GSLIDE Procedure


Creates a text slide. Can also provide a border, specify annotation, and assign an output catalog. This is the only statement in the procedure.


PROC GSLIDE <option(s)>;

Summary of Optional Arguments

Appearance options
specifies a data set that includes Annotate variables that identify graphics commands and parameters.
draws a border around the graphics output area, which includes the title area, the footnote area, and the procedure output area.
draws a frame around the procedure output area in the specified color.
draws a frame around the procedure output area.
specifies the image file that you want to apply to the procedure output area.
specifies whether to tile the image specified with the IFRAME= option to fill the backplane or to stretch the image to fit the backplane.
specifies the line type for a frame and draws a frame around the procedure output area.
specifies the width of the frame where n is a number.
Catalog options
specifies a description of the output.
specifies the SAS catalog in which to save the graphics output produced by the GSLIDE procedure.
specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry and the name of the graphics output file, if one is created.
Image map options
creates a temporary SAS data set that is used to generate an image map.

Optional Arguments

You can specify as many options as you want and list them in any order.

specifies a data set that includes Annotate variables that identify graphics commands and parameters.
draws a border around the graphics output area, which includes the title area, the footnote area, and the procedure output area. A color specification for the border is searched for in the following order:
  1. the CTITLE= option in a GOPTIONS statement.
  2. the CTEXT= option in a GOPTIONS statement.
  3. the color of the current style. If the NOGSTYLE option is specified, then the color is the first color in the device's color list
draws a frame around the procedure output area in the specified color. If you use both the CFRAME= and FRAME options, the FRAME option is ignored. If you use the IFRAME= option, the specified image fills the background of the slide.
Note:The CFRAME= option does not color the background of the slide.
specifies a description of the output. The maximum length for description is 256 characters. The description does not appear in the output. The descriptive text is shown in each of the following:
  • the chart description for Web output (depending on the device driver you are using). See Chart Descriptions for Web Presentations for more information.
  • the Table of Contents that is generated when you use CONTENTS= on an ODS HTML statement, assuming the output is generated while the contents page is open.
  • the description and the properties for the output in the Results window.
  • the description and properties for the catalog entry in the Explorer.
  • the Description field of the PROC GREPLAY window.
Default:Graphics text slide
draws a frame around the procedure output area. By default, the frame color is the color of the current style; if the NOGSTYLE option is specified, then the color is the first color in the device's color list. If you want to specify a different color for the frame, use the CFRAME= option instead. The FRAME option is overridden by the IFRAME= option, which fills the backplane frame with an image.
specifies the SAS catalog in which to save the graphics output produced by the GSLIDE procedure. If you omit the libref, SAS/GRAPH looks for the catalog in the temporary library called WORK and creates the catalog if it does not exist.
IFRAME=fileref | 'external-file'
specifies the image file that you want to apply to the procedure output area. See also the IMAGESTYLE= option. The IFRAME= option is overridden by the NOIMAGEPRINT goption.
IMAGEMAP= output-data-set
creates a temporary SAS data set that is used to generate an image map in an SVG file when you are sending output to the LISTING destination. (This option is not necessary when you are sending output to the HTML destination.) The drill-down URLs in the image map must be provided by variables in the input data set. These variables are identified to the procedure with the HTML= and HTML_LEGEND= options.
specifies whether to tile the image specified with the IFRAME= option to fill the backplane or to stretch the image to fit the backplane. The TILE value is the default. See also the IFRAME= option.
specifies the line type for a frame and draws a frame around the procedure output area. Values for line-type are 1 through 46. Line types are shown in Line Types. By default, the line type is specified by the current style. LFRAME=1, which produces a solid line, is the default.
specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry and the name of the graphics output file, if one is created. The name can be up to 256 characters long, but the GRSEG name is truncated to eight characters. Uppercase characters are converted to lowercase, and periods are converted to underscores. The default GRSEG name is GSLIDE. If the name duplicates an existing name, then SAS/GRAPH adds a number to the name to create a unique name–for example, GSLIDE1. If the name specified is exactly eight characters long, the last character of the image output file is replaced with a number–for example, myimages is changed to myimage1.
specifies the width of the frame where n is a number. The thickness of the frame increases directly with n, but the thickness of the line can vary from device to device. By default, the line width is specified by the current style. WFRAME=1, which is the thinnest line, is the default. The WFRAME= option also draws the frame.


Adding Frames, Borders, and Images

Like the BORDER option in a GOPTIONS statement, the BORDER option in the PROC GSLIDE statement draws a box around the graphics output area. However, the border generated by the GSLIDE procedure remains in effect only for the duration of the procedure.
Both BORDER options use the color specified by the CTITLE= or CTEXT= graphics option if either of these options is used; otherwise, the border color is the color specified by the current style. If the NOGSTYLE option is specified, then the color is the first color in the device's color list.
While the BORDER option draws a box around the graphics output area, the FRAME option draws a box or frame around the procedure output area. In this case, titles and footnotes are outside of the frame. (See Overview for a description of the procedure output area.) Use the FRAME option to draw a frame in the default color, line type, and width. Otherwise, use one or more of the CFRAME=, LFRAME=, or WFRAME= options.
You can specify a colored frame with the CFRAME= option. Note that the CFRAME= option does not fill the procedure output area with color. However, you can use the CBACK= graphics option to provide a background color for the graphics output area. You can specify the type of line for the frame with the LFRAME= option and the width of the frame with the WFRAME= option.
You can also use the IFRAME= option to fill the background of your slide with an image. If an image is specified, it completely fills the background of the slide, obscuring any frame or border specifications.

Using Data-Dependent Coordinates

If you use the GSLIDE procedure with Annotate data sets that contain data-dependent coordinates, the resulting coordinate values can exceed the range of the graphics output area. The range is 0 to 100. Some of the output might not be displayed. In this case, use the GANNO procedure, which can scale the output to fit the available space. See also GANNO Procedure for details.

Using RUN Groups

Although the GSLIDE procedure has no action statements, it can use RUN-group processing. This displays all currently defined titles, footnotes, notes, and specified annotation, each time you submit a RUN statement. TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements that are defined while the GSLIDE procedure is active remain in effect after the procedure ends. NOTE definitions remain in effect until the GSLIDE procedure ends, at which time they are canceled. To cancel NOTE definitions while the procedure is active, specify RESET=NOTE in a GOPTIONS statement or submit a null NOTE statement. See RUN-Group Processing for details.