In some cases, you might
want to modify the list of variables in the data set. The example
below shows how to
eliminate the default SERVICE variable
make the PROGRAM variable larger
in size
and add two new variables, EMPNO
and EMPDEPT (input values used by applications that run in this service).
First, create a default
data set using the following code:
proc appsrv port=0;
statistics create=work.stdstat;
This command creates
the data set called STDSTAT in the WORK library, and writes the default
list of variables to it. Next, use a DATA step to create a modified
data set, as follows:
libname statlib 'path-to-library';
data statlib.stats;
/* change program length to 40 - you must change var defns before
anything else */
length program $40;
/* start with the default data set */
set work.stdstat;
/* set up EMPNO and EMPDEPT variables */
attrib empno length=$8 label='Employee Number';
attrib empdept length=$32 label='Employee Department';
/* drop service */
drop service;
/* do not select any observations (there are none) from the previous
data set */
set now contains the desired variables. Modify your file
to save statistics to this data set, as follows:
proc appsrv ...;
allocate library statlib 'path-to-library';
statistics data=statlib.stats;