Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types.


Interface Summary
GraphActionListener You can register an GraphActionListener with a chart so as to be notified when a mouse click occurs over a data-element area.
ProbeListener You can register a ProbeListener with a chart so as to be notified when a the mouse pointer passes over a data-element area.
ScrollModelInterface ScrollModelInterface consolidates properties associated with the scrollbars that can appear on interactive charts when the graph matrix is too large to display in the available chart component area.

Class Summary
AdvancedTextStyle The AdvancedTextStyle extends TextStyle to support rotatable text in graphs.
AnalysisVariable An AnalysisVariable is used by a chart when a statistic can be applied to the associated data values.
AnalysisVariableList AnalysisVariableList are used to form an ordered list of AnalysisVariables.
AxisModel The AxisModel class stores general appearance settings for a graph axis, such as a category or response axis in a BarChart.
AxisWallModel An AxisWallModel is used by a chart model to store all the walls and floor related properties.
BrushModel A BrushModel encapsulates the set of display properties presented when selection is performed.
CellStyle A CellStyle encapsulates the set of display properties applicable the table-like cells such as what you find in a Row or Column graph matrix axis.
ChartValueZone A BarChartValueZone is used in conjunction with the BarChartImageMapInfo class to record imagemap information to identify graphic element locations with their associated data.
ClassificationCellStyle A ClassificationCellStyle is a CellStyle that provides properties that enable additional styling to be associated with hierarchical information (such as that found in the row and column matrix axes).
ClassificationVariable An ClassificationVariable is used by a graph when a sort order can be applied to the associated data values.
ClassificationVariableList ClassificationVariableLists are used to form an ordered list of ClassificationVariables.
ColorPosition The ColorPosition class supports an association between a color and a position to facilitate defining a color spectrum.
ColorScheme ColorScheme class contains attributes for a color scheme.
ConstantCollection Constant collections are used to support a common set of static actions applied on constants defined in the package.
ContentsModel The ContentsModel class stores common axis appearance preferences for graph axis and graph matrix axis.
DataElementColors This class encapsulates a set of colors that can be applied to a DataElementStyles to define the color specification for the data elements.
DataElementStyles DataElementStyles class is a class that encapsulates the visual style attributes of the graph's data elements (pie slices, bars, markers).
DataModel The DataModel class contains general chart data preferences.
DataTipModel A DataTipModel encapsulates the set of display properties applicable to the Graph's data tip.
DataZone A DataZone is used with imagemap information to record the location of some graphic with its associated data value.
FillStyle The FillStyle encapsulates display properties defining an area's fill by either a solid color, gradient colors or image.
Graph The Graph class is an abstract class that serves as a general base class for all specific chart and plot classes (such as BarChart and PieChart) to extend.
GraphActionEvent A "GraphAction" event is delivered when a mouse click event occurs on a Graph's data-element.
GraphConstants The GraphConstants is a collection of constants used by the graph related classes.
GraphMatrixAxisModel The GraphMatrixAxisModel class stores general appearance settings for row and column axes for the graph matrix.
GraphModel The GraphModel class contains general chart appearance preferences.
GraphOLAPDataSet A class for sharing setup work between graph olap viewers that are sharing a single olap model.
GraphStyle GraphStyle class contains graph specific style attributes and properties.
HierarchyModel Usage Behavior
LabelZoneList A LabelZoneList is used with imagemap information to record the location of some role's label (such as the Category label).
LegendModel A LegendModel contains the set of display properties applied to a graph's legend.
LineStyle Attributes that affect the appearance of solid lines.
MarkerStyle Attributes that affect the appearance of markers.
ModelBase ModelBase handles operations common to all graph models.
NoteModel The NoteModel class encapsulates the set of user specified properties that pertain to chart titles and footnotes.
PickInfo A PickInfo provides a mapping from a data-element to all of its associated data and is contained inside each delivered ProbeEvent.
PlotValueZone A BarChartValueZone is used in conjunction with the BarChartImageMapInfo class to record imagemap information to identify graphic element locations with their associated data.
PlotVariable An PlotVariable is used by a plot to assign data values to the plot points.
PlotVariableList PlotVariableLists are used to form an ordered list of PlotVariables.
ProbeEvent A "Probe" event is delivered when a mouse pointer moves over a region of a Graph occupied by a data-element.
RangeVariable A RangeVariable is an abstract class which supports the association of low, high and target columns with the column property inherited from the Variable class.
ReferenceLineModel A ReferenceLineModel class stores the label, location and the line style for the reference line.
ShadowStyle Encapsulates attributes that affect the appearance of shadows.
StrokeLineStyle Attributes that affect the appearance of lines.
TableAxisColumn The TableAxisColumn class stores column attributes for a table axis.
TableAxisModel The TableAxisModel class stores general appearance settings for a table axis as well as the chart's horizontal grid lines.
TableAxisZone The TableAxisZone class stores zone attributes for a table axis.
TextStyle A TextStyle encapsulates the set of display properties applicable to text within a graph.
TickStyle TickStyle stores appearance properties associated with the tick marks.
TimeLength The TimeLength class provides an object which represents a time measurement in one of several different units.
TimePeriodModel The TimePeriodModel class provides length and display attributes for the time period in the CompoundTimeAxisModel .
TreeIconModel Behavior
Variable A Variable is used to identify a data column (in relational type data) to a graph.
VariableList VariableLists are used to form an ordered list of Variables.

Package Description

Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types.

All of the BIP components support relational data models (javax.swing.table.TableModel), and most of them also support OLAP models (   The components provide a rich API for incorporating the components into Java applets,  applications, and JSP solutions.  

The components support the SAS 9.1 Graph Styles, which define a set of attributes to be applied to a graph. By encapsulating these attributes, it is easy to apply and to change the overall look of your graph.  Each predefined Graph Style comes with its own already defined Color Scheme.  However, a new Color Scheme can be applied to any Graph Style with only one method call.  This design allows you to keep all the attributes associated with a particular Graph Style and yet easily change the colors to be used for the graph.   

Figure 1 shows a bar chart with a predefined style and graphs values for two response variables: energy produced and energy consumed. By displaying the bars representing response values side-by-side, the bar component makes it easy to compare the values.


     Figure 1

Figure 2 shows a bar chart with data associated with the rows and columns of the chart.  The result is a matrix of graphs that shows sales figures in a highly categorized fashion.  The graph matrix makes it easy to compare graphs that result from multivariate graphing:


     Figure 2  

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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