Stephen J. Tonna

Stephen J. Tonna is a senior banking solutions advisor at SAS. He is a PhD-trained professional with 10 years of statistical, scientific, and industry experience. The passion to discover practical ways to use artificial intelligence and associated methodologies like machine learning and deep learning as transformation tools is one reason that gets him up in the morning! At SAS, Stephen advises with specialized expertise in risk in the main areas of credit scoring and decisioning, model risk management, and how these and many other offerings can be used to realize risk transformation in the cloud. He thoroughly enjoys complex change management projects and finds it exciting to instill thought leadership to effect digital change and discover unrealized areas of process improvement. Stephen lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife, Nini, and son, Sebastian James.

By This Author

Stephen J. Tonna | SAS Support

Risk Modeling: Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

A wide-ranging overview of the use of machine learning and AI techniques in financial risk management, including practical advice for implementation

Risk Modeling: Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning introduces readers to the use of innovative AI technologies for forecasting and evaluating financial risks. Providing up-to-date coverage of the practical application of current modeling techniques in risk management, this real-world guide also explores new opportunities and challenges associated with implementing machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into the risk management process.