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SAS System Options under Windows

SAS System Options under Windows

SAS system options control many aspects of your SAS session, including output destinations, the efficiency of program execution, and the attributes of SAS files and data libraries. System options can be specified various ways: in the SAS command, in a SAS configuration file, using PROC OPTLOAD or the DMOPTLOAD command (PROC OPTLOAD and the DMOPTLOAD command load options settings that were previously saved in a SAS data set). in an OPTIONS statement (either in a SAS program or in a SAS autoexec file), in the SAS System Options window, or in SCL programs. Summary of System Options for Windows gives specific information about where each SAS system option can be specified.

Once a system option is set, it affects all subsequent DATA and PROC steps in a program or SAS session until it is respecified. For example, the CENTER system option affects all subsequent output from a program, regardless of the number of steps in the program.

Some SAS system options have the same effect (and usually the same name) as data set or statement options. For example, the BUFSIZE system option is analogous to the BUFSIZE= data set option. In the case of overlapping options, SAS uses the following rules of precedence:

Restricted Options

Restricted options are system options whose values are determined by the site administrator. You cannot override restricted options. The following system options in the Windows environment are restricted. For more information about restricted options, see Restricted Options in the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.










List of System Options

The following SAS system options have details that are specific to the Windows operating environment:

ACCESSIBILITY System Option: Windows INITSTMT System Option: Windows SASCONTROL System Option: Windows
ALTLOG System Option: Windows INSERT System Option: Windows SASHELP System Option: Windows
ALTPRINT System Option: Windows JREOPTIONS System Option: Windows SASINITIALFOLDER System Option: Windows
APPEND System Option: Windows LINESIZE System Option: Windows SASUSER System Option: Windows
AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN System Option: Windows LOADMEMSIZE System Option: Windows SCROLLBARFLASH System Option: Windows
AUTHSERVER System Option: Windows LOG System Option: Windows SET System Option: Windows
AUTOEXEC System Option: Windows MAPS System Option: Windows SGIO System Option: Windows
AWSCONTROL System Option: Windows MAXMEMQUERY System Option: Windows SLEEPWINDOW System Option: Windows
AWSDEF System Option: Windows MEMBLKSZ System Option: Windows SORTANOM System Option: Windows
AWSMENU System Option: Windows MEMCACHE System Option: Windows SORTCUT System Option: Windows
AWSMENUMERGE System Option: Windows MEMLIB System Option: Windows SORTCUTP System Option: Windows
AWSTITLE System Option: Windows MEMMAXSZ System Option: Windows SORTDEV System Option: Windows
BUFNO System Option: Windows MEMSIZE System Option: Windows SORTNAME System Option: Windows
BUFSIZE System Option: Windows MSG System Option: Windows SORTPARM System Option: Windows
CATCACHE System Option: Windows MSGCASE System Option: Windows SORTPGM System Option: Windows
CLEANUP System Option: Windows MSYMTABMAX System Option: Windows SORTSIZE System Option: Windows
COMDEF System Option: Windows MVARSIZE System Option: Windows SPLASH System Option: Windows
CONFIG System Option: Windows NEWS System Option: Windows SPLASHLOC System Option: Windows
DEVICE System Option: Windows NUMKEYS System Option: Windows STIMEFMT System Option: Windows
ECHO System Option: Windows NUMMOUSEKEYS System Option: Windows STIMER System Option: Windows
EMAILDLG System Option: Windows OBS System Option: Windows SYSGUIFONT System Option: Windows
EMAILSYS System Option: Windows PAGENO System Option: Windows SYSIN System Option: Windows
ENGINE System Option: Windows PAGESIZE System Option: Windows SYSPARM System Option: Windows
ENHANCEDEDITOR System Option: Windows PAPERTYPE System Option: Windows SYSPRINT System Option: Windows
FILELOCKWAITMAX= System Option: Windows PATH System Option: Windows SYSPRINTFONT System Option: Windows
FILTERLIST System Option: Windows PFKEY System Option: Windows TOOLDEF System Option: Windows
FONT System Option: Windows PRINT System Option: Windows UPRINTMENUSWITCH System Option: Windows
FONTALIAS System Option: Windows PRTABORTDLGS System Option: Windows USER System Option: Windows
FONTSLOC System Option: Windows PRTPERSISTDEFAULT System Option: Windows USERICON System Option: Windows
FORMCHAR System Option: Windows PRTSETFORMS System Option: Windows VERBOSE System Option: Windows
FULLSTIMER System Option: Windows REALMEMSIZE System Option: Windows WEBUI System Option: Windows
HELPINDEX System Option: Windows REGISTER System Option: Windows WINDOWSMENU System Option: Windows
HELPLOC System Option: Windows RESOURCESLOC System Option: Windows WORK System Option: Windows
HELPREGISTER System Option: Windows RSASUSER System Option: Windows XCMD System Option: Windows
HELPTOC System Option: Windows RTRACE System Option: Windows XMIN System Option: Windows
HOSTPRINT System Option: Windows RTRACELOC System Option: Windows XSYNC System Option: Windows
ICON System Option: Windows SASAUTOS System Option: Windows XWAIT System Option: Windows

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