Getting Started
Setting Up Libraries
To use libraries, you must define the appropriate servers and libraries on the SAS Metadata Server or in a configuration file. You can then access the library information as required for your implementation. (To access the library definition on the SAS Metadata Server, the user ID that reads the definition must have the ReadMetadata permission. You should have already determined the appropriate authorization (access controls) for the libraries that you will define and access on the SAS Metadata Server).
Note: In Windows, mapped network drives are not accessible to Workspace and Stored Process servers. If your Workspace or Stored Process servers run on Windows, then use Universal Naming Convention paths (for example, \\mypc\myshare ) to assign libraries for network locations.
To set up libraries, define (pre-assign) and access
the library definitions in one of the following ways:
Pre-assign libraries in the metadata (SAS Workspace, SAS Stored Process, and SAS OLAP Servers only). To pre-assign and access library definitions, follow these steps.
Use SAS Management Console to create a library definition, and then pre-assign the library. When you use the Data Library Manager plug-in of SAS Management Console to register the library in the SAS Metadata Server, you can identify the library as preassigned on the Options tab under Advanced Options. For details, see
Managing Libraries in the SAS Management Console: User's Guide.
Set the SERVER= and, if required, set the METAAUTOINIT parameters, then specify information to connect to the SAS Metadata Server. For details, see Specifying Metadata Connection Information.
If the library has not already been preassigned using another method, the server invocation assigns the library automatically using the library definition in the metadata.
Pre-assign the library definition on the server startup command or
in the SAS Config file.
To access a library that has been pre-assigned to an environment variable, use the SET system option (on the server startup command or in the SAS Config file) to define
an environment variable that is valid within the SAS session. (The server startup command
is supplied either on the command line or in the metadata's server definition, on the Options tab under Launch Commands). For example:
* in the config file
-set GRAPHDATA "c:\sasv9\samples\graph\data"
When you refer to GRAPHDATA as a library name during your SAS session, SAS automatically assigns the library with the path that is listed in the SET command. For example:
/* SAS Language submitted by the client */
proc datasets library=graphdata; run;
Pre-assign a library definition by using a SAS Autoexec file. To pre-assign and access
a library definition using a SAS Autoexec file, see
Specifying a SAS Autoexec File.