Interface Builder<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompoundFilterBuilder, DataItemBuilder, DisabledTotalsBuilder, RelationalFilterItemBuilder

public interface Builder<T>

Classes that implement the Builder interface provide a common way to instantiate complex Intelligent Query objects.

For example, this code snippet shows how to build a FilterItem in one line, given the DataSelection _relationalDs and the DataItem salesAmountAlias:

    FilterItem fi = IQBuilderFactory.newRelationalFilterBuilder(_relationalDs, salesAmountAlias).equal("33").build();
When used with a relational data selection, this filter item would generate a where clause such as WHERE sales = 33.


Method Summary
 T build()
          Build and return and Intelligent Query object, based on parameters supplied to the Builder implementation.

Method Detail


T build()
        throws MetadataException
Build and return and Intelligent Query object, based on parameters supplied to the Builder implementation.

null is never returned from this method. A MetadataException will be thrown in the case where the object could not be constructed.

an Intelligent Query object of type T.
MetadataException - if the object could not be build

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