***  This interface is subject to change.  ***

Interface Governing

All Superinterfaces:
Base, BusinessModelObject, BusinessModelResource, BusinessModelResourceReferencer, BusinessRule, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, ExtendedAttributes, ModelItem, ModelItemWithIdentity, NamedObjectInterface, PropertyChangeListenee, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, UsabilityInterface

public interface Governing
extends BusinessRule

Specifies a simple business rule that governs or limits the output of a business query when the query is run.

Currently, this class supports governing by setting a value to limit the number of output records that are returned from the query.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String EVENT_INPUT_OBS_CHANGED
          Sent when InputObservations property set.
static java.lang.String EVENT_OUTPUT_OBS_CHANGED
          Sent when OutputObservations property set.
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.ModelItemWithIdentity
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.ModelItem
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Base
Method Summary
 int getInputObservations()
          Returns the suggested maximum number of records to be used as input for a business query.
 int getOutputObservations()
          Returns the suggested maximum number of records to return from a business query.
 void setInputObservations(int maxObservations)
          Sets the suggested maximum number of records to be used as input for a business query.
 void setOutputObservations(int maxObservations)
          Sets the suggested maximum number of records to return from a business query.
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.BusinessModelObject
getBusinessModel, isContainedInBusinessModel, isIDOK, isReadOnly
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.ModelItemWithIdentity
getID, getIdentityString, getIntraModelID, isHidden, isUnresolved, setDescription, setIntraModelID, setIsHidden, setLabel
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.PropertyChangeListenee
addListener, getListeners, removeListener
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.UsabilityInterface
getReasonsUnusable, isUsableInQuery
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.BusinessModelResource
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.NamedObjectInterface
getDescription, getLabel
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.BusinessModelResourceReferencer
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.ExtendedAttributes
getExtendedAttributes, setExtendedAttributes

Field Detail

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


static final java.lang.String EVENT_OUTPUT_OBS_CHANGED
Sent when OutputObservations property set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


static final java.lang.String EVENT_INPUT_OBS_CHANGED
Sent when InputObservations property set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail
***  This method is subject to change.  ***


int getOutputObservations()
Returns the suggested maximum number of records to return from a business query. If the value is -1 then no limit has been set. Note: this method is valid only for relational data sources.

Suggested max output records.

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


void setOutputObservations(int maxObservations)
                           throws MetadataException
Sets the suggested maximum number of records to return from a business query. If the value is -1 then no limit has been set. Note: this method is valid only for relational data sources.

maxObservations - Suggested max output records.

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


int getInputObservations()
Returns the suggested maximum number of records to be used as input for a business query. If the value is -1 then no limit has been set.

Suggested max input records.

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


void setInputObservations(int maxObservations)
                          throws MetadataException
Sets the suggested maximum number of records to be used as input for a business query. If the value is -1 then no limit has been set. Note: this method is valid only for relational data sources..

maxObservations - Suggested max input records.

***  This interface is subject to change.  ***

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