drawn.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setDurationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Duration of an activity.
 void GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.setDurationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Duration of a break.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setEarlyFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can finish, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setEarlyStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can start, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.
 void GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.setFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the finish variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setLabelColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the text markers.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setLabelJustificationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing justification values for the text.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing text string to annotate on the gantt bars.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setLateFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the latest possible point in time that an activity can be completed without delaying a specific milestone (usually the project finish date).
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setLateStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable contining the latest possible point in time that an activity can begin without delaying a specified milestone (ususally the project finish date).
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setLocationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing which gantt box variable value to locate the annotation on.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setParentVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the parent value for each task and is used in displaying hierarchial tasks on the task axis.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setPositionVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the date position to place the annotation.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setReplaceWithChildrenVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values let the chart know if it is to draw the children of this task on this row instead of drawing the task bar.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setResourceFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing resource constraint finish dates.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setResourceStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable containing resource constraint start date.
 void GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel.setStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the start variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies Style By Variable for coloring chart bars.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setSuccessorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a successor Variable for an activity.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setSymbolColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the marker symbols.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setSymbolVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the Variable that contains values denoting which symbol to draw.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setTargetVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the target dates Note: All chart's date Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
 void GanttChartTableDataModel.setTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies Task Variable for chart bars.
 void GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel.setTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the task variable value in which to annotate (draw) the marker and text on.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] LineChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] LineChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable LineChartTableDataModel.getCategorySortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CategorySort role by the setCategorySortVariable() method.
 Variable[] LineChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] LineChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable LineChartTableDataModel.getOutsideMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the OutsideMarkerLabel role by the setOutsideMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable LineChartOLAPDataModel.getResponse2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response2 role by the setResponse2Variable() method.
 Variable LineChartOLAPDataModel.getResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response role by the setResponseVariable() method.
 Variable LineChartTableDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable LineChartOLAPDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void LineChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the LineChart data elements.
 void LineChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the LineChart data elements.
 void LineChartTableDataModel.setCategorySortVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable model that controls the order in which the values are placed along the category axis.
 void LineChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void LineChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void LineChartTableDataModel.setOutsideMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as labels above the marker locations (line vertices).
 void LineChartOLAPDataModel.setResponse2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the line chart associated with the response2 axis (i.e. the secondary axis; the right axis for a vertical line chart).
 void LineChartOLAPDataModel.setResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the line chart associated with the response axis (i.e. the primary axis; the left axis for a vertical line chart).
 void LineChartTableDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable whose associated values will be used to define the color mapping on the marker data elements.
 void LineChartOLAPDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measure is used to determine the bar's fill color.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] LinePlotTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] LinePlotOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotTableDataModel.getBottomMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BottomMarkerLabel role by the setBottomMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotTableDataModel.getColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method.
 Variable[] LinePlotTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] LinePlotOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotTableDataModel.getSortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Sort role by the setSortVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotTableDataModel.getTopMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the TopMarkerLabel role by the setTopMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotOLAPDataModel.getXVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the X role by the setXVariable() method.
 Variable LinePlotOLAPDataModel.getY2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Y2 role by the setY2Variable() method.
 Variable LinePlotOLAPDataModel.getYVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Y role by the setYVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the LinePlot data elements.
 void LinePlotOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the LinePlot data elements.
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setBottomMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Returns the variable definition used to identify the data column for the label contents which are placed below the data points.
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column(s) in the attached TableModel whose values are to be used to determine the color of the lines and markers.
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void LinePlotOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setSortVariable(Variable newSortVariable)
          Sets the variable that will define the order in which the plot points are connected when a line interpolation is applied.
 void LinePlotTableDataModel.setTopMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable definition used to identify the data column for the label contents which are placed above the data points.
 void LinePlotOLAPDataModel.setXVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the X axis.
 void LinePlotOLAPDataModel.setY2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the Y2 axis.
 void LinePlotOLAPDataModel.setYVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the Y axis.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] PieChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] PieChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] PieChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] PieChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable PieChartOLAPDataModel.getResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response role by the setResponseVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void PieChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the PieChart data elements.
 void PieChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the PieChart data elements.
 void PieChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void PieChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void PieChartOLAPDataModel.setResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the pie chart.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] RadarChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] RadarChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] RadarChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] RadarChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void RadarChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the RadarChart data elements.
 void RadarChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the RadarChart data elements.
 void RadarChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void RadarChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getBottomMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BottomMarkerLabel role by the setBottomMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method.
 Variable[] ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getSizeVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Size role by the setSizeVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getSizeVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Size role by the setSizeVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getSortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Sort role by the setSortVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotTableDataModel.getTopMarkerLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the TopMarkerLabel role by the setTopMarkerLabelVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getXVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the X role by the setXVariable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getY2Variable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Y2 role by the setY2Variable() method.
 Variable ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.getYVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Y role by the setYVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the ScatterPlot data elements.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the ScatterPlot data elements.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setBottomMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Returns the variable definition used to identify the data column for the label contents which are placed below the data points.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setColorVariable(Variable newColorVariable)
          Specifies the data column in the attached TableModel whose values are used to determine the color of the markers.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setSizeVariable(Variable newSizeVariable)
          Specifies the data column in the attached TableModel whose values are used to determine the size of the markers.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setSizeVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measure is to be associated with the marker size.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setSortVariable(Variable newSortVariable)
          Sets the variable that will define the order in which the plot points are connected when a line interpolation is applied.
 void ScatterPlotTableDataModel.setTopMarkerLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable definition used to identify the data column for the label contents which are placed above the data points.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setXVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the X axis.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setY2Variable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the Y2 axis.
 void ScatterPlotOLAPDataModel.setYVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be associated with the Y axis.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] TileChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] TileChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable TileChartTableDataModel.getAuxVariable()
          Deprecated. user getDataTipVariable()
 Variable TileChartOLAPDataModel.getColorVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method.
 Variable[] TileChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] TileChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable TileChartOLAPDataModel.getSizeVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Size role by the setSizeVariable() method.
 Variable TileChartTableDataModel.getWebLinkVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the WebLink role by the setWebLinkVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void TileChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the TileChart data elements.
 void TileChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the TileChart data elements.
 void TileChartTableDataModel.setAuxVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Deprecated. use setDataTipVariable()
 void TileChartOLAPDataModel.setColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the data column in the attached TableModel whose values are to be used to determine the relative colors of the rectangles.
 void TileChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void TileChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void TileChartOLAPDataModel.setSizeVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the measure in the attached OLAP model whose values are to be used to determine the relative sizes of the rectangles.
 void TileChartTableDataModel.setWebLinkVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the column(s) in the attached TableModel whose values are to be used as Web Link information.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in that return Variable
 Variable[] WaterfallChartTableDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable[] WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable WaterfallChartTableDataModel.getCategorySortVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CategorySort role by the setCategorySortVariable() method.
 Variable[] WaterfallChartTableDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable[] WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable WaterfallChartTableDataModel.getOutsideBarLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the OutsideBarLabel role by the setOutsideBarLabelVariable() method.
 Variable WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.getResponseVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the Response role by the setResponseVariable() method.
 Variable WaterfallChartTableDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data measure that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void WaterfallChartTableDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the WaterfallChart data elements.
 void WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the WaterfallChart data elements.
 void WaterfallChartTableDataModel.setCategorySortVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable model that controls the order in which the values are placed along the category axis.
 void WaterfallChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void WaterfallChartTableDataModel.setOutsideBarLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the data column whose values appear as bar labels drawn just outside of the bar element.
 void WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.setResponseVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measures are to be displayed in the waterfall chart.
 void WaterfallChartTableDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets the variable whose associated values will be used to define the color mapping on the bar data elements.
 void WaterfallChartOLAPDataModel.setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Sets which measure is used to determine the bar's fill color.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void GraphSupport.setColumnInfo(Variable cv)
          Set chart variable info on chartinfo list.

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