Class TimeShiftAlignment

public final class TimeShiftAlignment

Models the alignment of the ending date in a AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression. Controls the position of a relative date expression within an interval. The TimeShiftAlignment can be one of these values:


Field Summary
static TimeShiftAlignment BEGINNING_OF
          TimeShiftAlignment object representing startingAlignment to the beginning.
static TimeShiftAlignment END_OF
          TimeShiftAlignment object representing end startingAlignment.
static TimeShiftAlignment MIDDLE_OF
          TimeShiftAlignment object representing middle startingAlignment.
static TimeShiftAlignment NONE
          TimeShiftAlignment object representing no startingAlignment.
static TimeShiftAlignment SAMEDAY_OF
          TimeShiftAlignment object representing sameday startingAlignment.
Method Summary
static java.util.List<TimeShiftAlignment> getValues()
          Get the list of supported TimeShiftAlignment types.

Field Detail


public static final TimeShiftAlignment NONE
TimeShiftAlignment object representing no startingAlignment. This is output as "none" for persistence and "sameday" for query text.


public static final TimeShiftAlignment BEGINNING_OF
TimeShiftAlignment object representing startingAlignment to the beginning. This is output as "beginning" for persistence and "beginning" for query text.


public static final TimeShiftAlignment MIDDLE_OF
TimeShiftAlignment object representing middle startingAlignment. This is output as "middle" for persistence and "middle" for query text.


public static final TimeShiftAlignment END_OF
TimeShiftAlignment object representing end startingAlignment. This is output as "end" for persistence and "end" for query text.


public static final TimeShiftAlignment SAMEDAY_OF
TimeShiftAlignment object representing sameday startingAlignment. This is output as "sameday" for persistence and "sameday" for query text.

Method Detail


public static java.util.List<TimeShiftAlignment> getValues()
Get the list of supported TimeShiftAlignment types.

an unmodifiable list of the internal types

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