
System Requirements
SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 15.3


To keep pace with changes to third-party technologies, SAS has adopted a general policy of supporting one or more baseline major versions and subsequent minor updates for each officially supported operating system. As part of this policy, SAS strongly encourages customers to install the latest operating-system service packs. Only the supported baseline major versions are listed in this document.

The full SAS Support policy governing third-party software can be found at

Server Tier Requirements

Base SAS and SAS/STAT must be installed on the server to supply SAS Enterprise Miner licenses. They are separately licensed.

SAS Enterprise Miner Server

Select a platform:

All server-tier machines require a minimum of 4 GB of memory plus 2 GB for each concurrent user.

SAS Enterprise Miner requires an instance of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is provided by SAS and installed by the SAS Deployment Wizard. For more information, see

SAS Metadata Server

Select a platform:

SAS makes the following recommendations for SAS Metadata Server deployments:

  • a 64-bit host system
  • a dedicated machine to simplify tuning, management, and diagnostics
  • multi-core server hardware because SAS Metadata Server is multi-threaded
  • four or more cores for production deployments

The disk I/O performance of any server-class system should be sufficient. Memory requirements are highly dependent on the product mix and usage, but 8 GB of RAM are sufficient for most large deployments. For many deployments, 4 GB of RAM are sufficient and should be considered a minimum, unless the specific deployment is tested and verified to require less memory.

Middle Tier Requirements

SAS Enterprise Miner Mid-Tier

Select a platform:

All middle-tier machines require a minimum of 8 GB of memory.

SAS Enterprise Miner requires an instance of the JRE on the middle tier, which is provided by SAS and installed by the SAS Deployment Wizard. For more information, see

Web Application Servers

When you install your SAS solution software, SAS Deployment Manager installs and configures the required web application servers and web servers.

To install these servers, select one of the supported operating systems for the middle tier.

Note: These servers cannot be installed on the z/OS or 32-bit Windows platforms.

Client Tier Requirements

Java Web Start is no longer supported for accessing SAS Enterprise Miner. Oracle support for Java Web Start ended 1 January 2021.

SAS Enterprise Miner Personal Client

Select a platform:

All client tier machines require a minimum of 4 GB of memory.

SAS Enterprise Miner requires an instance of the JRE on the client tier. This JRE instance is provided by SAS and is installed by the SAS Deployment Wizard. 

SAS Enterprise Miner Thin Clients

Select a platform:

The minimum memory requirement for SAS Enterprise Miner Thin Clients is 2 GB, but 4 GB are recommended.

Web Browsers

The list of web browsers that SAS supports is updated as new software is tested and approved. For the latest information, see

Third-Party Software

SAS software may be provided with certain third-party software, including but not limited to open-source software, which is licensed under its applicable third-party software license agreement. For license information about third-party software distributed with SAS software, refer to

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