Summary of Optional Arguments
specifies the server administration password.
specifies a quoted string of parameters that are
passed when invoking SAS/AF to run SCL programs.
enables the Application Server to go into background
specifies the authentication scheme.
appends the specified character set name to the
HTTP content-type header for any text output.
specifies the default character-set encoding for
all data sent to and received from the Application Broker.
specifies the password to use for guest access.
specifies the user name to use for guest access.
specifies a manual override for GETSOCKNAME.
specifies the logical record length for _WEBOUT
and _GRPHOUT filerefs.
specifies the buffer size in kilobytes (KB) for
_WEBOUT and _GRPHOUT output buffering.
disables any special content-type processing and
revert to existing SBCS behavior.
disables polling of the SAS/SHARE server librefs.
specifies the maximum number of requests that can
execute concurrently.
controls the period of SAS/SHARE server libref polling.
specifies an optional list of characters that when
used, enhances security by compressing name/value pairs.