Uses of Class

Packages that use MetadataException Provides an API that enables an application to present information in business terms rather than database schema terms and to create queries to retrieve the underlying physical data. Classes in the package are used to easily build up complex Intelligent Query objects. Provides utility classes for getting information about data selections. Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. Top-level package for SAS Query Services's three models, the business model, physical model, and expression model, which are all used in defining information maps and data selections. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to data items and business queries to modify the results of a query. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to relational data items in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes used to define OLAP expressions usable within a business model for defining portions of an OLAP business query. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. Provides specific information (via a ServerProperties object) about the capabilities of the server, such as operators and recognized functions. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
          Build and return and Intelligent Query object, based on parameters supplied to the Builder implementation.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and to be cleared totaling types.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Clears the totaling lists for the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.clearTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Clear the data items for the given totaling type.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.disable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Disable the totaling type for the items given.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and disabled totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.disableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a disabled totaling for the given totaling type.
 DisabledTotalsBuilder DisabledTotalsBuilder.enable(TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Enable the totaling type for the items given.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableByDataItem(BusinessQuery businessQuery, java.util.Map<DataItem,java.util.Set<TotalingType>> mapping)
          Directly updates the business query with the mapping of data items and enabled totaling types.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.enableTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, DataItem... dataItems)
          Set the data items to have a enabled totaling for the given totaling type.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.persistGroups(BusinessQuery businessQuery, boolean persistGroups)
          turns on persistence of active groups for this query.
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.removeTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          version of the above remove() that acts directly on the business query
static java.util.List<DataItem> DisabledTotalsBuilder.removeTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType)
          Removes the disabled totaling for the totaling type from the business query.
static void DisabledTotalsBuilder.setQueryTotaling(BusinessQuery businessQuery, TotalingType totalingType, Role role)
          turns on totaling for the specified totaling type and role

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
 void GroupedFilterDataProvider.refresh(FilterItem activeFilter)
          Filter selections are cumulative, so each selection determines values available in each of the other selection lists.
 void GroupedFilterDataProvider.reset()
          Resets the original full list of included, excluded, and selected items.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
static java.lang.String DataRetrievalUtil.generateFormat(DataItem di)
          Generates a format that will work for the data item based on the data item's expression, aggregation type, and usage.
 void IQDataServices.verify( join)
          Verify a Join if it can be used in a Query.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getBIPTreeRootFolder( session, java.lang.String reposName)
          Returns the BIP Tree's root folder in the given repository
 InformationMap IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getInformationMap( session, BriefInformationMap briefMap)
          Deprecated. use InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap(, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface,
 InformationMap IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getInformationMap( session, pathToMap)
          Deprecated. use InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap(, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getMetadataInterface( session, pathToMap)
          Returns the MetadataInterface object with the specified context (repository, rootFolder and path).
 ServerProperties IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getPropertiesForServer( session, server)
          Returns the ServerProperties defined for the type of the given server or null if none defined for the given type of server.
 ServerProperties IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getPropertiesForServer( session, java.lang.String id)
          Returns the ServerProperties defined for given id or null if none defined for the given id.
 java.util.List<> IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getSchemas( session, java.lang.String reposName, java.lang.Class<?> schemaType)
          Returns a list of Schema objects of the specified type contained in the metadata server the user (for the session given) is authenticated against. IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getSchemaWithLabel( session, java.lang.String reposName, java.lang.Class<?> schemaType, java.lang.String schemaLabel)
          Returns the schema in the specified repository of the given label and type, or null if no matching schema was found.
 java.util.List IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getSoftwareServers( session, java.util.List serverTypes)
          Returns a list of SoftwareServer objects of the specified type contained in the metadata server used to authenticate the user associated with the given session.
 java.util.List IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getSoftwareServers( session, java.lang.String reposName, java.util.List serverTypes)
          Deprecated. use IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.getSoftwareServers(SessionContextInterface, List)
 boolean IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.isRepositoryWritable( session, java.lang.String reposName)
          Returns whether the user associated with the given SessionContextInterface has write access to the named repository
 InformationMap IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.newInformationMap( session)
          Creates and returns a brand new empty InformationMap object.
 InformationMap IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface.newInformationMap( session, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a new InformationMap object with the associated locale
static IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceFactory.newService()
          Returns a new service.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup businessGroup)
          Adds a business group to the list of business groups in this business model.
 void MapFolder.addBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Adds the specified item to this MapFolder and removes it from any MapFolder it was contained in.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessItem(BusinessItem businessItem)
          Adds the specified BusinessItem to this business model.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessItem(int index, BusinessItem businessItem)
          Adds a business item at the specified index in the list of business items within this business model.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessRule(BusinessRule rule)
          Adds a business rule to the end of the list of business rules in this business model.
 void BusinessModel.addBusinessRule(int index, BusinessRule rule)
          Adds a business rule at the specified index in the list of business rules in this business model and all business rules in the list at that index or after are moved to the right by 1 index.
 void BusinessModel.addDataSource( dataSource)
          Adds a data source to the end of the list of data sources defined in this model.
 void BusinessModel.addDataSource(int index, dataSource)
          Adds a data source at the specified index in the list of data sources in this business model and all data sources in the list at that index or after are moved to the right by 1 index.
 void BusinessQuery.addResultItem(DataItem dataItem, Role role)
          Adds a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list).
 void BusinessQuery.addResultItems(java.util.List<? extends DataItem> dataItems, Role role)
          Adds a list of data items with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list).
 void DataItem.addStep(StepInterface step)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps.
 void BusinessQuery.addStep(StepInterface step, Role stepRole)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 ModelVersion Model.computeModelVersion()
          Deprecated. use the save options on the, String, Map) method
 boolean ExportDataSource.containsColumn( toColumn)
          returns true if a qualified column is a column in the exported data source.
 DataSelection DataSelection.copy()
          Creates and returns a copy of this data selection.
 void Governing.copy(BusinessModelObject input)
          The state of the input object is persisted in this object (a governing object in this case), that is, the fields of the input object are copied to the fields of this object.
 java.util.Map<,> MapFolder.copyFolderItems(java.util.List<> listOfFolderItemsToCopy)
          Copies the list of FolderItems to this folder.
 X ExportObjectFactoryInterface.createObject(java.lang.String useUniqueExportName, U objectToExport, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Create a new instance of the export object supported by this factory. Export.createTableDataSelection(DataSelection selection, strategy)
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> MapFolder.deleteBusinessItem(BusinessItem item)
          Removes the specified item from this folder and deletes the item from the underlying BusinessModel.
 java.util.List<X> discoveryType, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover all of the export objects using the options as needed by the factory.
 java.util.List<U> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.discoverUnderlyingObjects(ExportDiscoveryType discoveryType, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover all of the underlying objects using the options as needed by the factory.
 java.util.List<U> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.find(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Class<U> cls, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover a subset of the objects associated using the options as needed by the factory where the export objects have a unique name in the lookup list.
 java.util.List<X> ExportObjectFactoryInterface.find(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Discover a subset of the export objects associated using the options as needed by the factory where the export objects have a unique name in the lookup list.
 java.lang.String Export.generate()
          This method generates the ResultSet/Export code and returns a String containing the generated code.
 java.lang.String Export.generate(java.lang.String tableName)
          This method generates the ResultSet/Export code based on a caller-defined tableName and returns a String containing the generated code.
 Function ExportColumn.getAggregationType()
          Returns the default aggregation type, the pre-aggregation type, or null if the column is a category (group by) column.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> InformationMap.getAttributes()
          Returns this object's attributes.
 java.util.List<> ExportOlapMetadata.getAvailableDimensions(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Get the raw dimension underlying objects available as specified in the list of unique export dimension names, or everything if list is null.
 java.util.List<> ExportOlapMetadata.getAvailableHierarchies(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Get the raw hierarchy underlying objects available as specified in the list of unique export hierarchy names, or everything if list is null.
 java.util.List<> ExportOlapMetadata.getAvailableLevels(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Get the raw level underlying objects available as specified in the list of unique export level names, or everything if list is null.
 java.util.List<> ExportOlapMetadata.getAvailableMembers(java.util.List<java.lang.String> list, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Get the raw member underlying objects available as specified in the list of unique export member names, or everything if list is null.
 java.util.List<> BusinessModel.getAvailableStoredProcesses()
          Returns a list of non-hidden stored processes that can be attached to this business model.
 java.util.List<> BusinessModel.getAvailableStoredProcesses(boolean includeHidden)
          Returns a list of stored processes that can be attached to this business model.
 BriefInformationMap InformationMap.getBriefMap()
          Returns the BriefInformationMap this object was created from or last saved as.
 BusinessItem BusinessModel.getBusinessItemByID(java.lang.String ID)
          Returns the business item with the specified ID.
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> BusinessModel.getBusinessItemsNotInMapFolders()
          Returns a list of business items that are contained within this business model but that are not contained within an business model folder accessible via the root folder.
 BusinessRule BusinessModel.getBusinessRuleByID(java.lang.String ID)
          Returns the business rule with the specified ID.
 CascadeRuleSet BusinessQuery.getCascadeRuleSet()
          Returns a CascadeRuleSet objects that describe the cascades needed if this business query were to be run at this time.
 java.util.List<ChangeHistoryItem> InformationMap.getChangeHistory()
          Returns a list of ChangeHistoryItem objects associated with this InformationMap
 int ExportMember.getChildrenCardinality()
 java.util.List<ExportMember> ExportMember.getChildrenMembers()
          Returns the Levels for this Hierarchy
 ExportColumn ExportLevel.getColumn()
          returns the export column object that contains the values of this level used to build members.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportColumnGroup.getColumns()
          columns making up the group.
 DataSelection ExportGeneralMetadata.getDataSelection()
          DataSelection behind an Export or Upload metadata. BusinessModel.getDataSourceByID(java.lang.String ID)
          Returns the data source with the specified ID.
 java.lang.String ExportColumnGroup.ExportGroupType.getDescription(java.lang.Object obj)
          retuns the Description for the given underly object of this column group type.
 java.util.List<> BusinessQuery.getEffectiveDataSources()
          Returns a list of DataSource objects that would be used if this business query were to be run at this time.
 java.util.List<> BusinessQuery.getEffectiveJoinPath()
          Returns a list of Join objects (both explicit and implicit) that would be used if this business query were to be run at this time.
 ExportColumn ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns a export column for the underlyting data item specified.
 ExportColumn ExportMetadata.getExportColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns a export column for the underlyting data item specified.
 java.util.List<ExportColumnGroup> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumnGroups()
          The column groups for this export.
 java.util.List<ExportColumnGroup> ExportMetadata.getExportColumnGroups()
          The column groups for this export.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumnsAvailable()
          Returns the exportColumns in available for use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportMetadata.getExportColumnsAvailable()
          Returns the exportColumns in available for use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportColumnsUsed()
          Returns the exportColumns in use in the export definition.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportMetadata.getExportColumnsUsed()
          Returns the exportColumns in use in the export definition.
 ExportDataSource ExportGeneralMetadata.getExportDataSource( dataSource, java.lang.Object... createOptions)
          gets a exported data source by it's underlying object
 java.util.List<ExportDataSource> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportDataSourcesUsed()
          Returns the DataSources associated with this DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportDataSource> ExportMetadata.getExportDataSourcesUsed()
          Returns the DataSources associated with this DataSelection
 ExportDimension ExportOlapMetadata.getExportDimension( dimension, java.lang.Object... createOptions)
          Get or create the export object for specific dimension.
 java.util.List<ExportDimension> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportDimensionsAvailable()
          Return the Dimensions associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportFiltersAvailable()
          all filters from model level, ie., from map and DS.
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportMetadata.getExportFiltersAvailable()
          all filters from model level, ie., from map and DS.
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportFiltersSelected()
          only filters selected by the model for use.
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportMetadata.getExportFiltersSelected()
          only filters selected by the model for use.
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportSelectionMetadata.getExportFiltersUsed()
          Only filters from DS, or query being exported.
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportMetadata.getExportFiltersUsed()
          Only filters from DS, or query being exported.
 java.util.List<ExportHierarchy> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportHierarchies(java.util.List<> hierarchies, java.lang.Object... createOptions)
          Get or create the export objects for specific hierarchies.
 java.util.List<ExportHierarchy> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportHierarchiesAvailable()
          Return the Hierarchies associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportRelationalMetadata.getExportJoinsUsed()
          Return the Joins associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportLevel> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportLevels(java.util.List<> levels, java.lang.Object... createOptions)
          Get or create the export objects for specific levels.
 java.util.List<ExportLevel> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportLevelsAvailable()
          Return the Levels associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportMember> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportMembers(java.util.List<> members, java.lang.Object... createOptions)
          Get or create the export objects for specific members.
 java.util.List<ExportMember> ExportOlapMetadata.getExportMembersAvailable()
          Return the Members associated with this Map or DataSelection
 ExportSelectionMetadata Export.getExportMetadata()
          The metadata to be exported (ie the metadata about what is to be exported).
 int ExportMember.getExpressionType()
 int ExportLevel.getExpressionType()
 java.lang.String ExportColumn.getFormat()
          Returns the format of the column
 ExportDataSource ExportJoin.getFromTable()
          returns the ExportDataSourceInterface that the join is going from.
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getGroupFormatting()
          returns the formatting action type to use for grouping
 ExportColumnGroup.ExportGroupType ExportColumnGroup.getGroupType()
          returns ROLE if the columns in the group represent columns on a common role or HIERARCHY if the columns in the group are part of a hierarchy.
 java.util.List<ExportHierarchy> ExportDimension.getHierarchies()
          Returns the exported hierarchies for this exported dimension.
 java.lang.String ExportObject.getID()
          Returns the Model ID if this is a business model item or the physical resource name is a business model resource.
 java.lang.String ExportColumnGroup.ExportGroupType.getID(java.lang.Object obj)
          returns the ID for the given underlying object object of this column group type.
 java.util.List<Prompt> InformationMap.getIdentityDrivenPropertyPrompts()
          Returns a list of prompts representing the identity-driven properties.
 BusinessItem MapFolder.getItem(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class itemClass)
          Deprecated. This method is not supported -- do not use.
 java.util.List<ExportJoinColumnPair> ExportJoin.getJoinColumnPairs()
          Returns a list of the pairs of QualifiedColumn objects to join between the two DataSourceTable objects [from,to] and will return an empty list if the underlying object's join condition is to complex to model as a simple pair of columns.
 ConditionalExpression ExportJoin.getJoinCondition()
          Returns the full join condition. ExportJoin.getJoinType()
          Returns the join type: INNER, OUTER, LEFT, RIGHT, CROSS. InformationMap.getKeyRelationships()
          Returns a KeyRelationships object for the relational DataSourceTables in an InformationMap.
 java.lang.String ExportColumnGroup.ExportGroupType.getLabel(java.lang.Object obj)
          returns the Label for the given underlying object of this column group type.
 java.lang.String ExportLevel.getLevelCaption()
 int ExportLevel.getLevelNumber()
 java.util.List<ExportLevel> ExportHierarchy.getLevels()
          Returns the Level export objects for this Hierarchy. LocalizableModelObject.getLocalizableProperties(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the localizable properties for a business model in the form of PropertyList.
 java.lang.String LocalizableModelObject.getLocalizationID()
          returns a unique ID for this LocalizableModelObject scoped to the current containing BusinessModel.
 MapFolder BusinessModel.getMapFolderContaining(BusinessItem item)
          Returns the folder off of the root business model folder that contains the specified business item
 java.lang.String ExportMember.getMemberCaption()
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> DataItem.getMemberProperties()
          Returns the list of Member properties set on this DataItem.
 java.util.List<ExportMember> ExportLevel.getMembers()
          returns the member export objects for this level.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessModelObject baseObject, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of business model objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given business model object.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn(BusinessQuery query, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of BusinessModelObject objects objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given query.
<T extends BusinessModelObject>
BusinessModel.getObjectsBasedOn( baseResource, java.lang.Class<T> type)
          Returns the list of business model objects contained within this model that are defined in such a way as they depend on the given physical resource.
 ExportDimension ExportMember.getOwningDimension()
          Get the owning dimension of this exported object.
 ExportDimension ExportLevel.getOwningDimension()
          Get the owning dimension of this exported object.
 ExportDimension ExportHierarchy.getOwningDimension()
          Get the owning dimension of this exported object.
 int ExportMember.getParentLevel()
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getPreSummarizedColumns()
          Returns the exportColumns that are summarized if isPreSummarizedData is true.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getPreSummarizedGroupByColumns()
          Returns the exportColumns that group the summarized columns if isPreSummarizedData is true.
 java.util.List<BusinessQuery> BusinessModel.getQueries()
          Returns the set of queries managed with this model.
 java.util.List<Reason> DataItem.getReasonsLabelNotValid(java.lang.String label)
          Determines if the specified label is usable. InformationMap.getRepository()
          Returns the OMR repository associated with the information map by calling getRepository on the BriefInformationMap.
 Role BusinessQuery.getResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem)
          Returns the role for the given DataItem contained in the result item list.
 java.util.List<DataItem> BusinessQuery.getResultItems(Role withThisRole)
          Returns a list of DataItem objects contained in the result items that have been assigned the role withThisRole.
 Role ExportColumn.getRole()
          Return the Role, i.e., Column, Background, Hidden
 MapFolder BusinessModel.getRootMapFolder()
          Returns the root folder of the user-organized business items within this model.
 java.lang.String ExportLevel.getSasFormat()
 java.lang.String ExportDataSource.getSASLibnameStatement(boolean ignorePreAssigned)
          returns the library libname definition statement for the library of the exported data source and a null or empty string if none needed.
 java.lang.String ExportDataSource.getSASLibref()
          returns the libref name for the library of the exported data source or null if it has no library assignment.
 java.lang.String ExportDataSource.getSASTableNameFullyQualified()
          returns the fully qualified sas table name (with libref, '.' and ''n notation if needed) of the exported data source.
 java.lang.String ExportDataSource.getSASTableNameShort()
          returns the short sas table name (without ''n notation) of the exported data source.
 java.util.List<SelectedItem> BusinessQuery.getSelectedItems(Role withThisRole)
          Returns a list of SelectedItem objects contained in this business query that have been assigned the given role.
 ServerProperties BusinessModel.getServerProperties()
          Returns the ServerProperties object usable in defining business items contained within this model.
 DataItemActionType DataItem.getSortFormatting()
          returns the formatting action type to use for sorting
 java.util.List<ExportDataSource> ExportUploadMetadata.getStarDimDataSources()
          Returns the export data sources at the spokes of the 'star schema' if isStarSchema() is true, otherwise returns null.
 ExportDataSource ExportUploadMetadata.getStarFactDataSource()
          Returns the export data source at the center of the 'star schema' if isStarSchema() is true, otherwise returns null. DataItem.getStartingLevel()
 java.lang.String DataItem.getStartingLevelName()
          Returns the starting Level name that was set on this DataItem.
 java.lang.String ExportMember.getText()
 java.lang.String ExportLevel.getText()
 java.lang.String ExportHierarchy.getText()
 java.lang.String ExportFilter.getText()
          Get the Filter's expression in text form:
 java.lang.String ExportColumn.getText()
          Returns this column's expression in text form
 ExportDataSource ExportJoin.getToTable()
          returns the ExportDataSourceInterface that the join is going to.
 java.lang.String ExportColumn.getType()
          Return the SAS type: NUMERIC or CHARACTER
 java.lang.String ExportObject.getUniqueExportName()
          Uniquely identifies this exported object within the scope of the exported metadata.
 ExportObject<?,?> ExportGeneralMetadata.getUniqueExportObject(java.lang.String uniqueExportName)
          Returns the export object for a specific unique export name or null if not found.
 ExportColumn ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumn(DataItem underlyingDataItem)
          Returns an export column for the underlytingDataItem specified, if this data item was not uploaded this call will fail with a metadata exception.
 java.util.List<ExportColumnGroup> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumnGroups()
          Return the Column groups used if any.
 java.util.List<ExportColumn> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumnsUsed()
          Returns the all of the exportColumns in the upload table.
 java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.Set<>> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadColumnsUsedByHierarchies()
          Returns a mapping indexed by ExportDataSource of the underlying QualifiedColumns of the underlying DataSourceTables that are being used to build the Hierarchy/Dimensions information.
 java.util.List<ExportDataSource> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadDataSourcesUsed()
          Returns the DataSources associated with this Map or DataSelection
 java.util.List<ExportFilter> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadFiltersUsed()
          Only filters actually applied during the upload.
 java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportUploadMetadata.getUploadJoinsUsed()
          Return the Joins used if any.
 ExportUploadMetadata Export.getUploadMetadata()
          The metadata to be uploaded (ie the metadata about the query to upload).
 DataItemActionType ExportColumn.getUsage()
          Return the usage, i.e. DataSelection.insertNewChild(java.util.List aboveTheseChildren)
          Creates a new LookThroughDataSelection and inserts it between this data selection (the parent) and the given set of this data selection's children and returns the new child data selection. DataSelection.insertNewChild( currentChildDS)
          Creates a new LookThroughDataSelection and inserts it between this data selection (the parent) and the given child data selection and returns the new child data selection.
 void BusinessQuery.insertResultItemsAt(DataItem dataItem, Role role, int index)
          Inserts the specified a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results.
 void BusinessQuery.insertSelectedItemAt(SelectedItem item, int index)
          Inserts the selected item into the selected items list at the specified index location.
 boolean ExportColumn.isCalculated()
          Returns true if this column is calculated
 boolean ExportDataSource.isLibraryPreassigned()
          returns true if this library is marked as pre-assigned in metadata and should not need a libname statement issued.
 boolean ExportColumn.isPreAggregated()
          Returns true if the column is pre-aggregated.
 boolean ExportUploadMetadata.isPreSummarizedData()
          Pre-summarized data (when true there will be multiple columns (SUM_,N_,MIN_,MAX_,NMISS_) for each original measure and only 1 row per possible grouping).
 boolean ExportUploadMetadata.isStarSchema()
          Returns true if the uploaded tables for a 'star schema' configuration.
 boolean Export.isTooManyTablesOrColumns()
 java.lang.String ExportObjectFactoryInterface.makeUniqueExportName(U objectToExport, ExportGeneralMetadata exportMetadata, java.lang.Object... qualifiers)
          Mints a unique name for the object to be exported and applies the specified qualifiers.
 void MapFolder.moveTo(int index)
          Reorder this MapFolder based on the specified index.
 void MapFolder.moveTo(int index, MapFolder newParent)
          Re-order this MapFolder under the specified folder.
 void MapFolder.moveTo(MapFolder newParent)
          Re-parents this MapFolder under the specified folder. BusinessModel.newAssociationMatrix()
          Creates a AssociationMatrix and returns it. BusinessModel.newAssociationRule()
          Returns an AssociationRule object.
 BusinessGroup BusinessModel.newBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup.Type type)
          Creates a BusinessGroup object with the specified BusinessGroup.Type.
 CompoundFilter BusinessModel.newCompoundFilter()
          Creates a CompoundFilter object and returns it. BusinessModel.newDataItem()
          Creates a DataItem object and returns it. BusinessModel.newDataItem( physicalResource)
          Creates a single default data item for the specified physical resource The physical resource can be a Column, Measure or Hierarchy. BusinessModel.newDataItem( physicalResource, java.util.Properties options)
          Creates a single default data item for the specified physical resource The physical resource can be a Column, Measure or Hierarchy.
 DataItemReference BusinessModel.newDataItemReference(DataItem baseDataItem)
          Creates a new DataItemReference object and returns it.
 java.util.List<DataItem> BusinessModel.newDataItems( dataSource)
          Creates default data items for the specified DataSource to this business model.
 java.util.List<DataItem> BusinessModel.newDataItems( dataSource, java.util.Properties options)
          Creates default data items for the specified DataSource to this business model. BusinessModel.newDataSourceCube( accessPath, cube)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceCube object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceCube( server, schema, cube)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceCube object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceCube(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceCube object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceCube(java.lang.String reposName, java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceCube object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceRelationalQuery(BusinessQuery businessQuery)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceRelationalQuery object with the specified query. BusinessModel.newDataSourceTable( accessPath, table)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceTable object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceTable( server, accessingSchema, table)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceTable object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceTable(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String accessingSchemaName, java.lang.String tableName)
          Factory method for creating a DataSourceTable object with the specified context. BusinessModel.newDataSourceTable(java.lang.String reposName, java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String accessingSchemaName, java.lang.String tableName)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in 9.3, to be deleted in 9.4.

Use BusinessModel.newDataSourceTable(String, String, String) instead.

 DrillThroughToDetail BusinessModel.newDrillThroughToDetail()
          Factory method for creating a DrillThroughToDetail business rule. BusinessModel.newExportRule( exportType, properties)
          Returns a ExportRule object.
 FilterCascadeRule BusinessModel.newFilterCascadeRule()
          Creates a FilterCascadeRule object and returns it.
 FilterItem BusinessModel.newFilterItem()
          Creates a FilterItem object and returns it.
 Governing BusinessModel.newGoverning()
          Factory method for creating a Governing-type business rule.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Returns a new InformationMap object using the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, BriefInformationMap briefMap)
          Returns a new instance of an InformationMap object model for the specified brief information map. InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, BriefInformationMap briefMap, settings)
          The general method to create a full information map from from a brief information map -- providing settings as input and a results object as output from which the information map can be obtained.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, org.w3c.dom.Element xmlElement, java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a new InformationMap object created from the XML element describing an information map as is persisted by its model.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a new InformationMap object with the associated locale
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, pathToMap)
          Returns a new instance of an InformationMap object model for the information map located at the specified path. BusinessModel.newJoin()
          Factory method for creating a Join-type business rule. BusinessModel.newLasrRule()
          Returns a LasrRule object. BusinessModel.newLasrRule( lasrType)
 Prompt BusinessModel.newPrompt()
          Creates a prompt and returns it. BusinessModel.newRequiredDataSources()
          Factory method for creating a business rule specifying the required data sources for a model. BusinessModel.newRunStoredProcess()
          Factory method for creating a RunStoredProcess-type business rule.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newSampleDataSelection(BusinessModel rootBusinessModel, java.util.Map<StructureOfDataItem,java.lang.Integer> maxElements)
          This method is similar to the default DataSelectionFactory method except that it automatically adds ResultItems to create a sample.
 void elMapModel, java.util.Map availableResources)
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelection(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map<,BusinessModel> reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelectionNonStatic(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map<,BusinessModel> reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.
protected  void LookupValue.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void LookupList.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void Lookup.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void ChangeHistoryItem.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void BusinessModel.removeBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup businessGroup)
          Removes the given business group from this model.
 java.util.List<BusinessItem> BusinessModel.removeBusinessItem(BusinessItem businessItem)
          Removes the specified BusinessItem object and any BusinessItem objects dependent on the given object from this business model.
 java.util.List<BusinessRule> BusinessModel.removeBusinessRule(BusinessRule rule)
          Removes the given business rule from this model.
 void DataSelection.removeChildAndCollapse( childDS)
          Removes the given child data selection as a child of this data selection and re-parents the child's children (grandchildren) as children of this object.
 java.util.List<BusinessModelObject> BusinessModel.removeDataSource( dataSource)
          Removes a data source from the list of data sources defined in this model.
 void BusinessQuery.removeResultItem(DataItem dataItem)
          Removes the specified data item from the set of result items contained in this object.
 void BusinessQuery.removeResultItems(java.util.List<? extends DataItem> dataItems)
          Removes a list of data items from the list of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list).
 void BusinessQuery.removeSelectedItem(SelectedItem item)
          This method uses the data item contained in the specified selected item to determine which selected item to removed from the business query.
 void BusinessQuery.removeStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole)
          This method removes a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 void BusinessModel.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessModel.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, boolean recursive)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessModelResourceReferencer.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessModelResourceReferencer.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataItemReference.resetAggregationType()
          Resets the value of the Aggregation type attribute The parent dataitems's AggregationType will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetDescription()
          Resets the value of the Description attribute The parent dataitems's Description will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetDescriptions()
          Resets the value of the localized Description attributes The parent dataitems's localized Description will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetExtendedAttributes()
          Resets the value of the extended attributes The parent dataitems' extended attriubtes will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetExtendedType()
          Resets the value of the extended type attribute The parent dataitems's extended type will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetFormat()
          Resets the value of the format attribute The parent dataitems's format will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetFormattingForced()
          Resets the value of the "formatting forced" attribute.
 void DataItemReference.resetGroupFormatting()
          clears any formatting action type for grouping set on this data item reference or if it is a data item it will remove the value entirely
 void DataItemReference.resetLabel()
          Resets the value of the label attribute The parent dataitems's label will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetLabels()
          Resets the value of the localized label attributes The parent dataitems's label will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetLookupType()
          Resets the value of the LookupType attribute The parent dataitems's LookupType will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetMemberProperties()
          Resets the value of Member properties set on this object.
 void DataItemReference.resetSortCriteria()
          Resets the value of the sort criteria attribute The parent dataitems's sort criteria will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetSortDirection()
          Resets the value of the sort direction attribute The parent dataitems's sort direction will be used.
 void DataItemReference.resetSortFormatting()
          clears any formatting action type for sorting set on this data item reference or if it is a data item it will remove the value entirely
 void DataItemReference.resetStartingLevel()
 void DataItemReference.resetStartingLevelName()
          Resets the value of the starting Level Name set on this object.
 void DataItemReference.resetUsage()
          Resets the value of the usage attribute The parent dataitems's usage will be used.
 ResultSetInterface queryConnector)
          This method executes the Export statement and returns a ResultSetInterface.
 BriefInformationMap folderToSaveInto, java.lang.String changeHistoryDescription)
          Saves this InformationMap to the specified folder and returns a BriefInformationMap that is accessible via the folder.
 java.util.Map folderToSaveInto, java.lang.String changeHistoryDescription, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> saveOptions)
          Saves this InformationMap to the specified folder and returns a BriefInformationMap that is accessible via the folder.
 BriefInformationMap changeHistoryDescription)
          Saves this information map to the folder the information map was previously read.
 void BusinessQuery.setActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType, boolean actionSupported)
          Sets whether or not the specified BusinessQueryActionType is supported for this BusinessQuery.
 void DataItem.setActionSupported(DataItemActionType actionType, boolean actionSupported)
          Sets whether or not the specified DataItemActionType is supported for this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setAggregationType(Function aggregationType)
          Sets the aggregation function to use when aggregating on this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setAggregationTypeSupported(Function aggregationType, boolean aggregationTypeSupported)
          Sets whether a particular aggregation Function is supported.
 void InformationMap.setAttributes(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> attributeMap)
          Sets the attributes for this information map.
 void BusinessModel.setBusinessItems(java.util.List<BusinessItem> businessItemsToSet)
          Sets the list of business items contained within this business model.
 void ModelItemWithIdentity.setDescription(java.lang.String description)
          Sets the description for this object.
 void LocalizableModelObject.setDescription(java.lang.String description, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the description for this object.
 void LocalizableModelObject.setDescriptions( descriptions)
          Sets the description for this object.
 void BusinessQuery.setEmptyDataFormat(java.lang.String replacementString)
          This method specifies the replacement string to be used (in a result set generated from this query) for empty data.
 void ExportOlapMetadata.setExportItemsToUse(java.util.List<ExportDataSource> exportDataSources, java.util.List<ExportColumn> exportColumns, java.util.List<ExportFilter> exportFilters)
          Set the DataSources, Columns, and Filters from a Map to be exported.
 void ExportRelationalMetadata.setExportItemsToUse(java.util.List<ExportDataSource> exportDataSources, java.util.List<ExportColumn> exportColumns, java.util.List<ExportFilter> exportFilters, java.util.List<ExportJoin> exportJoins)
          Set the DataSources, Columns, and Filters from a Map to be exported.
 void FilterItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Sets the filter's conditional expression to be the given expression.
 void DataItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface expression)
          Deprecated. use RootDataItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface)
 void ExtendedAttributes.setExtendedAttributes( attrEntity)
          Sets the entity containing extended attributes for this object.
 void DataItem.setExtendedType( type)
          Property change events signaled: EVENT_DATA_ITEM_EXTENDED_TYPE_CHANGED
 void BusinessQuery.setFilters(java.util.List<? extends FilterItem> filters)
          Sets the List of FilterItem objects on this business query to limit the results when this query is run.
 void DataItem.setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Sets the type of Format to be used when formatting the data associated with this data item.
 void DataItem.setFormattingForced(boolean value)
          Sets whether the data item is to have its "formatting forced".
 void DataItem.setGroupFormatting(DataItemActionType groupFormatting)
          sets the formatting action type to use for grouping
 void BusinessQuery.setGroups(java.util.List<BusinessGroup> group)
          Set active groups for a business query.
 void Model.setID(java.lang.String ID)
          Sets the ID of this model.
 void Governing.setInputObservations(int maxObservations)
          Sets the suggested maximum number of records to be used as input for a business query.
 void DrillThroughToDetail.setIsDrillThroughAllowed(boolean flag)
          Sets whether drill through should be allowed.
 void MapFolder.setItems(java.util.List<BusinessItem> items)
          Set business items in this folder with the given list.
 void ModelItemWithIdentity.setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Sets the label for this object.
 void Model.setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Sets the label for this model.
 void MapFolder.setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Sets the label for this object.
 void DataItem.setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Sets the label for this object.
 void LocalizableModelObject.setLabel(java.lang.String label, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the label for this object.
 void LocalizableModelObject.setLabels( labels)
          Sets the label for this object.
 void LocalizableModelObject.setLocalizableProperties(java.util.Locale locale, map)
          Sets the localizable properties for the business model.
 void DataItem.setLookupType(Lookup lookupType)
          Set the lookup type for this data item.
 void DataItem.setMemberProperties(java.util.List<java.lang.String> properties)
          Sets the list of Member properties on this DataItem.
 void Governing.setOutputObservations(int maxObservations)
          Sets the suggested maximum number of records to return from a business query.
 void BusinessModel.setQueries(java.util.List<? extends BusinessQuery> queries)
          Provides the ability to set a list of queries that can be later returned via getQueries().
 void BusinessQuery.setQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty prop, boolean value)
          Sets the value of the specified query property in this object.
 void BusinessQuery.setResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem, Role role)
          Sets the role for the given data item contained in the result item list.
 void BusinessQuery.setResultItems(java.util.List<? extends DataItem> dataItems)
          Sets the list of data items to use in the result item list.
 void DataItem.setResultSetID(java.lang.String resultSetID)
          Sets the resultset ID for this data item.
 void BusinessQuery.setSelectedItems(java.util.List<? extends SelectedItem> newSelectedItems)
          Sets the list of selected items to be used as result items.
 void BusinessQuery.setSolveOrderPrecedence(java.util.List<? extends DataItem> solveOrderPrecedence)
          Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
 void BusinessQuery.setSortCriteria(java.util.List<? extends java.lang.Object> sortCriteria, Role businessSortRole)
          This method sets a list that contains the elements that will be used to sort (order) on.
 void DataItem.setSortCriteria(java.util.List<java.lang.String[]> sortCriteria)
          This method will set a list that contains what elements will be used to sort on.
 void BusinessQuery.setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType sortDirection, Role businessSortRole)
          This method sets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this BusinessQuery.
 void DataItem.setSortDirection(DataItemActionType sortDirection)
          This method defines the DataItemActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setSortFormatting(DataItemActionType sortFormatting)
          sets the formatting action type to use for sorting
 void BusinessQuery.setSortOrderPrecedence(java.util.List<? extends DataItem> sortOrderPrecedence)
          This method sets the Sort Order Precedence for this query to the set of given data items.
 void DataItem.setStartingLevel( level)
 void DataItem.setStartingLevelName(java.lang.String levelName)
          Sets the starting Level name on this DataItem.
 void DataItem.setSteps(java.util.List<? extends StepInterface> steps)
          This method sets an ordered list of Steps.
 void BusinessQuery.setSteps(java.util.List<StepInterface> steps, Role stepRole)
          This method sets an ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalingType(TotalingType totalingType, Role businessTotalRole)
          This method sets the type of totaling that will be included in the resulting set of members defined as in a row or a column.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalLabel(java.lang.String totalLabel, Role businessTotalRole, java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
          This method sets a total label for all totaling rows or columns in a business query.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalType(java.lang.String totalingType, Role businessTotalRole)
          Deprecated. see BusinessQuery.setTotalingType(TotalingType, Role)
 void DataItem.setUsage(DataItemActionType usage)
          Sets the way this DataItem is to be used.
 void LookupList.setValuesList(java.util.List<LookupValue> values)
          Sets the list of LookupValue objects as the values.
 void LookupList.setValuesList(java.util.List<LookupValue> values, boolean allowDuplicates)
          Sets the list of LookupValue objects as the values.
 java.lang.String BusinessModel.toXML(int spacesPerIndentation)
          Returns the XML persistence form for this business model.
 org.w3c.dom.Element BusinessQuery.write(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement)
          Serializes this model as a sub-element to the given DOM element and returns the subelement representing this model.
 org.w3c.dom.Element BusinessModel.write(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement)
          Serializes this model as a sub-element to the given DOM element and returns the subelement representing this model.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> BusinessQuery.write(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement, java.util.Map<QueryWriteOption,java.lang.Object> writeOptions)
          Serializes this model as a sub-element to the given DOM element and returns the subelement representing this model.
protected  void SelectedItem.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void LookupValue.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void LookupList.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void Lookup.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void Drill.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
          Every object type that is persistable must write it's own definition, calling its superclass to write its definition first.
protected  void ChangeHistoryItem.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Constructors in that throw MetadataException
LookupList(java.util.List<LookupValue> values)
          Creates an LookupList object with the specified lookup values.
LookupList(java.util.List<LookupValue> values, boolean allowDuplicates)
          Creates an LookupList object with the specified lookup values.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
protected  void CompoundStep.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void CompoundStep.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void CompoundStep.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  void CompoundStep.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
protected  void DataItemTimeRangeFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemTimeFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemRankFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemNavigationFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemMemberFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void BusinessQueryRankFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void BaseFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void TupleFilterMemberQualifier.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void DataItemRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataItemMemberFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessQueryTupleFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void BusinessQueryRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BaseFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void TupleFilterMemberQualifier.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemMemberFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryTupleFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BaseFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  ExpressionInterface BaseFilter.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          This is a convenience method for the subclasses
protected  void TupleFilterMemberQualifier.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void PromptedTimeRangeFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
          SAS Query Services-use only - do not use this method.
protected  void DataItemTimeRangeFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
          SAS Query Services-use only - do not use this method.
 void DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
 void DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
 void DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
 void DataItemTimeFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataItemRankFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataItemNavigationFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataItemMemberFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void BusinessQueryTupleFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void BusinessQueryRankFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void BaseFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
protected  void DataItemRankFilter.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataItemRankFilter.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
 boolean StringExpression.containsAggregateFunction(ServerProperties serverProperties)
          Checks to see if the text contains one of the server's aggregate functions
 boolean ResourceAwareStringExpression.containsAggregateFunction(ServerProperties serverProperties)
          Checks to see if the text contains one of the server's aggregate functions
 boolean ResourceAwareStringExpression.containsUserTypedAggregation()
          Return true if this expression or any of its data items have expressions that have user typed aggregations
 boolean FunctionCall.containsUserTypedAggregation()
 boolean DataItemContainerExpression.containsUserTypedAggregation()
          Return true if this expression or any of its data items have an aggregation in their expression text.
 java.lang.String AbstractTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Return query text of TimeValue expression.
 java.lang.String AbstractTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText( dataSelectionProcessor)
          Return a String value of the expression, given the language provided on the data selection processor.
protected  ConnectionType AbstractTimeValueExpression.getConnectionType( dataSelectionProcessor)
protected  java.lang.String TimestampValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected  java.lang.String TimeValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected  java.lang.String DateValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
protected abstract  java.lang.String AbstractTimeValueExpression.getPattern(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          returns a pattern compatible with SimpleDataFormat instance returned by getFormatter() to format the time value
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the human readable String for this expression for example, <<MapID.DataItemID>> or <<tableID.column>> The output may be similar to getText() but not the same since this is intended to be used as a human readable description.
static java.lang.String OLAPStringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the String for this expression to be used in an OLAP query, for example, <<DEALERS.DEALERS.DEALER>>.MEMBERS or <<Measures.SALES_SUM>> The output is the same as getText().
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat)
          Get the human readable String for this expression applying the specified SAS format string to constant values as needed.
static java.lang.String OLAPStringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String startingLevelName)
          Get the String for this expression to be used in an OLAP query, for example, <<DEALERS.DEALERS.DEALER>>.MEMBERS or <<Measures.SALES_SUM>> The output is the same as getText().
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.TimeZone timezone)
          Get the human readable String for this expression applying the specified SAS format string to constant values as needed.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.TimeZone timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.TimeZone timezone)
          Get the human readable String for this expression for example, <<MapID.DataItemID>> or <<tableID.column>> The output may be similar to getText() but not the same since this is intended to be used as a human readable description.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.TimeZone timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
 java.lang.String StringExpression.getText()
          Returns the text for this expression.
 java.lang.String ResourceAwareStringExpression.getText()
          Get the Expression String This is the human readable String This is the same as calling getText(ResourceScope.BUSINESS_AND_PHYSICAL_SCOPE, null)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the Expression String, for example, << MapID.DataItemID >>.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ExpressionInterface expr, ResourceScope scope, BusinessModel businessModel)
          Get the Expression String
 java.lang.String ResourceAwareStringExpression.getText(java.util.Map<BusinessModelResource,java.lang.String> resourceMap)
          Get the Expression String
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ResourceAwareStringExpression expr, java.util.Map<BusinessModelResource,java.lang.String> resourceMap)
          Generate the expression text for a ResourceAwareExpression using the provided mapping for Resources A Map containing the text for each BusinessModelResource in the ResourceAwareStringExpression must be provided.
 java.lang.String ResourceAwareStringExpression.getText(ResourceScope scope, BusinessModel businessModel)
          Get the Expression String This is the human readable String
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface with numeric expression type.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
protected  void TimestampValueExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void StringExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void ResourceAwareStringExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void MultipleConditionalExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void FunctionCall.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void FractionOfTotalExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void ConstantExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void ConditionalExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void CompoundConditionalExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void AbstractTimeValueExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void ResourceAwareStringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource)
          Deprecated. use replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void StringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void ResourceAwareStringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void FunctionCall.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void ConstantExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void AbstractTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void StringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void ResourceAwareStringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void FunctionCall.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void ConstantExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void AbstractTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.setDenominator(DataItem denominator)
          Sets the denominator of this fraction expression to be the subtotal values for the given category data item.
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.setNumerator(DataItem numerator)
          Sets the numerator used in the computation of the fractional value to be the specified data item.
protected  ExpressionInterface ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  void ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResourcesInList(java.util.List<ExpressionInterface> resourceList, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  void TimestampValueExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void StringExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void ResourceAwareStringExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void MultipleConditionalExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void FunctionCall.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void FractionOfTotalExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void ConstantExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void ConditionalExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void CompoundConditionalExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void AbstractTimeValueExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Constructors in that throw MetadataException
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed on business items (default scope) using the BusinessModel provided during construction.
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression, int expressionType)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed on business items (default scope) using the BusinessModel provided during construction
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed using the ResourceScope and BusinessModel provided during construction

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
protected  void TimeRangeFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use!
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> memberNames, BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void BusinessGroupMemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> memberNames, BusinessModel model)
          This method is only placeholder for the parent class.
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> memberNames, DataItem dataItem)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void BusinessGroupMemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> memberNames, DataItem dataItem)
          This method is only placeholder for the parent class.
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.fixMemberTuples()
          If there are memberNames and no MemberTuple, then we have an incorrect condition.
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.fixMemberTuples()
          If there are memberNames and no MemberTuple, then we have an incorrect condition.
protected  void TimeRangeFilterExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterNPeriodsExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterFirstLastPeriodsExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void TimeExpressionMeasure.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void DataBasedFilterExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void BaseFilterExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void TimeFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replace what is being compared (which should be TIME)
 void TimeExpressionMeasure.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void MemberFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BaseFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void TimeFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void TimeExpressionMeasure.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void MemberFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BaseFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void MemberFilterExpression.setMemberNames(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> values, DataItem dataItem)
          Sets the names of the members to use for filtering where we have applied a DataItem or what is being compared.
 void MemberFilterExpression.setMemberNames(java.util.List<? extends ExpressionInterface> values, DataItem dataItem, java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the names of the members to use for filtering where we have applied a DataItem or what is being compared.
protected  void TimeRangeFilterExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterNPeriodsExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterFirstLastPeriodsExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void TimeExpressionMeasure.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void DataBasedFilterExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void BaseFilterExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
 java.lang.String RelativeTimestampValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Internal to IQ, do not use.
 java.lang.String AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType)
          Deprecated. You should use SQLExpressionAbstract.generateExpressionSQL().
 java.lang.String RelativeDateValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType, java.lang.String shiftFromValue)
          Internal to IQ, do not use.
 java.lang.String AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.generateQueryText(DataSelection dataSelection, ConnectionType connectionType, java.lang.String shiftFromValue)
          Construct the output string value used in an expression for a relative date, time, or timestamp expression.
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void RelationalConditionalExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
protected  void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.readDefinitionV1(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, readingContext)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setAlignment(TimeShiftAlignment alignment)
          Starting alignment is used to align the outputing time to the begining, end, middle, or sameday of the output shiftUnit.
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setShiftDirection(TimeShiftDirection direction)
          Set the shiftDirection of shift for this date object.
 void RelativeTimestampValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
 void RelativeDateValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
          Set the date/time to shift from.
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setShiftMultiplier(int multiplier)
          Set the shiftMultiplier used for output.
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setShiftUnit(TimeShiftUnit unit)
          Method setUnit
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void RelationalConditionalExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)
protected  void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.writeDefinition(org.w3c.dom.Element thisElement, writingContext)

Constructors in that throw MetadataException
SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates a Contains conditional expression while testing to make sure that CONTAINS is supported on the server that the BusinessModel is connected to.

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
 boolean ServerProperties.containsAggregateFunction(java.lang.String expressionText)
          Returns true if the expressionText has a aggregation in it.
static Function ServerProperties.getFunctionByFullID(java.lang.String id)
          Same as getFunctionByID() except that this is a static version that first finds the proper ServerProperties object then looks up the function from there.
 boolean ServerProperties.isPropertiesFor( server)
          Returns true if the server properties are associated with the given server.
static java.util.List<ServerProperties> ServerProperties.readServerProperties()
          Read Server Properties from a Default properties file
static java.util.List<ServerProperties> ServerProperties.readServerProperties( dataStream)
          Read Server Properties from the specified Stream

Uses of MetadataException in

Methods in that throw MetadataException
static void BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.cleanUpNullRolesInQuery(BusinessQuery model)
          This method applies an appropriate role to any dataItem found in a data selection where it's role contains a null value.
static java.util.List<DataItem> BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.filterOutRaggedDataItems(java.util.List<DataItem> dataItems)
          Returns a List of data items that are not based on a ragged-balanced, ragged-unbalanced, or unbalanced hierarchy in an OLAP cube.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchName( dimension)
          get the default hierarchy for the dimension
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName(BusinessModel businessModel, java.util.Locale locale, olapRASE)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName( calculatedMember)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName( hierarchy)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName( measure)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName( namedSet)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.generateUniqueHierarchyName( qLevel)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getCubeName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the cube name for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the dimension name for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem, connection)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not call!
static int BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionType(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.Object obj)
          Get the dimension type for an OLAP data item.
static int BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionType(DataItem dataItem, java.lang.Object obj)
          Get the dimension type for an OLAP data item.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getHierarchyInfo(Export export, java.util.List<java.lang.String> allUniqueLevelNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueLevelNamesToFormats, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> mapUniqueLevelNamesToColumns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>>> mapDimensionsToMemberLevels)
          Populates data structures with DIMENSION, HIERARCHY, and LEVEL information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getHierarchyName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Deprecated. use getHierarchyName(BusinessModel, DataItem, Locale)
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getHierarchyName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem, java.util.Locale locale)
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getJoinInfo(Export export, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.Map<,java.util.Set<ExportJoin>>> joinedTableColumns)
          Populates data structures with JOIN based information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getMeasureInfo(Export export, java.util.List<java.lang.String> allUniqueMeasureNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToColumns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToLabels, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToDescriptions, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToFormats, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> mapUniqueMeasureNamesToAggregations)
          Populates data structures with the predefined measures from the exported model.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getMeasureName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the measure name for an OLAP data item.
static BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getOlapItem(DataItem dataItem)
          Get an OlapItem from the dataItem passed in.
static void ExportInfoUtilities.getTableInfo(Export export, java.lang.String lasrLibrefName, java.util.List<ExportDataSource> allTables, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.util.List<>> tableColumns, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> libnameStatements, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.lang.String> sourceTableNames, java.util.Map<ExportDataSource,java.lang.String> lasrTableNames)
          Populates data structures with LIBRAY, TABLE, and COLUMN information useful for displaying in a GUI.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getUniqueNameWithHierarchyAllMember(DataItem dataItem)
          Get the unique name with hierarchy all for an OLAP data item.
static java.util.List<ExportJoin> ExportInfoUtilities.getUploadJoinsUsedBetween(Export export, ExportDataSource dataSource1, ExportDataSource dataSource2)
          returns a list of export joins used between two export data sources or an empty list if none found.
static boolean BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.isInMeasureDimension(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the dimension name for an OLAP data item.
static GroupedFilterDataProvider GroupedFilterUtilities.newGroupedFilterDataProvider(DataSelection ds, BusinessGroup group)
          Creates the

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