The HPPANEL statement invokes the HPPANEL procedure.
You can specify the following options:
names the input data set. Only one observation is allowed for each cross section and time period. If you omit the DATA= option,
PROC HPPANEL uses the most recently created SAS data set.
prints the matrix of estimated correlations between the parameter estimates.
prints the matrix of estimated covariances between the parameter estimates.
suppresses the normal printed output.
names an output data set to contain the parameter estimates. When the OUTEST= option is not specified, the OUTEST= data set
is not created. For more information about the structure of the OUTEST= data set, see the section OUTEST= Data Set.
writes the standard errors and covariance matrix of the parameter estimates to the OUTEST= data set. For more information,
see the section OUTEST= Data Set.
writes the correlation matrix of the parameter estimates to the OUTEST= data set. For more information, see the section OUTEST= Data Set.
In addition, you can specify any of the following MODEL statement options in the PROC HPPANEL statement: FIXONE, FIXONETIME,
FIXTWO, RANONE, RANTWO, NOINT, PRINTFIXED, and VCOMP=. Specifying these options in the PROC HPPANEL statement is equivalent
to specifying them in the MODEL statement. For a complete description of each of these options, see the section MODEL Statement.