Summary of Optional Arguments
Appearance options
specifies a data set to annotate all graphs that
are produced by the GPLOT procedure.
specifies the color for the axis line and all major
and minor tick marks.
fills the axis area with the specified color.
specifies the color of the outline that is drawn
around filled areas.
specifies a color for all text on the axes and legend,
including axis labels, tick mark values, legend labels, and legend
value descriptions.
specifies whether a
line is drawn around the axis area.
specifies that reference lines drawn by the AUTOREF
or REF= options should be drawn in front of the bars.
suppresses the axes, including axis lines, axis
labels, all major and minor tick marks, and tick mark values.
ODS options
the variable in the input data set whose values create links.
the variable in the input data set whose values create links or data
tips or both.
Plot options
fills all the areas below plot line n with
a pattern.
draws reference lines at all major tick marks on
both axes.
generates a legend or specifies the legend to use
for the plot.
removes the last area of a plot when the value specified
by the AREAS= option exceeds the number of bounded areas in the plot.
suppresses the legend that is generated by a plot
request of the type y-variable*x-variable=third-variable.
places all the plots that are generated by the PLOT
statement on one set of axes.
displays the regression equation that is specified
in the INTERPOL= option of the SYMBOL statement in the lower left
corner of the plot.
breaks a plot line or an area fill at occurrences
of missing values of the Y variable.
Vertical axis options
draws reference lines at all of the major tick marks
on the vertical axis.
specifies the color of reference lines drawn at
major tick marks on the vertical axis, as determined by the AUTOVREF
specifies the color of reference lines drawn perpendicular
to the vertical axis.
specifies a line type for reference lines drawn
at major tick marks on the vertical axis, as specified by the AUTOVREF
specifies the type of reference lines drawn with
the AUTOVREF, VREF, and GRID options.
specifies the major tick mark values for the vertical
axis or assigns an axis definition.
specifies the number of minor tick marks that are
drawn between each major tick mark on the vertical axis.
draws one or more reference lines perpendicular
to the vertical axis at specified points.
specifies that the order of the values on the vertical
axis be reversed.
specifies that tick marks on the vertical axis begin
in the first position with a zero.
specifies the line width for all reference lines
at major tick marks on the vertical axis as determined by the AUTOVREF
specifies line widths for reference lines as determined
by the vertical axis.