Class GanttChartTableDataModel

public class GanttChartTableDataModel

A GanttChartTableDataModel encapsulates relational data from a javax.swing.table.TableModel and maps the TableModel's data columns onto a GanttChart component. To do the mapping, it assigns variable roles to the data columns that will be used in the graph, and the assigned roles determine the data display.

Generally, the GanttChartTableDataModel is used to access a project's list of tasks and its significant schedule dates, such as the project's predicted start and finish dates, actual start and finish dates, and baseline dates.

The GanttChartTableDataModel can also define annotations to display on the chart. The annotations can be marker symbols or text labels and can include the color values to use for the annotation display.

Annotations that are defined in a GanttChartTableDataModel are limited to one annotation per task. To assign multiple annotations per task, or to separate annotation data from schedule data, create a separate data source for the annotations and define them with a GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel. NOTE: These annotations are not included in the public api and are experimental and subject to change in future releases.

Basic Charts
Schedule Dates
Target Dates
Break Times
Duration Interval
Hierarchical Tasks
Bar Colors
Bar Visibility
Connecting Lines
Data Tips


SAS 9.1
See Also:
GanttChartDataModel, GanttChart

Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor
GanttChartTableDataModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel newModel)
          Constructor with assigned model
Method Summary
 void apply(GanttChartTableDataModel theOtherModel)
          Utility method to convey properties contained in "theOtherModel" to this object.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines whether another object is equal to this GanttChartTableDataModel.
 Variable getActualFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualFinish role by the setActualFinishVariable() method.
 Variable getActualStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualStart role by the setActualStartVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationLabelColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelColor role by the setAnnotationLabelColorVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelJustification role by the setannotationLabelJustificationVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationLabelVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabel role by the setAnnotationLabelVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationLocationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLocation role by the setAnnotationLocationVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationPositionVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationPosition role by the setAnnotationPositionVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationSymbolColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbolColor role by the setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable() method.
 Variable getAnnotationSymbolVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbol role by the setAnnotationSymbolVariable() method.
 GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel getAnnotationTableDataModel()
 Variable getAnnotationTaskVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationTask role by the setAnnotationTaskVariable() method.
 Variable[] getAuxiliaryVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method.
 Variable getBaselineFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineFinish role by the setBaselineFinishVariable() method.
 Variable getBaselineStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineStart role by the setBaselineStartVariable() method.
 GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel getBreakTimeTableDataModel()
 Variable getCalendarVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the calendar role by the setCalendarVariable() method.
 Variable getColorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method.
 Variable getCustomSchedule1FinshVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 1 Finish role.
 Variable getCustomSchedule1StartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CustomSchedule1Start role.
 Variable getCustomSchedule2FinshVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Finish role.
 Variable getCustomSchedule2StartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Start role.
 Variable[] getDataTipVariable()
          Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method.
 Variable getDescriptionVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Description role by the setDescriptionVariable() method.
 Variable getDrawBarVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the DrawBar role by the setDrawBarVariable() method.
 Variable getDurationVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Duration role by the setDurationVariable() method.
 Variable getEarlyFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyFinish role by the setEarlyFinishVariable() method.
 Variable getEarlyStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyStart role by the setEarlyStartVariable() method.
 Variable getLateFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateFinish role by the setLateFinishVariable() method.
 Variable getLateStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateStart role by the setLateStartVariable() method.
 javax.swing.table.TableModel getModel()
          Returns the Swing TableModel containing chart data.
 Variable getParentVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Parent role by the setParentVariable() method.
 Variable getReplaceWithChildrenVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ReplaceWithChildren role by the setReplaceWithChildrenVariable() method.
 Variable getResourceFinishVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceFinish role by the setResourceFinishVariable() method.
 Variable getResourceStartVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceStart role by the setResourceStartVariable() method.
 java.lang.String getRoot()
          Returns the text that is used for the root of a treetable.
 javax.swing.ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
          Returns the ListSelectionModel that indicates which data values are selected.
 Variable getStyleByVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method.
 Variable getSuccessorVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Successor role by the setSuccessorVariable() method.
 Variable getTargetVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Target role by the setTargetVariable() method.
 Variable getTaskVariable()
          Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Task role by the setTaskVariable() method.
 int hashCode()
          Computes the hash code for this GanttChartTableDataModel.
 boolean isTime()
          Deprecated. use
 void setActualFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually ended on an activity.
 void setActualStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually began on an activity.
 void setAnnotationLabelColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the text used for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String variable whose values identify justification to use for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String Variable whose values specify the text to use for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationLocationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a String variable whose values identify a date-axis location to use for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationPositionVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values identify a specific date-axis location to use for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing color values for the marker symbols used for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationSymbolVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a Variable whose values specify the symbol to use for displaying annotations.
 void setAnnotationTableDataModel(GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel annotationTableDataModel)
          Sets the annotation data model that will be used to set annotations on the chart.
 void setAnnotationTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values identify the task bars to use for displaying annotations on the chart.
 void setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the Gantt bars.
 void setBaselineFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing calendar date of when work is scheduled to end on an activity.
 void setBaselineStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable containing the calendar date when work was scheduled to begin on an activity.
 void setBreakTimeTableDataModel(GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel breakTimeTableDataModel)
          Sets the break time data model that will be used to
 void setCalendarVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the calendar variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule.
 void setColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the color values for the bars.
 void setCustomSchedule1FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.
 void setCustomSchedule1StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.
 void setCustomSchedule2FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.
 void setCustomSchedule2StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.
 void setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
          Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip.
 void setDescriptionVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing text to be displayed in the TreeTable instead of the actual Task variable values.
 void setDrawBarVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a numeric Variable for determining whether chart bars are drawn.
 void setDurationVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Duration of an activity.
 void setEarlyFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can finish, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.
 void setEarlyStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can start, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.
 void setLateFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the latest possible point in time that an activity can be completed without delaying a specific milestone (usually the project finish date).
 void setLateStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable contining the latest possible point in time that an activity can begin without delaying a specified milestone (ususally the project finish date).
 void setModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel newModel)
          Sets Swing TableModel containing chart data.
 void setParentVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the parent value for each task and is used in displaying hierarchial tasks on the task axis.
 void setReplaceWithChildrenVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable whose values let the chart know if it is to draw the children of this task on this row instead of drawing the task bar.
 void setResourceFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies the variable containing resource constraint finish dates.
 void setResourceStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies variable containing resource constraint start date.
 void setRoot(java.lang.String newRootText)
          Identifies the data value for the task in the tree root position in a hierarchical treetable.
 void setSelectionModel(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel newModel)
          Sets the ListSelectionModel which indicates which data values are selected.
 void setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies Style By Variable for coloring chart bars.
 void setSuccessorVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a successor Variable for an activity.
 void setTargetVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies a variable containing the target dates Note: All chart's date Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
 void setTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
          Specifies Task Variable for chart bars.
Methods inherited from class
apply, getLocale, getRulesContext, getSortStrategy, setLocale, setRulesContext, setSortStrategy
Methods inherited from class
addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, removePropertyChangeListener, setContainedModel

Constructor Detail


public GanttChartTableDataModel()
Default Constructor


public GanttChartTableDataModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel newModel)
Constructor with assigned model

Method Detail


public void apply(GanttChartTableDataModel theOtherModel)
Utility method to convey properties contained in "theOtherModel" to this object.
Note: Contained "models" (i.e. properties that are subclasses of ModelBase) will in turn be called on to convey their properties to the like contained models in the other object. In that respect this can be considered a "tree" type copy.
Also Note: This is a deep copy. Thus after the copy, mutable properties will not be shared by the two instances.

theOtherModel - properties applied to this instance


public void setRoot(java.lang.String newRootText)
Identifies the data value for the task in the tree root position in a hierarchical treetable. By default, the data value for the tree root task is "Project Summary". If the actual data value for the tree root task is different, this method must be called to pass that value to the axis model. Otherwise, the chart does not locate the tree root value needed to construct the hierarchical display, and it therefore displays all task-axis variables at the same level, with no hierarchy. For more information, see the GanttChartTableDataModel discussion of Hierarchical Tasks.

newRootText - string to be used for root node
See Also:


public java.lang.String getRoot()
Returns the text that is used for the root of a treetable. The default is "Project Summary".

Sting containing the root parent.
See Also:


public void setAnnotationTableDataModel(GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel annotationTableDataModel)
Sets the annotation data model that will be used to set annotations on the chart.

annotationTableDataModel - The annotationTableDataModel to set.


public GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel getAnnotationTableDataModel()
Returns the annotationTableDataModel.


public void setBreakTimeTableDataModel(GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel breakTimeTableDataModel)
Sets the break time data model that will be used to

breakTimeTableDataModel - The break time TableDataModel to set.


public GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel getBreakTimeTableDataModel()
Returns the break time TableDataModel.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Determines whether another object is equal to this GanttChartTableDataModel.

The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a GanttChartTableDataModel object that has the same property values as this object.

equals in class DataModel
obj - the object to test for equality with this GanttChartTableDataModel
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.


public int hashCode()
Computes the hash code for this GanttChartTableDataModel.

hashCode in class DataModel
a hash code value for this object.


public void setModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel newModel)
Sets Swing TableModel containing chart data.

newModel - containing chart data
See Also:


public javax.swing.table.TableModel getModel()
Returns the Swing TableModel containing chart data.

TableModel of chart data
See Also:


public void setSelectionModel(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel newModel)
Sets the ListSelectionModel which indicates which data values are selected.

newModel - the ListSelectionModel containing the indicies of the selected data values.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newModel is null.
See Also:


public javax.swing.ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
Returns the ListSelectionModel that indicates which data values are selected.

the ListSelectionModel containing the indicies of the selected data values.
See Also:


public boolean isTime()
Deprecated. use

Determine if the informat specified on the chart variables is a TIME type format. Both DATETIME and TIME informats will return true. DATE informats will return false.

See Also:
GanttChart.isDateAxisSASTime(), GanttChart.isDateAxisSASDate(), GanttChart.isDateAxisSASDateTime()


public void setCalendarVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the calendar variable value in which to draw breaks in schedule. This is matched with the GanttChartBreaktimeTableDataModel.getCalendarVariable() values and used to determine which breaktime calendar is applied to each task.

newVariable - contains the calendar for a break time.
See Also:


public Variable getCalendarVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the calendar role by the setCalendarVariable() method.

variable for calendar of a break in the schedule of a task
See Also:


public void setTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies Task Variable for chart bars. This variable is required to be of type String.

newVariable - contains the task variable for each activity.
See Also:


public Variable getTaskVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Task role by the setTaskVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for task
See Also:


public void setStyleByVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies Style By Variable for coloring chart bars. When specified, the ColorVariable if set will be ignored. When this method is used, the LegendModel.setCatagories(String[]) method must be used to associate the legend entries with the Gantt bars. To establish the association, each string value passed to setCategories() must match a value from the StyleBy variable including and white space.

The following code fragment sets the String variable ActionItems as the StyleBy variable and defines three values for the legend entries. For the legend to display correctly, variable ActionItems must contain the values Write Specifications, Prototype App, and Marketing Campaign.

 // Set the StyleBy variable on the GanttChartTableDataModel
 dataModel.setStyleByVariable(new Variable("ActionItems"));

 // Define values for the legend entries
 String legendVals[] = new String[3];
   legendVals[0] = "Write Specifications";
   legendVals[1] = "Prototype App";
   legendVals[2] = "Marketing Campaign";
 // Set the entry values on the legend

newVariable - contains the style by variable.
See Also:


public Variable getStyleByVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the StyleBy role by the setStyleByVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for the Style By variable
See Also:


public void setDrawBarVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a numeric Variable for determining whether chart bars are drawn. If the variable's value is 0, the bar is not drawn. For any other value, the bar is drawn.

newVariable - contains a variable for bar drawing.
See Also:


public Variable getDrawBarVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the DrawBar role by the setDrawBarVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for the Draw Bar variable
See Also:


public Variable getSuccessorVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Successor role by the setSuccessorVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for successor
See Also:


public void setSuccessorVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a successor Variable for an activity. The specified variable's values identify the tasks that are successors to the activities identified by the Task variable. Successor tasks are used to display connecting lines that show the relationships among tasks. GraphModel.setConnectingLinesEnabled() must be set to true in order for the chart to display the connecting lines.

newVariable - contains the successor variables for each activity.
See Also:


public void setEarlyStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can start, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - contains earliest start date
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getEarlyStartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyStart role by the setEarlyStartVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Early Start
See Also:


public void setEarlyFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the earliest possible point in time on which the uncompleted portions of an activity can finish, based on the network logic and any schedule constraints.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - contains earliest finish date
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getEarlyFinishVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the EarlyFinish role by the setEarlyFinishVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Early Finish
See Also:


public void setLateStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies variable contining the latest possible point in time that an activity can begin without delaying a specified milestone (ususally the project finish date).

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - containing latest possible date to begin
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getLateStartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateStart role by the setLateStartVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Late Start
See Also:


public void setLateFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the latest possible point in time that an activity can be completed without delaying a specific milestone (usually the project finish date).

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - containing latest finish date
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getLateFinishVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the LateFinish role by the setLateFinishVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Late Finish
See Also:


public void setResourceStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies variable containing resource constraint start date.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - containing resource constraint start dates.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getResourceStartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceStart role by the setResourceStartVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Resource Start
See Also:


public void setResourceFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the variable containing resource constraint finish dates.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - resource finish dates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getResourceFinishVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ResourceFinish role by the setResourceFinishVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Resource Finish
See Also:


public void setActualStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually began on an activity.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - date work began
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getActualStartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualStart role by the setActualStartVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Actual Start
See Also:


public void setCustomSchedule1StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - Custom Schedule 1 finish dates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getCustomSchedule1StartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the CustomSchedule1Start role. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Custom Schedule 1 Finish
See Also:


public void setCustomSchedule1FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 1 constraint finish dates.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - Custom Schedule 1 finish dates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getCustomSchedule1FinshVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 1 Finish role. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Custom Schedule 1 Finish role.
See Also:


public void setCustomSchedule2StartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - Custom Schedule 2 start dates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getCustomSchedule2StartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Start role. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Custom Schedule 2 Start role.
See Also:


public void setCustomSchedule2FinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies the variable containing Custom Schedule 2 constraint finish dates.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - Custom Schedule 2 finish dates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getCustomSchedule2FinshVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Custom Schedule 2 Finish role. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Custom Schedule 2 Finish role.
See Also:


public void setActualFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the calendar date work actually ended on an activity.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - contains actual end date
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getActualFinishVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ActualFinish role by the setActualFinishVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Actual Finish
See Also:


public void setBaselineStartVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies variable containing the calendar date when work was scheduled to begin on an activity.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - when work was scheduled to begin
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getBaselineStartVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineStart role by the setBaselineStartVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Baseline Start
See Also:


public void setBaselineFinishVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing calendar date of when work is scheduled to end on an activity.

Note: All chart's Start and Finish Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - containing end dates for an activity.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getBaselineFinishVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the BaselineFinish role by the setBaselineFinishVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Baseline Finish
See Also:


public void setDurationVariable(Variable newVariable)
Duration of an activity. Duration value of zero produces a milestone marker if milestone markers are setVisible(true):

newVariable - duration value for an activity.
See Also:


public Variable getDurationVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Duration role by the setDurationVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable containing duration values
See Also:


public void setTargetVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the target dates

Note: All chart's date Variables must be in the same date format and have a valid date format specifed on the Variable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

newVariable - contains target date
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:


public Variable getTargetVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Target role by the setTargetVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Target
See Also:


public void setDescriptionVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing text to be displayed in the TreeTable instead of the actual Task variable values. This only applies when there is a valid displayable TreeTable. This variable is required to be of type String.

newVariable - contains descriptive information
See Also:


public Variable getDescriptionVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Description role by the setDescriptionVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Description
See Also:


public void setColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the color values for the bars. Values of this variable are of type String and are one of the possible SASColors as well as "TRANSPARENT". When the StyleByVariable is specified, the ColorVariable will be ignored.

newVariable - contains color values
See Also:


public Variable getColorVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Color role by the setColorVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for color
See Also:


public void setParentVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing the parent value for each task and is used in displaying hierarchial tasks on the task axis.

newVariable - contains parent values for each task
See Also:


public Variable getParentVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the Parent role by the setParentVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for parent values
See Also:


public void setAnnotationTaskVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable whose values identify the task bars to use for displaying annotations on the chart. By default, the annotations are displayed on the TaskVariable value for the current record.

The annotation can be a symbol or text, depending on whether setAnnotationSymbolVariable() or setAnnotationLabelVariable() is also called. The annotation's position on the date axis is determined by setAnnotationLocationVariable() or setAnnotationPositionVariable().

newVariable - contains a variable whose values identify the task bars to use for displaying annotations
See Also:
getAnnotationTaskVariable(), setAnnotationSymbolVariable(, setAnnotationLabelVariable(, setAnnotationLocationVariable(, setAnnotationPositionVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationTaskVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationTask role by the setAnnotationTaskVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for task to draw
See Also:


public void setAnnotationLocationVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a String variable whose values identify a date-axis location to use for displaying annotations. The location is based on a task's start or finish date, and the String variable's values must be one of the following enumeration values:
Set the annotation to the task's Early Start date
Set the annotation to the task's Early Finish date
Set the annotation to the task's Late Start date
Set the annotation to the task's Late Finish date

The annotation can be a symbol or text, depending on whether setAnnotationSymbolVariable() or setAnnotationLabelVariable() is also called. You can call setAnnotationPositionVariable() to set an absolute position for the annotation rather than this relative location.

newVariable - contains where to locate the marker or text
See Also:
getAnnotationLocationVariable(), setAnnotationSymbolVariable(, setAnnotationLabelVariable(, setAnnotationPositionVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationLocationVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLocation role by the setAnnotationLocationVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for marker or text location values
See Also:


public void setAnnotationPositionVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable whose values identify a specific date-axis location to use for displaying annotations. The specified variable's values must be valid date values.

Note: This variable must be the same format as the chart's Start and Finish Variables and have a valid date format specifed on the newVariable.
Examples of valid date formats are:

The annotation can be a symbol or text, depending on whether setAnnotationSymbolVariable() or setAnnotationLabelVariable() is also called. You can call setAnnotationLocationVariable() to set annotation positions that are relative to to the task's start or finish dates.

newVariable - contains the date position to place the marker or text
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if format is null, needs a valid date format specifed.
See Also:
getAnnotationPositionVariable(), setAnnotationLocationVariable(, setAnnotationSymbolVariable(, setAnnotationLabelVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationPositionVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationPosition role by the setAnnotationPositionVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for marker or text position
See Also:


public void setAnnotationSymbolVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a Variable whose values specify the symbol to use for displaying annotations. The Variable's values must be int values defined by one of the SYMBOL_ fields in the MarkerStyle class, such as MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_DIAMOND_FILLED.

Call setAnnotationLocationVariable() to position the symbol at a date-axis location that is based on a task start or finish date. Call setAnnotationPositionVariable() to position the symbol at a specific location on the date axis.

newVariable - Variable containing valid values for symbols.
See Also:
getAnnotationSymbolVariable(), setAnnotationLocationVariable(, setAnnotationLabelVariable(, setAnnotationPositionVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationSymbolVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbol role by the setAnnotationSymbolVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for the marker symbols
See Also:


public void setAnnotationLabelVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a String Variable whose values specify the text to use for displaying annotations.

Call setAnnotationLocationVariable() to position the text at a date-axis location that is based on a task start or finish date. Call setAnnotationPositionVariable() to position the text at a specific location on the date axis.

newVariable - contains text strings to draw
See Also:
getAnnotationLabelVariable(), setAnnotationSymbolVariable(, setAnnotationLocationVariable(, setAnnotationPositionVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationLabelVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabel role by the setAnnotationLabelVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for text to draw
See Also:


public void setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing color values for the marker symbols used for displaying annotations.

newVariable - contains marker symbol color
See Also:
getAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(), setAnnotationSymbolVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationSymbolColorVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationSymbolColor role by the setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for symbol color
See Also:


public void setAnnotationLabelColorVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable containing color values for the text used for displaying annotations.

newVariable - contains text marker color
See Also:
getAnnotationLabelColorVariable(), setAnnotationLabelVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationLabelColorVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelColor role by the setAnnotationLabelColorVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Text marker color
See Also:


public void setAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a String variable whose values identify justification to use for displaying annotations. The justification is based the value found in the setAnnotationPositionVariable or setAnnotationLocationVariable variable, and the String variable's values must be one of the following enumeration values:
Set the annotation to be left justified
Set the annotation to be right justified
Set the annotation to be center justified
However, if a Numeric variable is applied, the variable's values must be one of the following SwingContants:
Set the annotation to be left justified
Set the annotation to be right justified
Set the annotation to be center justified

newVariable - contains where to justify the text
See Also:
getAnnotationLocationVariable(), setAnnotationLabelVariable(, setAnnotationPositionVariable(


public Variable getAnnotationLabelJustificationVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the AnnotationLabelJustification role by the setannotationLabelJustificationVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for text justification values
See Also:


public void setReplaceWithChildrenVariable(Variable newVariable)
Specifies a variable whose values let the chart know if it is to draw the children of this task on this row instead of drawing the task bar. For now, this only applies for the first level parent bars.

newVariable - contains 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE
See Also:


public Variable getReplaceWithChildrenVariable()
Returns the data column that was most recently set in the ReplaceWithChildren role by the setReplaceWithChildrenVariable() method. Returns a null if the variable role has not been set.

variable for Replacing Children for Parent bar.
See Also:


public void setDataTipVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
Specifies an array of Variables to be displayed in the data tip. By default, the variables specified on setDataTipVariable() are appended to the end of the default data tip display. To replace the default display with the list of variables in the Variable[] array, use the GraphModel to get the DataTipModel , and the call the DataTipModel's setContent() method with the value GraphConstants.DATA_TIP_REPLACE.

The following code fragment specifies two variables for the data tip display and uses them to replace the default data tip display:

 // Create an array of variables to set in the data tip display
    Variable dataTipVars[] = new Variable[2];
      dataTipVars[0] = new Variable("Task");
      dataTipVars[1] = new Variable("Duration");

newVariables - array of Variables to display in data tip
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a non-null array of zero length is passed in.
See Also:
getDataTipVariable(), setAuxiliaryVariable([])


public Variable[] getDataTipVariable()
Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setDataTipVariable() method. Returns null if the data tip variables were not set.

variables for data tip values
See Also:


public void setAuxiliaryVariable(Variable[] newVariables)
Specifies an array of Variables that are included among the variables that are passed in the events on the Gantt bars. Auxiliary variables are not represented in the chart. By default, they are not displayed in the datatip, although they can be included in the array of variables set by setDataTipVariable().

newVariables - contains Variables for GraphActionEvent return.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a non-null array of zero length is passed in.
See Also:
getAuxiliaryVariable(), setDataTipVariable([])


public Variable[] getAuxiliaryVariable()
Returns the array of data columns that was most recently set by the setAuxiliaryVariable() method. Returns null if the auxiliary variables were not set.

variables for Auxiliary values
See Also:
setAuxiliaryVariable([]), setDataTipVariable([])

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