Interface ExtendedAttributes

All Known Subinterfaces:
BusinessGroup, BusinessItem, BusinessModelObject, BusinessRule, CompoundFilter, DataItem, DataItemReference, DrillThroughToDetail, FilterCascadeRule, FilterItem, Governing, InformationMap, MapFolder, Prompt

public interface ExtendedAttributes

This class set and get an extended attribute on an entry.

An extended attribute is a piece of metadata about an existing object that is not part of the standard metadata for that object. For example, the standard metadata for a column object contains attributes like name, length, type, format, etc.

See Also:

Method Summary getExtendedAttributes()
          Returns the entity containing extended attributes for this object.
 void setExtendedAttributes( attrEntity)
          Sets the entity containing extended attributes for this object.

Method Detail


void setExtendedAttributes( attrEntity)
                           throws MetadataException
Sets the entity containing extended attributes for this object. Null indicates no extended attributes are set for this object.

Property change events signalled:

attrEntity - - the extended attribute entity to be associated with this object.
MetadataException - if there is a problem associating the entity to this object.
MetadataNotChangeableException - if this object is read-only
See Also:
Entity.Entity(), AttributeDescriptor.AttributeDescriptor()

getExtendedAttributes getExtendedAttributes()
Returns the entity containing extended attributes for this object. Null indicates no extended attributes are set for this object. The entity object returned is a reference to the internal entity. Thus any changes made to the returned entity will be reflected in this object without event notification.

the entity object containing all the extended attributes for this object.
See Also:
Entity.Entity(), AttributeDescriptor.AttributeDescriptor()

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