The %MktRoll autocall macro constructs a choice design from a linear arrangement. It takes as input a SAS data set that contains an experimental design that has one row per choice set (the linear arrangement). This data set is specified in the macro’s DESIGN= argument. The DESIGN= data set has one variable for each attribute of each alternative in the choice experiment. The output from the %MktRoll macro is an OUT= SAS data set. The OUT= data set is the choice design that contains the experimental design that has one row per alternative per choice set. There is one column for each different attribute. For example, in a simple branded study, the DESIGN= data set might contain the variables X1–X5
, which contain the prices of each of five alternative brands. The OUT= data set would have one factor, Price
, that contains the price of each of the five alternatives. In addition, it would have the number (or optionally the name) of each alternative.
The rules for determining the mapping between factors in the DESIGN= data set and the OUT= data set are contained in the KEY= data set. For example, assume that the DESIGN= data set contains the variables X1–X5
, which contain the prices of each of five alternative brands: Brand A, B, C, D, and E. The choice design has two factors, Brand
and Price
. Brand A price is made from X1
, Brand B price is made from X2
, Brand C price is made from X3
, and so on. A convenient way to get all the names in a variable list like X1–X5
is to use the %MktKey macro. The following step creates the five names in a single column:
%mktkey(5 1)
The %MktKey macro produces the following data set:
x1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
The following step creates the Key
data set:
data key; input (Brand Price) ($); datalines; A x1 B x2 C x3 D x4 E x5 ;
This data set has two variables. Brand
contains the brand names, and Price
contains the names of the factors that are used to make the price effects for each of the alternatives. The OUT= data set will contain the variables that have the same names as the variables in the KEY= data set.
The following step creates the linear arrangement, with one row per choice set:
%mktex(3 ** 5, n=12)
The following step creates the choice design, with one row per alternative per choice set:
%mktroll(design=randomized, key=key,, alt=brand)
For example, consider a randomized data set that contains the following row:
Obs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 9 3 1 1 2 1
Then the data set Sasuser.Design
contains the following rows:
Obs Set Brand Price 41 9 A 3 42 9 B 1 43 9 C 1 44 9 D 2 45 9 E 1
The price for Brand A is made from X1
=3, the price for Brand B is made from X2
=1, and so on.
Now assume that there are three alternatives, each a different brand, and each composed of four factors: Price
, Size
, Color
, and Shape
. In addition, there is a constant alternative. First, the %MktEx macro is used to create a design that has 12 factors, one for each attribute of each alternative. The following step creates the design:
%mktex(2 ** 12, n=16, seed=109)
The following DATA step creates the KEY= data set:
data key; input (Brand Price Size Color Shape) ($); datalines; A x1 x2 x3 x4 B x5 x6 x7 x8 C x9 x10 x11 x12 None . . . . ;
It shows that there are three brands, A, B, and C, and also None.
Brand A is created from Brand
= "A," Price
= X1
, Size
= X2
, Color
= X3
, and Shape
= X4
Brand B is created from Brand
= "B," Price
= X5
, Size
= X6
, Color
= X7
, and Shape
= X8
Brand C is created from Brand
= "C," Price
= X9
, Size
= X10
, Color
= X11
, and Shape
= X12
The constant alternative is created from Brand
= "None" and none of the attributes. The "." notation indicates missing values in input data sets. The actual values in the Key
data set are blank (missing character).
The following step creates the design, with one row per alternative per choice set:
%mktroll(design=randomized, key=key,, alt=brand)
For example, consider a randomized data set that contains the following row:
Obs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 8 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
Then the data set Sasuser.Design
contains the following rows:
29 8 A 2 2 2 2 30 8 B 2 1 1 2 31 8 C 2 2 1 2 32 8 None . . . .
Now assume like before that there are three branded alternatives, each composed of four factors: Price
, Size
, Color
, and Shape
. In addition, there is a constant alternative. Also, there is an alternative-specific factor, Pattern
, that only applies to Brand A and Brand C. First, the %MktEx macro is used to create a design that has 14 factors, one for each attribute of each alternative. The following step creates the design:
%mktex(2 ** 14, n=16, seed=114)
The following DATA step creates the KEY= data set:
data key; input (Brand Price Size Color Shape Pattern) ($); datalines; A x1 x2 x3 x4 x13 B x5 x6 x7 x8 . C x9 x10 x11 x12 x14 None . . . . . ;
It shows that there are three brands, A, B, and C, plus None.
Brand A is created from Brand
= "A," Price
= X1
, Size
= X2
, Color
= X3
, Shape
= X4
, and Pattern
= X13
Brand B is created from Brand
= "B," Price
= X5
, Size
= X6
, Color
= X7
, and Shape
= X8
Brand C is created from Brand
= "C," Price
= X9
, Size
= X10
, Color
= X11
, Shape
= X12
, and Pattern
= X14
The constant alternative is Brand
= "None" and none of the attributes.
The following step creates the design, with one row per alternative per choice set:
%mktroll(design=randomized, key=key,, alt=brand)
For example, consider a randomized data set that contains the following row:
Obs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 8 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2
Then the data set Sasuser.Design
contains the following rows:
Obs Set Brand Price Size Color Shape Pattern 29 8 A 2 1 1 2 1 30 8 B 1 2 1 2 . 31 8 C 1 1 1 2 2 32 8 None . . . . .
Now suppose you are going to fit a model with price cross-effects; you need X1
, X5
, and X9
(the three price effects) available in the OUT= data set. The following step creates the design:
%mktroll(design=randomized, key=key,, alt=brand, keep=x1 x5 x9)
Now the data set also contains the three original price variables, for example, as follows:
Obs Set Brand Price Size Color Shape Pattern x1 x5 x9 29 8 A 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 30 8 B 1 2 1 2 . 2 1 1 31 8 C 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 32 8 None . . . . . 2 1 1
Every value in the KEY= data set must appear as a variable in the DESIGN= data set. The %MktRoll macro displays a warning if it encounters a variable name in the DESIGN= data set that does not appear as a value in the KEY= data set.
%MktRoll(DESIGN=SAS-data-set, KEY=SAS-data-set <, optional arguments>)
You can specify either of the following to display the option names and simple examples of the macro syntax:
%mktroll(help) %mktroll(?)
This macro specifies options nonotes
throughout most of its execution. If you want to see all the notes, submit the following statement before running the macro:
%let mktopts = notes;
To see the macro version, submit the following statement before running the macro:
%let mktopts = version;