GPLOT Procedure

Example 10: Creating Plots with Drill-down Functionality for the Web

PLOT statement options:
ODS HTML statement:
Other features:

GOPTIONS statement option: BORDER

BY statement

GOPTIONS statement

Sample library member: GPLDRIL1
This example shows how to create a plot with simple drill-down functionality for the Web. If you display the plot in a Web browser, you can select any plot point or legend symbol to display a report on monthly temperatures for the selected city.
The example explains how to use an ODS statement such as ODS HTML to generate a graph with drill-down links. It shows how to do the following actions:
  • explicitly name the HTML files and direct the different types of output to different files
  • use BY-group processing with ODS, and determine the anchor names for the different pieces of output
  • use the PATH= option to specify the destination for the HTML and GIF files created by the ODS statement
  • add an HTML HREF string to a data set to define a link target
  • assign link targets with the HTML= and HTML_LEGEND= procedure options
  • suppress the titles in the GIF files and display them in the HTML file
For more information about drill-down graphs, see Adding Links and Enhancements with the URL=, HTML=, and HTML_LEGEND= Options.
This program modifies the code from sample GPLVRBL2, which shows how to generate separate plots for the formatted values of a classification variable. In this example, the code implements drill-down capability for the plot, enabling you to select any plot point or legend symbol to drill down to a report on the yearly temperatures for the corresponding city. The first figure shows the drill-down plot as it is viewed in a browser.
The second figure shows the report that appears when you select any plot point or legend symbol that corresponds to the data for Raleigh.
Drill-Down Plot
Drill-Down Report


filename odsout  "C:\";
goptions reset=all border device=gif;
ods html path=odsout
data citytemp;
   input  Month Fahrenheit City $ @@;
   1      40.5    Raleigh     1      12.2    Minn
   1      52.1    Phoenix     2      42.2    Raleigh
   2      16.5    Minn        2      55.1    Phoenix
   3      49.2    Raleigh     3      28.3    Minn
   3      59.7    Phoenix     4      59.5    Raleigh
   4      45.1    Minn        4      67.7    Phoenix
   5      67.4    Raleigh     5      57.1    Minn
   5      76.3    Phoenix     6      74.4    Raleigh
   6      66.9    Minn        6      84.6    Phoenix
   7      77.5    Raleigh     7      71.9    Minn
   7      91.2    Phoenix     8      76.5    Raleigh
   8      70.2    Minn        8      89.1    Phoenix
   9      70.6    Raleigh     9      60.0    Minn
   9      83.8    Phoenix    10      60.2    Raleigh
  10      50.0    Minn       10      72.2    Phoenix
  11      50.0    Raleigh    11      32.4    Minn
  11      59.8    Phoenix    12      41.2    Raleigh
  12      18.6    Minn       12      52.5    Phoenix
data newtemp;
   set citytemp;
   length citydrill $ 40;
        if city="Minn" then
   else if city="Phoenix" then
   else if city="Raleigh" then
title1 "Average Monthly Temperature";
footnote1 j=l " Click a data point or legend symbol";

symbol1 interpol=join
proc gplot data=newtemp;
   plot fahrenheit*month=city / hminor=0
 ods html path=odsout
proc sort data=newtemp;
   by city month;
goptions reset=footnote;
option nobyline;
title1 "Monthly Temperatures in #byval(city)";
proc report data=newtemp nowindows;
  by city;
  column city month fahrenheit;
  define city       / noprint group;
  define month      / group;
  define Fahrenheit / group;

Program Description

Define graphics output location.
filename odsout  "C:\";
Set the graphics environment.
goptions reset=all border device=gif;
Open an HTML output file in ODS.
ods html path=odsout
Create the data set CITYTEMP. CITYTEMP contains the average monthly temperatures for three cities.
data citytemp;
   input  Month Fahrenheit City $ @@;
   1      40.5    Raleigh     1      12.2    Minn
   1      52.1    Phoenix     2      42.2    Raleigh
   2      16.5    Minn        2      55.1    Phoenix
   3      49.2    Raleigh     3      28.3    Minn
   3      59.7    Phoenix     4      59.5    Raleigh
   4      45.1    Minn        4      67.7    Phoenix
   5      67.4    Raleigh     5      57.1    Minn
   5      76.3    Phoenix     6      74.4    Raleigh
   6      66.9    Minn        6      84.6    Phoenix
   7      77.5    Raleigh     7      71.9    Minn
   7      91.2    Phoenix     8      76.5    Raleigh
   8      70.2    Minn        8      89.1    Phoenix
   9      70.6    Raleigh     9      60.0    Minn
   9      83.8    Phoenix    10      60.2    Raleigh
  10      50.0    Minn       10      72.2    Phoenix
  11      50.0    Raleigh    11      32.4    Minn
  11      59.8    Phoenix    12      41.2    Raleigh
  12      18.6    Minn       12      52.5    Phoenix
Add the HTML variable to CITYTEMP and create the NEWTEMP data set. The HTML variable CITYDRILL contains the target locations to associate with the different values of the variable CITY. Each location for CITYDRILL references the file city_reports.html, which this program will create. Each location ends with the default anchor name (IDX1, IDX2, and IDX3) that ODS assigns to the target output when it creates that output in file city_reports.html.
data newtemp;
   set citytemp;
   length citydrill $ 40;
        if city="Minn" then
   else if city="Phoenix" then
   else if city="Raleigh" then
Define a title and footnote and a symbol definition for the plots.
title1 "Average Monthly Temperature";
footnote1 j=l " Click a data point or legend symbol";

symbol1 interpol=join
Generate the plot. Both HTML= and HTML_LEGEND= specify CITYDRILL as the variable that contains the targets for the drill-down links. The HTML= option determines that each plot point will be a hot zone that links to target output, and the HTML_LEGEND= option determines that the legend symbols will be hot zones that link to target output. This GPLOT procedure generates the first piece of output in this program. Thus, the plot receives the first default anchor name, which is IDX.
proc gplot data=newtemp;
   plot fahrenheit*month=city / hminor=0
Change the HTML file.The BODY= option opens a new HTML file for storing the reports for city temperatures. The new file is assigned the name city_reports.html, which is the filename assigned above to variable CITYDRILL as part of its target-link locations. The reports that are generated later in this program are all written to this one HTML file.
 ods html path=odsout
Sort data set NEWTEMP in order by city.
proc sort data=newtemp;
   by city month;
Clear the footnotes, and suppress the default BY line.
goptions reset=footnote;
option nobyline;
Print a report of monthly temperatures for each city. The BY statement determines that a separate report is generated for each city. Thus, the REPORT procedure generates three pieces of output. To assign anchor locations to this new output, ODS increments the last anchor name that was used (IDX) and therefore assigns the anchor names IDX1, IDX2, and IDX3 to the output. These are the anchor locations that were specified above as the anchor locations for variable CITYDRILL.
title1 "Monthly Temperatures in #byval(city)";
proc report data=newtemp nowindows;
  by city;
  column city month fahrenheit;
  define city       / noprint group;
  define month      / group;
  define Fahrenheit / group;