Configuring COM/DCOM for Active Server Page Access
COM/DCOM ConfigurationTo configure a Windows Active Server Page (ASP) client running in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) for access to a Windows server using DCOM, you must perform two different types of configuration:
PermissionsUse dcomcnfg to configure the SAS.Workspace (SAS Version 9.1) application. To configure the DCOM or COM when using ASP, you must change access and launch permissions for the SAS.Workspace (SAS Version 9.1) application. Therefore, you should also familiarize yourself with Setting Permissions per Application on Windows NT/2000 or Setting Permissions per Application on Windows XP. If you are experienced with using IIS and DCOM and only need to know the permissions required for your setup, see the following table for details about these permissions.