SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Server Administrator's Guide

Overview of Domains
Implementing Authentication
Host Authentication
Trusted Authentication Mechanisms
Alternative Authentication Providers
Defining Users, Groups, and Logins on the SAS Metadata Server
Implementing Authentication and Authorization for Xythos WFS WebDAV
Implementing Encryption
Setting Up Additional Server Security
Planning the Workspace and Stored Process Server Security
Spawner Security
Scenario: Spawner and Load-Balancing
Pooling Security
Scenario: Pooling
Load Balancing Security
Scenario: Load-Balancing Across Two Machines
Implementing Security in Client Applications


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a person or process within the guidelines of a specific security policy. Authorization is the process of evaluating whether a particular authenticated identity has permission to perform a task (such as read or write) on a particular resource. To understand, plan for, and implement authentication and authorization for the Open Metadata Architecture, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.

In addition to the security features that are provided with the SAS Open Metadata Architecture, SAS Integration Technologies provides other authentication and authorization mechanisms. These additional features enable you to implement the appropriate security for your enterprise. SAS Integration Technologies security provides additional mechanisms for authenticating users of IOM servers against an LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory server, and for providing authorized access to IOM Bridge servers. (For COM server connections, SAS Integration Technologies utilizes Windows security features. For details, see Setting SAS Permissions on the Server (COM/DCOM) and Windows Client Security in the SAS Integration Technologies: Developer's Guide).

This section covers the following authentication and authorization topics: