APPSRV Procedure


PROC APPSRV PORT=n <options>;
ADMINLIBS libref-1 | libref-1.catalog-1 | fileref-1 <...libref-n | libref-n.catalog-n | fileref-n>;
ALLOCATE FILE fileref <device-type> 'directory-or-PDS-path' <host-options>;
ALLOCATE LIBRARY libref <engine> 'SAS-data-library' <options>;
DATALIBS libref-1 | fileref-1 <...libref-n | fileref-n>;
<FILE=fileref> <APPEND | REPLACE>;
PROGLIBS libref-1 | libref-1.catalog-1 | fileref-1 <...libref-n | libref-n.catalog-n | fileref-n>;
REQUEST <INIT=program-name> <TERM=program-name> <LOGIN=program-name>
<TIMEOUT=seconds> <MAXTIMEOUT=seconds> <READ=seconds>
<FROMADR=("IP-address-1" <..."IP-address-n">)>;
SESSION <INIT=program-name> <INVSESS=program-name> <TERM=program-name>
<TIMEOUT=seconds> <MAXTIMEOUT=seconds> <VERIFY=(variable-1<...variable-n>)>;
STATISTICS CREATE=library.dataset <(data-set-options)>;
STATISTICS DATA=library.dataset <(data-set-options)> <ADDPORT> <EXITONERROR>
<TEMPLATE=library.dataset<(data-set-options)>> <WRITECOUNT=n> <WRITEEVERY=n>;

Table of Procedure Tasks

Statement Task
PROC APPSRV Statement Invokes the Application Server
ADMINLIBS Statement Declare which libraries, filerefs, and catalogs contain programs that can be run by an administrator using the _ADMINPW password
ALLOCATE FILE Statement Define a file that the Application Server assigns
ALLOCATE LIBRARY Statement Define a library that the Application Server assigns
DATALIBS Statement Define librefs and filerefs that are available to all programs that are run by the Application Server
LOG Statement Control content and behavior of the Application Server log
PROGLIBS Statement Declare which libraries, filerefs, and catalogs contain programs that can be run on the Application Server
REQUEST Statement Control how a request is processed by the Application Server
SESSION Statement Control how a session is administered by the Application Server
STATISTICS Statement Control writing of request statistics to a data set