Like the BORDER option
in a GOPTIONS statement, the BORDER option in the PROC GSLIDE statement
draws a box around the graphics output area. However, the border generated
by the GSLIDE procedure remains in effect only for the duration of
the procedure.
Both BORDER options
use the color specified by the CTITLE= or CTEXT= graphics option if
either of these options is used; otherwise, the border color is the
color specified by the current style. If the NOGSTYLE option is specified,
then the color is the first color in the device's color list.
While the BORDER option
draws a box around the graphics output area, the FRAME option draws
a box or frame around the procedure output area. In this case, titles
and footnotes are outside of the frame. (See Overview for a description
of the procedure output area.) Use the FRAME option to draw a frame
in the default color, line type, and width. Otherwise, use one or
more of the CFRAME=, LFRAME=, or WFRAME= options.
can specify a colored frame with the CFRAME= option. Note that the
CFRAME= option does not fill the procedure output area with color.
However, you can use the CBACK= graphics option to provide a background
color for the graphics output area. You can specify the type of line
for the frame with the LFRAME= option and the width of the frame with
the WFRAME= option.
You can also use the
IFRAME= option to fill the background of your slide with an image.
If an image is specified, it completely fills the background of the
slide, obscuring any frame or border specifications.