GanttChartTableDataModel: Basic Charts

The main responsibility of a GanttChartTableDataModel is to determine which data variables are used in the Gantt chart and what role each variable plays. A GanttChartTableDataModel's primary roles are

Specifies a Variable whose values determine the number and arrangement of bars in the chart. A unique bar element is produced for each unique task value.
EarlyStartVariable, LateStartVariable
Each of these roles specifies a Variable whose values identify a scheduled starting date for a task.
EarlyFinishVariable, LateFinishVariable
Each of these roles specifies a Variable whose values identify a scheduled finishing date for a task.

GanttChartTableDataModel method's that set schedule dates require that the Variable constructor use the form

   Variable(String columnName, String format, String informat, String label) 

This constructor form designates the data column by name and identifies the names of the SAS format and SAS informat to apply to the date, and also the variable label to use for display.

The following code fragment shows the code for a basic Gantt chart:

// Create a data source that must contain String columns
// named Activity, EarlyStart, and EarlyFinish
   javax.swing.table.TableModel dataTable = <...>;

// Create a GanttChart and a data source 
   GanttChart ganttChart=new GanttChart();
   ScheduleData dataTable=new ScheduleData();

// Create a data model and attach the data source
   GanttChartTableDataModel dataModel=
     new GanttChartTableDataModel(dataTable);

// Assign the Task and date variable roles
   String format = "DATE5.";
   String informat = "DATE5.";         	
   dataModel.setTaskVariable(new Variable("Activity"));
   dataModel.setEarlyStartVariable(new Variable("EarlyStart", format, informat, "Early Start"));
   dataModel.setEarlyFinishVariable(new Variable("EarlyFinish", format, informat, "Early Finish"));

// Assign the data model to the GanttChart

Basic Requirements for Creating a Gantt Chart

GanttChartTableDataModel: Schedule Dates

A GanttChartTableDataModel can set dates for the following types of schedule dates:

Dates Set By ... Description
Actual dates setActualStartVariable()
Calendar dates when work actually started/finished.
Baseline dates setBaselineStartVariable()
Initial estimates for the calendar dates when work can start/finish. As the schedule dates change, these dates should remain the same so they can be used as criteria for evaluating the accuracy of the original estimates.
Early dates setEarlyStartVariable()
Earliest calendar dates when work can start/finish.
Late dates setLateStartVariable()
Latest calendar dates when work can start/finish without delaying specified milestones.
Resource dates setResourceStartVariable()
Estimated dates when work can start/finish when there are resource constraints
Target dates setTargetVariable() Dates used to constrain the start or finish of a task

GanttChartTableDataModel: Target Dates

A GanttChartTableDataModel can flag target dates that are defined in the schedule data. For each task that has a defined target date, the Gantt chart displays a symbol that is centered over the top border of the task's Gantt bar, positioned at the defined date. To indicate that the symbol represents target dates, the target symbol is also displayed as a legend entry.

To display target dates, call the setTargetVariable(Variable) method to specify the variable whose values identify the target dates.

The following call to setTargetVariable() passes a variable named Target for the Variable argument. Variable Target must exist in the schedule data with a DATE5. SAS informat for its date values. The code sets DATE5. as the SAS format to use for the output display, and it assigns the label "Target Date" to the variable.

dataModel.setTargetVariable(new Variable("Target", "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "Target Date"));

The default marker style for target dates is a filled blue triangle. To change the marker style for target dates, use the GanttChartModel.

Show Target Dates

GanttChartTableDataModel: Break Times

A GanttChartTableDataModel can flag break times within a schedule. For example, it can identify the dates when one or more tasks are interrupted because an employee is on vacation or out of the office for business travel. The specific break dates and the tasks they affect must be defined in the data.

Break times for a Gantt chart are specified by a GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel. The BreakTime data model must contain a variable that identifies the Start date for the break, and it must contain a second variable that either identifies the Finish date for the break or the break Duration, measured forward from the Start date. If both a Finish date and Duration value are defined for a break record, the Finish date is used.

Values for the Start and Finish variables must be valid SAS dates. Values for the Duration variable must be numbers that indicate the number of days for the break. For example, a Duration value of 2 indicates a 2-day break, and a Duration value of 0.5 indicates a half-day break.

By default, break times that are defined in the GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel are displayed for all of the tasks in the schedule data. This would be appropriate when all project work is suspended. You can set a Calendar variable to assign a string value as an identifying calendar for any given break period. If that same string value is assigned to a Calendar variable in the schedule data, the break time is applied to the task that is identified by that schedule record.

A GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel provides the following methods for setting the break times on a chart:

Specifies a variable whose string values assign the current break-time values to a specific calendar. When this same string value is specified for a Calendar variable in the schedule data, the break time is applied to the task that is defined on that schedule record.
Specifies the duration of a break. Used when the Finish variable has not been set or has a missing value. This duration value is used to calculate the finish date from the start date.
Specifies a variable whose values identify the ending dates for breaks in the schedule. The task is assumed to continue until the end of the specified date. This variable's values must have the same date format as the schedule data's EarlyStart and EarlyFinish variables.
Specifies a variable whose values identify the starting dates for breaks in the schedule. The task is assumed to begin at the start of the specified date. This variable's values must have the same date format as the schedule data's EarlyStart and EarlyFinish variables.

The following table shows the break data that was used to generate the figure above. The table header shows the variable names used for the data, and the rows show the data values.

BCalendar BStart BFinish BDuration
Vacation 05NOV 07NOV null
null 10NOV null 1

The following code fragment shows the GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel code that was used to generate the figure above:

// Construct a data model for the break time data
   GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel breaktimeDataModel =
     new GanttChartBreakTimeTableDataModel(breakTable);

// Assign the break time variable roles to the BreakTime data model
   breaktimeDataModel.setStartVariable(new Variable("BStart",  "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "BreakStart"));
   breaktimeDataModel.setFinishVariable(new Variable("BFinish", "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "BreakFinish"));
   breaktimeDataModel.setDurationVariable(new Variable("BDuration"));
   breaktimeDataModel.setCalendarVariable(new Variable("BCalendar"));

// Associate the break time data model with the schedule data model

// Assign the Calendar variable role to the schedule data model
// (this example assumes that variable Calendar has the value "Vacation"
// for the Manufacturer Demos task)
   dataModel.setCalendarVariable(new Variable("Calendar"));

Show Break Times

GanttChartTableDataModel: Duration Interval

By default, a Start date in a GanttChartTableDataModel is assumed to start at the beginning of the day, and a Finish date is assumed to finish at the end of the day. This means that a task whose Start date is the same as its Finish date will have a duration of one day and be represented in the chart by a Gantt bar that spans the entire day.

That is not always what you want. Some tasks may start and finish on the same day and take very little time to complete. To accomodate those tasks, you can set a duration interval of 0 for the task. This causes the data model to assume the task's Finish dates all finish at the beginning of the day rather than the end of the day. Because the duration interval is 0, the task is represented in the chart by a milestone marker at the Start/Finish date rather than a bar that spans the entire day.

To set a duration invertval of 0, create a variable in the schedule data that has value 0 for any short-duration task whose Start and Finish dates are the same. Set the variable's value to 1 for any task whose duration is a full day, even though the task's Start and Finish dates are the same.

The following table shows schedule data for two tasks. The table header shows the variable names used for the data, and the rows show the data values.

Task EarlyStart EarlyFinish LateStart LateFinish Duration
Project Summary 01NOV 01NOV 02NOV 02NOV 1
Manufacturer Demos 03NOV 03NOV 05NOV 05NOV 0

For both tasks in the table, the task's Start date is the same as its Finish date.

It is important to realize that all Finish dates for the second task will finish at the beginning of the day. Thus, any Finish time for that task that finishes at the end of the day should be recorded on the next day. For example, if you were to track Actual dates for the task and its ActualFinish date were at the end of the day on 03NOV, you would record 04NOV as the ActualFinish date, which effectively means that the task ends at the start of the day on 04NOV.

Set Duration Interval

GanttChartTableDataModel: Hierarchical Tasks

The vertical axis in a Gantt chart represents tasks in the schedule. By default, the Task variable's values are not displayed in the task axis. To display task-axis values, use the GanttChartModel to specify one or more schedule variables to represent on the axis.

If the tasks in the schedule data have a hierarchical relationship, you can define a data variable that identifies the parent task for each sub-task (child task), and then call GanttChartTableDataModel.setParentVariable() to add that variable to the data model:

dataModel.setParentVariable(new Variable("Parent"));

If setParentVariable() is called, the task hierarchy is automatically displayed when the Task variable is specified among the display variables for the task axis.

For example, assume data variables named Task and Parent have the following values:

Task Parent
Project Summary null
Manufacturer Demos Project Summary
Needs Assessment Project Summary
Market Survey Needs Assessment
Determine Users Needs Assessment

The following figure shows the task axis that would be generated if variable Task were assigned the TaskVariable role, and variable Parent were assigned the ParentVariable role.

In the task hierarchy, the root of the hierarchy is the node at the top of the parent hierarchy. By default, the TableAxisModel assumes that the data value for the task in the root position is "Project Summary." If the actual data value for the root task is different, you must call setRoot(String) to pass that value to the axis model. Otherwise, the axis model does not locate the root value needed to construct the hierarchical display, and it therefore displays all task-axis variables at the same level, with no hierarchy.

For example, assume data variables named Task and Parent have the following values:

Task Parent
Project Definition null
Manufacturer Demos Project Definition
Needs Assessment Project Definition
Market Survey Needs Assessment
Determine Users Needs Assessment

Here, the task in the root position has the text value "Project Definition". To display hierarchical tasks, you must call setRoot() to pass that value to the axis model:

// Get the task axis and change its characteristics
   GanttChartTableDataModel dataModel = new GanttChartTableDataModel(dataTable);
   GanttChartModel ganttChartModel = ganttChart.getGraphModel();
   TableAxisModel tableAxisModel = ganttChartModel.getTableAxisModel();
    TableAxisColumn tac[] = new TableAxisColumn[3];
      tac[0] = new TableAxisColumn(new Variable("Task"));
      tac[0].setWidth(new BaseLength(2, "in"));
      tac[1] = new TableAxisColumn(new Variable("EarlyStart"));
      tac[2] = new TableAxisColumn(new Variable("LateStart"));
    dataModel.setRoot("Project Definition");

// Assign the Task and date variable roles to the data model
   String format = "DATE5.";
   String informat = "DATE5.";         	
   dataModel.setTaskVariable(new Variable("Task"));
   dataModel.setParentVariable(new Variable("Parent"));
   dataModel.setEarlyStartVariable(new Variable("EarlyStart", format, informat, "Early Start"));
   dataModel.setLateStartVariable(new Variable("LateStart", format, informat, "Late Start"));

When hierarchical tasks have been defined in the data, the chart displays bars for the parent task and for the child tasks. You can call setReplaceWithChildrenVariable(Variable) to replace the parent bar with the bars for its children. In that case, the bars for the child tasks are overlaid together and displayed on the line on which the bars for the parent task would normally be displayed. This option is useful, for example, where the children represent recurring tasks and you want a viewer of your chart to see the recurring tasks on the top (parent) row.

In the following figure, the first task, Project Summary, has been defined as the parent of Manufacturer Demos and Needs Assessment. In the graph to the left, the parent bar is displayed. In the graph to the right, the parent bar has been replaced with the children bars.

Parent Bar Displayed

Parent Replaced with Children

To replace the parent bar with child bars, create a variable in the schedule data that has value 1 for any parent task that should be replaced with the child tasks. Set the variable's value to 0 for any parent task whose bar should not be replaced with child tasks. The variable can have a null value for all other tasks. Pass this variable as the argument on the call to the setReplaceWithChildrenVariable() method.

Set Hierarchical Tasks

GanttChartTableDataModel: Bar Colors

A GanttChartTableDataModel can modify the color of Gantt bars using either of two methods:

Specifies a String variable whose values identify the colors to use for the Gantt bars. The specified variable's values must be from the list of predefined SAS/GRAPH color names.
Specifies a variable whose values are used to set colors for the Gantt bars. The chart sets a different color for each of the variable's unique values. This method overrides the setColorVariable() method, if called.

The setStyleByVariable() method must be used with the LegendModel.setCatagories(String[]) method, which associates the legend entries with the Gantt bars. To establish the association, each string value passed to setCategories() must match a value from the StyleBy variable.

For example, the following code fragment sets a StyleBy variable named ActionItems. It then sets the values to associate the legend-entry values with the StyleBy variable's values, which must be Write Specifications, Prototype App, and Marketing Campaign.

// Set the StyleBy variable on the GanttChartTableDataModel
dataModel.setStyleByVariable(new Variable("ActionItems"));

// Define values for the legend entries
String legendVals[] = new String[3];
  legendVals[0] = "Write Specifications";
  legendVals[1] = "Prototype App";
  legendVals[2] = "Marketing Campaign";

// Set the entry values on the legend

Predefined SAS/GRAPH Color Names

To specify colors on the setColorVariable() method, you must specify a variable whose values contain predefined SAS/GRAPH color names. SAS/GRAPH color names form a color by combining the abbreviations for prefixes with the abbreviations for the names of several common hues.

Predefined SAS color names follow the formulas prefix+hue, prefix+hue+hue, or prefix+hue+hue+hue. For example, the common hue red can be denoted by R, and gray can be denoted with GR. To construct the color dark grayish red, combine the prefix DA (for dark), the hue GR, and the hue R to form the predefined SAS color DAGRR.

When a color uses more than one hue, the second and third hues are called prefix hues. For DAGRR, gray is a prefix hue.

Generally, to describe a predefined SAS color name that uses more than one hue, add the suffix ish to the name of each prefix hue. In the previous example, the color name from the prefix dark and the hues gray and red is described as dark grayish red (DAGRR).

The following table lists all of the abbreviations that you can combine to form SAS color names.

Abbreviations for Hues and Prefixes Used in Predefined SAS/GRAPH Color Names
Hue Abbreviation Prefix Abbreviation
red R pale PA
pink PK brilliant BI
olive OL light LI
brown BR moderate MO
orange O medium ME
yellow Y strong ST
yellow-green LG dark DA
yellowish green YG deep DE
green G vivid VI
blue B very pale VPA
purple P very light VLI
violet V very dark VDA
gray GR very deep VDE
black BL

white WH

List of SAS/GRAPH Color Names

The following tables provide comprehensive lists of the available predefined SAS color names. These tables list the predefined SAS color name followed by the description and the equivalent RGB and HLS values.
Important: You cannot specify RGB or HLS values for the Gantt chart; these values are in the table for color comparisons, only. On the Gantt chart, you must specify a SAS/GRAPH Color Name.
Note: The predefined colors are approximations. Hardware characteristics may cause some colors with different color definitions to appear the same. Also, the same predefined color is likely to appear different on different devices and may not appear correct on some devices.

Basic Hues

Basic Hues
Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
BLACK | BL black CX000000 H0000000
BLUE | B blue CX0000FF H00080FF
BROWN | BR brown CXA05000 H09650FF
CHARCOAL charcoal CX4F4F4F H0784F00
CREAM cream CXE8D898 H0A8C0A2
GRAY | GREY | GR | A gray CX808080 H0008000
GREEN | G green CX00FF00 H0F080FF
LILAC lilac CXE06090 H062A0AC
MAROON maroon CX700000 H07838FF
OLIVE olive CX2A8307 H0DF45E6
ORANGE | O orange CXFF8000 H09680FF
PINK pink CXFF0080 H05980FF
PURPLE | P purple CX703070 H03C5066
RED | R red CXFF0000 H07880FF
ROSE rose CXFF6060 H078B0FF
SALMON salmon CXFF0055 H06480FF
STEEL steel CX3883A8 H1407080
TAN tan CXE0A860 H09AA0AC
VIOLET violet CXB090D0 H01EB067
WHITE | WH | W white CXFFFFFF H000FF00
YELLOW | Y yellow CXFFFF00 H0B480FF

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
RBK reddish black CX191818 H06D1904
BRBL brownish black CX010101 H0980101
GBL greenish black CX191919 H0F81900
OLBL olive black CX191919 H0CB1900
PBL purplish black CX181818 H0341901
BBL bluish black CX181818 H0011901

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIGB vivid greenish blue CX13478C H14E4FC3
BIGB brilliant greenish blue CX4D7EBF H14E8679
STGB strong greenish blue CX2E4C73 H14E506D
DEGB deep greenish blue CX142233 H14E246D
LIGB light greenish blue CX6E86A6 H14E8A3C
VLIGB very light greenish blue CX90B0D9 H14EB57C
MOGB moderate greenish blue CX4C5D73 H14E6033
DAGB dark greenish blue CX2A3440 H14E3533
VDAGB very dark greenish blue CX121519 H14E162D
VIB vivid blue CX090766 H00136DF
BIB brilliant blue CX3230B2 H0017194
STB strong blue CX201F73 H0014994
DEB deep blue CX100F26 H0011B6D
PAB pale blue CX8585A6 H0019528
VPAB very pale blue CXAEADD9 H001C35C
GRB grayish blue CX5C5C73 H001671C
DAGRB dark grayish blue CX373740 H0013B12
VIPB vivid purplish blue CX2B0766 H01736DF
BIPB brilliant purplish blue CX6130B2 H0177194
STPB strong purplish blue CX3F1F73 H0174994
DEPB deep purplish blue CX180F26 H0171B6D
VLIPB very light purplish blue CXA37AE5 H017B0AD
LIPB light purplish blue CX6D5299 H017754E
MOPB moderate purplish blue CX3F3059 H017444E
DAPB dark purplish blue CX151219 H017162D
LIB light blue CX5A58A6 H0017F4E
VLIB very light blue CX7674D9 H001A691
MOB moderate blue CX3E3D73 H001584E
DAB dark blue CX1B1B26 H001212D
PAPB pale purplish blue CX8A7AA6 H0179033
VPAPB very pale purplish blue CXC0A8E5 H017C78B
GRPB grayish purplish blue CX4A4159 H0174D27
BLB blackish blue CX171719 H001180D

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
LIBR light brown CX8C7962 H098772D
MOBR moderate brown CX594E41 H0984D27
DABR dark brown CX191714 H098171C
LIGRBR light grayish brown CX8C887A H0A58313
GRBR grayish brown CX59564D H0A55312
DAGRBR dark grayish brown CX33322E H0A5300D
STYBR strong yellowish brown CX806A2B H0A5557F
DEYBR deep yellowish brown CX332E14 H0AA246D
LIYBR light yellowish brown CXA69F7A H0AA9033
MOYBR moderate yellowish brown CX736E58 H0AA6522
DAYBR dark yellowish brown CX26251F H0AA221C
LIGRYBR light grayish yellowish brown CXA6A18A H0AA9822
GRYBR grayish yellowish brown CX737060 H0AA6917
DAGRYBR dark grayish yellowish brown CX403E37 H0AA3B12
LIOLBR light olive brown CX8B8C4B H0B56C4E
MOOLBR moderate olive brown CX595936 H0B54740
DAOLBR dark olive brown CX26261C H0B52127
STBR strong brown CX593B18 H0983994
STRBR strong reddish brown CX4C2714 H08C3094
DERBR deep reddish brown CX26150D H08C1980
LIRBR light reddish brown CX8C7367 H08C7A27
MORBR moderate reddish brown CX59453B H08C4A33
DARBR dark reddish brown CX191614 H08C171C
LIGRRBR light grayish reddish brown CX8C7D75 H08C8118
GRRBR grayish reddish brown CX594F4A H08C5217
DAGRRBR dark grayish reddish brown CX332E2C H08C3012
DEBR deep brown CX261C0F H0981B6D

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
LIBRGR light brownish gray CX8C8883 H098880A
BRGR brownish gray CX595753 H0985609
PKGR pinkish gray CXBFB2B5 H06DB917
RGR reddish gray CX8C8385 H06D880A
DARGR dark reddish gray CX595354 H06D5609
YGR yellowish gray CXBBBFAC H0C2B621
LIGGR light greenish gray CXBFBFBF H0F8BF01
GGR greenish gray CX8C8C8C H0F88C01
DAGGR dark greenish gray CX595959 H0F85900
LIOLGR light olive gray CX878C7E H0CB850F
LIPGR light purplish gray CXBDB2BF H034B917
PGR purplish gray CX8B838C H034880A
DAPGR dark purplish gray CX585359 H0345609
LIGR light gray CXBFBFBF H000BF00
MEGR medium gray CX8C8C8C H0008C00
DAGR dark gray CX595959 H0005900
LTGRAY light gray CXC0C0C0 H000C000
DAGRAY dark gray CX404040 H0004000
LIBGR light bluish gray CXB3B2BF H001B917
BGR bluish gray CX83838C H001880A
OLGR olive gray CX575953 H0CB5609
DABGR dark bluish gray CX535359 H0015609

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIBG vivid bluish green CX138C89 H12A4FC3
BIBG brilliant bluish green CX4DBFBC H12A8679
STBG strong bluish green CX2E7371 H12A506D
DEBG deep bluish green CX143332 H12A246D
LIBG light bluish green CX6EA6A4 H12A8A3C
VLIBG very light bluish green CX90D9D7 H12AB57C
MOBG moderate bluish green CX4C7372 H12A6033
DABG dark bluish green CX2D403F H12A362D
VDABG very dark bluish green CX121919 H12A162D
VILG vivid yellow-green CX44A616 H0DD5EC3
BILG brilliant yellow-green CX88E55C H0DDA1BA
STLG strong yellow-green CX5B993D H0DD6B6D
DELG deep yellow-green CX3C6629 H0DD476D
LILG light yellow-green CXB1E599 H0DDBF99
MOLG moderate yellow-green CX769966 H0DD7F33
PALG pale yellow-green CXD1E5C7 H0DDD660
GRLG grayish yellow-green CX8B9985 H0DD8F17
STOLG strong olive green CX264C14 H0DD3094
DEOLG deep olive green CX15260D H0DD1980
MOOLG moderate olive green CX45593B H0DD4A33
DAOLG dark olive green CX1F261C H0DD2127
GROLG grayish olive green CX8B9985 H0DD8F17
DAGROLG dark grayish olive green CX2E332C H0DD3012
VIYG vivid yellowish green CX16A629 H0F85EC3
BIYG brilliant yellowish green CX52CC62 H0F88F8B
STYG strong yellowish green CX388C4C H0F8626D
DEYG deep yellowish green CX185920 H0F83994
VDEYG very deep yellowish green CX0A260E H0F81894
VLIYG very light yellowish green CX9EEDA8 H0F8C6B0
LIYG light yellowish green CX80BF88 H0F89F55
MOYG moderate yellowish green CX5D8C64 H0F87533
DAYG dark yellowish green CX3B593F H0F84A33
VDAYG very dark yellowish green CX172118 H0F81C2D
VIG vivid green CX118044 H10C48C3
BIG brilliant green CX4DBF81 H10C8679
STG strong green CX2E734E H10C506D
DEG deep green CX143322 H10C246D
LIG light green CX6EA688 H10C8A3C
VLIG very light green CX99E5BC H10CBF99
MOG moderate green CX4C735E H10C6033
DAG dark green CX364C40 H10C412D
VDAG very dark green CX121915 H10C162D
PAG pale green CX90A69A H10C9B1C
VPAG very pale green CXBCD9C5 H103CA46
GRG grayish green CX63736A H10C6B12
DAGRG dark grayish green CX454C48 H10C490D
BLG blackish green CX171918 H10C180D

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
LIOL light olive CX628033 H0CB596D
MOOL moderate olive CX47592A H0CB415D
DAOL dark olive CX161911 H0CB1533
LIGROL light grayish olive CX838C75 H0CB8118
GROL grayish olive CX54594A H0CB5217
DAGROL dark grayish olive CX30332C H0CB3012

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIRO vivid reddish orange CX803009 H08C44DF
STRO strong reddish orange CX8C411C H08C54AA
DERO deep reddish orange CX662F14 H08C3DAA
MORO moderate reddish orange CX8C5438 H08C626D
DARO dark reddish orange CX663D29 H08C476D
GRRO grayish reddish orange CX8C6754 H08C7040
VIO vivid orange CXB26306 H0985CEF
BIO brilliant orange CXD9892B H0988281
STO strong orange CXA66921 H09863AA
DEO deep orange CX80511A H0984DAA
LIO light orange CXD9A465 H0989F99
MOO moderate orange CXA67D4D H0987A5D
BRO brownish orange CX80603C H0985E5D

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIPK vivid pink CXCC1B2B H06D74C3
STPK strong pink CXD9576E H06D98A1
DEPK deep pink CX99293D H06D6194
LIPK light pink CXE599A7 H06DBF99
MOPK moderate pink CXBA7C87 H06D9B4F
DAPK dark pink CX995C67 H06D7A40
GRPK grayish pink CXBA9BA1 H06DAB2F
PAPK pale pink CXE5BFC6 H06DD26D
VIYPK vivid yellowish pink CXCC2B1B H07D74C3
STYPK strong yellowish pink CXCC5D52 H07D8F8B
DEYPK deep yellowish pink CX993329 H0706194
LIYPK light yellowish pink CXE5A099 H07DBF99
MOYPK moderate yellowish pink CXBF8580 H07D9F55
DAYPK dark yellowish pink CX99615C H07D7A40
PAYPK pale yellowish pink CXE5C5C2 H07DD468
GRYPK grayish yellowish pink CXBFA5A2 H07DB130
BRPK brownish pink CXBFB9A6 H0A5B22A
STPPK strong purplish pink CXB2309E H0467194
DEPPK deep purplish pink CX991F85 H0465CAA
LIPPK light purplish pink CXD974C9 H046A691
MOPPK moderate purplish pink CXB25FA5 H046895A
DAPPK dark purplish pink CX995278 H058754E
PAPPK pale purplish pink CXE5B8D0 H058CF79
GRPPK grayish purplish pink CXB28FA2 H058A130
BIPPK brilliant purplish pink CXD93ABF H04689AC

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIP vivid purple CX6F0980 H0347194
BIP brilliant purple CXA030B2 H0347194
STP strong purple CX671F73 H0344994
DEP deep purple CX3E1745 H0342E80
VDEP very deep purple CX170819 H034117F
LIP light purple CX9B58A6 H0347F4E
VLIP very light purple CXCB74D9 H034A691
MOP moderate purple CX6B3D73 H034584E
DAP dark purple CX423045 H0343B2D
VDAP very dark purple CX181219 H034162D
PAP pale purple CXA185A6 H0349528
VPAP very pale purple CXD3ADD9 H034C35C
GRP grayish purple CX705C73 H034671C
DAGRP dark grayish purple CX443C45 H0344012
BLP blackish purple CX191719 H034180D
VIRP vivid reddish purple CX59064C H04630DF
STRP strong reddish purple CX731F65 H0464994
DERP deep reddish purple CX45173E H0462E80
VDERP very deep reddish purple CX190817 H046117F
LIRP light reddish purple CX99528E H046754E
MORP moderate reddish purple CX733D6A H046584E
DARP dark reddish purple CX453042 H0463B2D
VDARP very dark reddish purple CX191218 H046162D
GRRP grayish reddish purple CX73546E H0466327
PARP pale reddish purple CX997092 H046852A

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIR vivid red CX33070F H06D1DC3
STR strong red CX731727 H06D45AA
DER deep red CX4C1923 H06D3380
VDER very deep red CX190A0D H06D126D
MOR moderate red CX732E3A H06D506D
DAR dark red CX40262B H06D3340
VDAR very dark red CX191213 H06D162D
LIGRR light grayish red CX997078 H06D852A
GRR grayish red CX73545A H06D6327
LIGRPR light grayish purplish red CX997086 H058852A
DAGRR dark grayish red CX453C3D H06D4012
BLR blackish red CX191717 H06D180D
VIPR vivid purplish red CX4C052C H05829DF
STPR strong purplish red CX731749 H05745AA
DEPR deep purplish red CX45122E H0582C94
VDEPR very deep purplish red CX190A12 H058126D
MOPR moderate purplish red CX732E53 H058506D
DAPR dark purplish red CX452938 H0583740
GRPR grayish purplish red CX734C61 H0586033
VDAPR very dark purplish red CX191216 H058162D

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIV vivid violet CX53098C H0244BDF
BIV brilliant violet CX7930B2 H0227194
STV strong violet CX3C1859 H0223994
DEV deep violet CX1B0D26 H0221980
LIV light violet CX7A5299 H022754E
VLIV very light violet CXAC74D9 H022A691
MOV moderate violet CX473059 H022444E
DAV dark violet CX161219 H022162D
PAV pale violet CX877099 H022852A
VPAV very pale violet CXCBA8E5 H022C78B
GRV grayish violet CX4F4159 H0224D27

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
YWH yellowish white CXE8EDD5 H0C2E166
GWH greenish white CXECEDEC H0F8ED06
PKWH pinkish white CXEDDDE0 H06DE54E
PWH purplish white CXEBDDED H034E54E
BWH bluish white CXDEDDED H001E54E

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

Color Name Color Description RGB* HLS*
VIOY vivid orange-yellow CXBF9106 H0A563EF
BIOY brilliant orange-yellow CXE5B82E H0A58AC8
STOY strong orange-yellow CXBF9926 H0A573AA
DEOY deep orange-yellow CX997A1F H0A55CAA
LIOY light orange-yellow CXE5C76B H0A5A8B4
MOOY moderate orange-yellow CXBAA157 H0A5896B
DAOY dark orange-yellow CX998547 H0A5705D
PAOY pale orange-yellow CXE5D4A1 H0A5C392
DAY dark yellow CX99BF1A H0C26CC3
PAY pale yellow CXC6E55C H0C2A1BA
GRY grayish yellow CXA3BF46 H0C2837C
DAGRY dark grayish yellow CX839938 H0C26976
VIGY vivid greenish yellow CXCDE57A H0C2B0AD
BIGY brilliant greenish yellow CXABBF66 H0C29369
STGY strong greenish yellow CX899952 H0C2754E
DEGY deep greenish yellow CXD9E5B0 H0C2CB83
VIY vivid yellow CXB5BF93 H0C2A942
BIY brilliant yellow CX8E996B H0C2822F
STY strong yellow CX80BF1A H0CB6CC3
DEY deep yellow CXAEE554 H0CB9DB0
LIY light yellow CX8DBA44 H0CB7F76
MOY moderate yellow CX749938 H0CB6976
LIGY light greenish yellow CXBDE57A H0CBB0AD
MOGY moderate greenish yellow CX9DBF66 H0CB9396
DAGY dark greenish yellow CX7E9952 H0CB754E
GRGY grayish greenish yellow CXA9BF86 H0CBA34F
PAGY pale greenish yellow CXCBE5A1 H0CBC392

* For color comparison only. You cannot specify RGB or HLS color values on setColorVariable(). You must specify a SAS Color Name.

GanttChartTableDataModel: Bar Visibility

By default, a GanttChart displays a bar for each unique value of the Task variable. To hide one or more bars, call the setDrawBarVariable(Variable) method to specify a numeric variable whose values determine whether a bar is drawn for the current task. If the variable's value is 0, the bar is not drawn. For any other value, the bar is drawn

GanttChartTableDataModel: Connecting Lines

To show the precedence among tasks in a schedule, you can display connecting lines to represent the relationship between tasks and their successor tasks. The lines use arrow heads to point from the tasks to their successor tasks.

The following two steps are needed to display the connecting lines:

  1. Call GanttChartTableDataModel.setSuccessorVariable(Variable) to specify a variable whose values identify the successor tasks. Each of the values on the specified variable must match one of the values of the variable specified on the setTaskVariable() method.
  2. Use the GanttChartModel to get the chart's DateElementStyles, and then call DateElementStyles.getConnectingLineStyle() and set the returned LineStyle's VisibilityPolicy to true.

The following table shows schedule data for several tasks. The table header shows the variable names used for the data, and the rows show the data values.

Task EarlyStart LateStart EarlyFinish LateFinish SuccessorTask
Project Summary 01NOV 02NOV 09NOV 11NOV Determine Users
Manufacturer Demos 03NOV 05NOV 12NOV 12NOV Market Survey
Needs Assessment 06NOV 08NOV 07NOV 11NOV null
Market Survey 04NOV 06NOV 08NOV 11NOV Needs Assessment
Determine Users 02NOV 06NOV 07NOV 09NOV null

The following graph is generated when the SuccessorTask variable is used to set connecting lines, as shown by the code fragment.

// Assign the Successor variable role to the appropriate variable
   dataModel.setSuccessorVariable(new Variable("SuccessorTask"));

// Enable the connecting lines

Show Connecting Lines

GanttChartTableDataModel: Annotations

A GanttChartTableDataModel can set annotations on the Gantt chart to flag significant start or finish dates or other significant dates within the schedule. These milestone dates can be identified by marker symbols or labels. The symbols and labels must be defined in the data.

Data Source for Annotations

Annotation data for a Gantt chart can be stored in a GanttChartTableDataModel or in a GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel. Using a GanttChartTableDataModel may be preferred when you want to define all data together in a single model. However, the GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel is more flexible for defining multiple annotations for the same task.

By default, annotations that are defined in a GanttChartTableDataModel are displayed on the Gantt bar that represents the task for the current record. You can call setAnnotationTaskVariable() to specify alternative task bars for the annotation displays.

A GanttChartTableDataModel provides the following methods for setting the annotations on a chart:

Overrides the default placement for annotations, which is to display them on the Gantt bar that represents the task for the current record. Use this method to specify a variable whose values identify alternative task bars to use for displaying the annotations. Each of the values on the specified variable must match one of the values of the Task variable (the variable specified on the setTaskVariable() method).
Specifies an Integer variable whose values identify the annotation symbol to display. Valid symbols are listed in the MarkerStyle class.
Example value: MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_ASTERISK.
Specifies a String variable whose values identify the colors to use for the annotation symbols.
Example value: "white".
Specifies a String variable whose values identify the annotation label to display.
Example value: "tenuous date >>>".
Specifies a String variable whose values identify the colors to use for the annotation labels.
Example value: "white".
Specifies a String variable that identifies a relative location on the date axis. The location is based on a task's start or finish date. Accepts one of four enumeration values: ES, LS, EF, or LF. For details, see Positioning Annotations in the Chart.
Specifies a String variable that identifies a specific date on the date axis. For details, see Positioning Annotations in the Chart.

The following table shows schedule data for three tasks. The table header shows the variable names used for the data, and the rows show the data values.

Task EarlyStart EarlyFinish Symbol Label Position Color
Project Summary 01NOV 09NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_DIAMOND_FILLED null 03NOV blue
Determine Users 02NOV 07NOV null Goal 04NOV blue
Needs Assessment 04NOV 08NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_ASTERISK null 05NOV blue

By default, each symbol or label will be displayed on the bar that represents the Task variable. The Position variable specifies a date along the date axis for positioning the annotation, and the Color variable specifies a color for the annotation.

The following graph is generated when these variables are set in the GanttChartTableDataModel, as shown by the code fragment.

// Assign the annotation variable roles to the schedule data model
   dataModel.setAnnotationSymbolVariable(new Variable("Symbol"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationLabelVariable(new Variable("Label"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationPositionVariable(new Variable("Position", "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "Position"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(new Variable("Color"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationLabelColorVariable(new Variable("Color"));

To override the default placement of each annotation on the bar that represents the Task value, define a data variable that specifies an alternative Annotation Task value for displaying the annotation, and then specify that variable on the setAnnotationTaskVariable() method.

The following table adds a variable named AnnoTask to the data. The values of this new variable indicate which task should be used to display the annotations.

Task EarlyStart EarlyFinish Symbol Label Position Color AnnoTask
Project Summary 01NOV 09NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_DIAMOND_FILLED null 03NOV blue Project Summary
Determine Users 02NOV 07NOV null Goal 04NOV blue Determine Users
Needs Assessment 04NOV 08NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_ASTERISK null 05NOV blue Project Summary

The following graph is generated when these variables are set in the GanttChartTableDataModel, as shown by the code fragment.

// Assign the annotation variable roles to the data model
   dataModel.setAnnotationSymbolVariable(new Variable("Symbol"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationLabelVariable(new Variable("Label"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationPositionVariable(new Variable("Position", "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "Position"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationSymbolColorVariable(new Variable("Color"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationLabelColorVariable(new Variable("Color"));
   dataModel.setAnnotationTaskVariable(new Variable("AnnoTask"));

For greater flexibility in specifying annotations, separate the annotation data from the schedule data and use a GanttChartAnnotationTableDataModel to define the annotation data model.

Positioning Annotations in the Chart

A GanttChartTableDataModel provides two methods for positioning annotations along the date axis:

Bases the location of the annotation on the corresponding task's start or finish date. If the start or finish date changes, the annotation location changes with it. Accepts one of four enumeration values:
ES Set the annotation to the task's Early Start date
EF Set the annotation to the task's Early Finish date
LS Set the annotation to the task's Late Start date
LF Set the annotation to the task's Late Finish date
Sets an absolute position at a specified date. If the task's start or finish date changes, the annotation position is unaffected. This method is good for flagging holidays or other significant dates that are independent of the schedule dates. The method takes a single argument, which must be a valid Variable in the data; the variable's values must be valid date values. For a particular task, the date can be outside of the task's start to finish range.

The following table shows schedule data for two tasks. The table header shows the variable names used for the data, and the rows show the data values.

Task EarlyStart EarlyFinish Symbol Location Position Color
Project Summary 01NOV 09NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_DIAMOND_FILLED null 05NOV cyan
Needs Assessment 04NOV 08NOV MarkerStyle.SYMBOL_DIAMOND_FILLED ES null cyan

The following graph is generated when these variables are set in the GanttChartTableDataModel, as shown by the code fragment.

dataModel.setAnnotationLocationVariable(new Variable("Location"));
dataModel.setAnnotationPositionVariable(new Variable("Position", "DATE5.", "DATE5.", "Position"));

GanttChartTableDataModel: Data Tips

If you drag the mouse pointer over the bars in a Gantt chart, data tips are displayed to show the values that are represented by the bar under the current pointer position. By default, values are shown for all variables that are represented in the chart. You can append values to the data tips for variables that are not represented in the graph, or replace the default display.

To specify variables for the data tip display, call GanttChartTableDataModel.setDataTipVariable(Variable[]). The Variable[] array that is passed as the argument can list any variables that are defined in the data model, whether or not the specified variables are displayed in the chart.

The following code fragment specifies two variables for the data tip display:

// Create an array of variables to set in the data tip display
Variable dataTipVars[] = new Variable[2];
  dataTipVars[0] = new Variable("Task");
  dataTipVars[1] = new Variable("Duration");

// Set the variable array on the data tip display
GanttChartTableDataModel dataModel=
  new GanttChartTableDataModel(scheduleData);

By default, the variables specified on setDataTipVariable() are appended to the end of the default data tip display. To replace the default display with the list of variables in the Variable[] array,


GanttChartTableDataModel: Behavior

To generate a graph, a GanttChart needs a data column for the Task, EarlyStart, and EarlyFinish variable roles. These roles must be assigned in the program code, and must have valid values in the data.