
System Requirements
SASĀ® IT Resource Management 3.5 (Non-distributed Mode)


In addition to these system requirements, documentation and other reference information for SAS IT Resource Management are available on the SAS IT Resource Management support website, and in Usage Note 53140,

SAS IT Resource Management Adapter 3.5 for SAP is available on request at no additional charge for SAP users.

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting is available on request at no additional charge.

Server Tier Requirements

SAS IT Resource Management Server

Please select a target environment:

In addition to the SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2, to ODBC, to Oracle, and to PC Files engines delivered with SAS IT Resource Management Server, an additional standard SAS/ACCESS engine of choice is included. The solution also includes three SAS Metadata Bridges of choice and General Industry Standards.

Third-Party dependencies:

  • SAS IT Resource Management is a SAS application and as such, requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on the server tier. For all platforms other than z/OS, a private JRE is provided by SAS and installed by the SAS Deployment Wizard for the use of SAS products. For z/OS, a Java Software Develoment Kit (SDK) is provided in the SAS Software Depot for use during installation, maintenance, and application of hot fixes. Some features of SAS 9.4, such as SAS/GRAPH support for the javaimg device and the SAS REPORT procedure, require a Java SDK. Therefore for any use of Java SDK in production SAS software on z/OS, you must install an appropriate Service Refresh of IBM 31-bit SDK. Refer to the SAS 9.4 section of the Third-Party Software Requirements web page, for more information about Java Development Kits.
  • An X11 server is required for the installation of SAS on z/OS and UNIX. This server is required for the end-user display of the SAS Download Manager and the SAS Deployment Wizard. Refer to the SAS 9.4 section of the Third-Party Software Requirements web page,, for more information about X11 Servers.
  • SAS IT Resource Management requires MXG Software from Merrill Consultants for the processing of SMF-based data sources on the server tier for all operating systems. This software is included with SAS IT Resource Management on the z/OS operating system. Users who are processing SMF data on other operating systems should contact Merrill Consultants for a license to run MXG software.
  • SAS IT Resource Management includes Demand Technology Performance Sentry Software for the processing of Windows system data. The Demand Technology software is included with SAS IT Resource Management on the Windows operating system; the licenses for that product are for 50 seats and are offered for a 180-day period, at which time the software can be renewed with Demand Technology.

* If your SAS IT Resource Management Server is on z/OS, note the following memory requirements:

  • Batch jobs using SAS IT Resource Management software on a z/OS server tier require a region specification of at least 1024M.
  • TSO user IDs that will be using SAS IT Resource Management software should have an ASSIZEMAX specification of at least 1024M. The installer TSO user ID requires an ASSIZEMAX of 2000M. A CPUTIMEMAX value of 20000 is also recommended for the installer TSO user ID, particularly if migrations are being performed.

SAS IT Resource Management Adapter for SAP Server

Please select a target environment:

Note: SAS IT Resource Management Adapter for SAP Server is available on request.

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server (Non-distributed Mode)

Please select a target environment:

Note: SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server is available on request at no additional charge.

A standard SAS/ACCESS engine of choice is included for transactional data purposes.

SAS Metadata Server

Please select a target environment:

The SAS Metadata Server is multi-threaded, and multi-core server hardware (typically quad core or higher) is therefore recommended. A dedicated machine for the SAS Metadata Server is recommended to simplify tuning, management, and diagnostics, but is not required.

The disk I/O performance of any server-class system should be sufficient. Memory requirements are highly dependent on the product mix and usage, but 8 GB of RAM are sufficient for most large deployments. For many deployments, 4 GB of RAM are sufficient and should be considered a minimum unless the specific deployment is tested and verified to require less memory.

* If your SAS Metadata Server is on z/OS 64-bit, note the following memory requirements:

  • A modification of the MEMLIMIT size specified in the Metadata Server started task is recommended. By default, the value is MEM=2G, but this should be MEM=4G for use with SAS IT Resource Management.
  • The default REGION size of 1024M does not require modification.

Middle Tier Requirements

On some AIX systems, if the proper GNU C Compiler run-time library (libgcc) is not available, the SAS IT Resource Management Mid-Tier configuration step in the SAS Deployment Wizard might fail. For more information, refer to SAS Note 51737, available at

SAS IT Resource Management Mid-Tier

Please select a target environment:

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Mid-Tier (Non-distributed Mode)

Please select a target environment:

Note: SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Mid-Tier is included with the (optional) SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server.

Web Application Servers

When you install your SAS solution software, SAS Deployment Manager installs and configures the required web application servers and web servers.

To install these servers, select one of the supported operating systems for the middle tier.

Note: These servers cannot be installed on the z/OS or 32-bit Windows platforms.

Client Tier Requirements

SAS IT Resource Management Client

Please select a target environment:

SAS Visual Analytics Mobile Clients

SAS Visual Analytics Mobile Clients (SAS Mobile BI) are available for the Apple iPad and Android tablets via free downloads from app stores.

Web Browsers

The list of web browsers that SAS supports is updated as new software is tested and approved. For the latest information, select the link for Web Browsers and Plug-Ins at

To run the SAS IT Resource Management Report Center application in a web browser, Adobe Flash Player is required. For information about the version of Adobe Flash Player required by SAS, see The Adobe Flash Player may be downloaded from Adobe Systems at If you are not sure what release of Adobe Flash Player your browser is running, you can determine your current release by going to

Many supplied reports in SAS IT Resource Management 3.5 are based on Microsoft's ActiveX technology. To display those reports in a web browser, you must install the SAS/Graph Control for ActiveX on the client tier. This component can be installed from the installation media or manually downloaded and installed from the SAS/Graph Downloads Web site, More information may be found in Usage Note 10102, available at

The SAS/Graph Control for ActiveX is only supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Third-Party Software

SAS software may be provided with certain third-party software, including but not limited to open-source software, which is licensed under its applicable third-party software license agreement. For license information about third-party software distributed with SAS software, refer to

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