
System Requirements
SAS® Customer Due Diligence 7.1


SAS Customer Due Diligence is available for both distributed and non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server deployments. These system requirements apply to both LASR deployments. The headings below indicate whether components apply to a specific LASR deployment.

To keep pace with changes to third-party technologies, SAS has adopted a general policy of supporting one or more baseline major versions and subsequent minor updates for each officially supported operating system. For example, if the baseline for SAS x is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1, SAS x will also support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 under this policy.

The full SAS Support policy that applies to third-party software can be found at As part of this policy, SAS strongly encourages customers to install the latest operating-system service packs.

Server-Tier Requirements

SAS Customer Due Diligence 7.1 with Hot Fix 5 or later is required to support the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Desktop Experience (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition with Desktop Experience (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family

SAS Customer Due Diligence requires Apache Solr 5.5.5 to support search-related capabilities. It must be installed on the Server tier.  It can be installed in a standalone or cloud configuration; however, you must install it on a platform that matches the Server tier.

Note: For proper Solr operation, a network drive that is accessible to the Server tier as well as to the Solr installation is required.

SAS Customer Due Diligence Server

Select a platform:

SAS Customer Due Diligence Server includes a SAS Quality Knowledge Base for English (US). It also includes one of the following:

  • SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Product Data of choice, or
  • Quality Knowledge Base Locale of choice

Because SAS Quality Knowledge Base for English is required, an additional Quality Knowledge Base in a language of your choice is also included in your license. This language does not have to be the same as the language that you select for the SAS Data Management Contextual Extraction Language Pack, which accompanies SAS Data Quality Standard Server (see below). A separate download of the Quality Knowledge Base is no longer required.

SAS Customer Due Diligence Server also includes one of the following SAS/ACCESS engines of choice:

  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to IBM DB2
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC (for use with Microsoft SQL Server)
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata

SAS Data Management Standard Server

Select a platform:

SAS Data Management Standard Server includes either a SAS Quality Knowledge Base Locale of choice, or a SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Product Data of choice. Select the same language that you selected for the SAS Customer Due Diligence Server.

SAS Data Management Standard Server includes two standard SAS/ACCESS engines of choice. It also includes three SAS Metadata Bridges of choice, plus General Industry Standards, which is included automatically.

Although SAS Data Management Server is supported on z/OS, it has some limitations related to connectivity or functionality.

SAS Data Quality Standard Server

Select a platform:

SAS Data Quality Standard Server includes a SAS Data Management Contextual Extraction Language Pack of choice. It also includes either a SAS Quality Knowledge Base Locale of choice, or a SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Product Data of choice. Select the same language that you selected for the SAS Customer Due Diligence Server.

SAS Visual Process Orchestration Server

Select a platform:

SAS Visual Process Orchestration Server is required only when the SAS Data Quality Standard Server is running on Windows 32-bit. It must be installed on a separate machine, however, because it does not support 32-bit Windows. For more information, see the SAS Visual Process Orchestration System Requirements document, available on the Install Center website.

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server

Select a platform:

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server includes a standard SAS/ACCESS engine of choice. 

SAS recommends that you install SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server on a separate machine from the solution software.

Inclusion of SAS Visual Analytics LASR Server

  • SAS Visual Analytics LASR Server, Non-distributed is included automatically if the deployment is for Non-distributed LASR. It is optional if deployment is for Distributed LASR.
  • SAS Visual Analytics LASR Server, Distributed is included automatically if the deployment is for Distributed LASR.

For Hadoop Support

Base SAS, SAS/ACCESS engines, and SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server can be installed on the head node of the commodity hardware (symmetric) or on separate hardware (asymmetric). The Distributed LASR Base SAS components for SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting can therefore be installed on Windows for x64 while working with the Linux for x64 LASR grid.

SAS Solution LASR Analytic Server (Non-distributed LASR)

Select a platform:

SAS Solution LASR Analytic Server must run on the same operating system as SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server. It includes one standard SAS/ACCESS engine of choice for transactional data. You must select the same type of ACCESS engine as the one that is running on the SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server, or it must be separately licensed.

SAS LASR Analytic Server (Distributed LASR) on Linux for x64

SAS Products installed on this machine:
  • SAS High-Performance Node Installation 3.91
  • SAS Plug-ins for Hadoop 1.02

Supported Environments:
  • Oracle Linux 6.1 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Oracle Linux 7.1 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Oracle Linux 8.0 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family

Use of a colocated Hadoop File System (HDFS) is optional, but it requires a supported Hadoop environment and SAS Plug-ins for Hadoop (which are included with your license). For information about supported Hadoop distributions, refer to The plug-ins require additional configuration. For more information, see SAS High-Performance Analytics Infrastructure 3.5: Installation and Configuration Guide at

SAS Metadata Server

Select a platform:

SAS makes the following recommendations for SAS Metadata Server deployments:

  • a 64-bit host system
  • a dedicated machine to simplify tuning, management, and diagnostics
  • multi-core server hardware because SAS Metadata Server is multi-threaded
  • four or more cores for production deployments

The disk I/O performance of any server-class system should be sufficient. Memory requirements are highly dependent on the product mix and usage, but 8 GB of RAM are sufficient for most large deployments. For many deployments, 4 GB of RAM are sufficient and should be considered a minimum, unless the specific deployment is tested and verified to require less memory.

Middle-Tier Requirements

Typically, the Mid-Tier components are installed on the same machine as SAS Customer Due Diligence Server.

SAS Customer Due Diligence Mid-tiers

Select a platform:

SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Mid-tier

Select a platform:

SAS recommends installing SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting Server on a separate machine.

Web Application Servers

When you install your SAS solution software, SAS Deployment Manager installs and configures the required web application servers and web servers.

To install these servers, select one of the supported operating systems for the middle tier.

Note: These servers cannot be installed on the z/OS or 32-bit Windows platforms.

Supported Databases

SAS Customer Due Diligence supports the following databases:

  • IBM DB2 Universal Database (64-bit libraries)
  • Oracle Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition1, 2
  • Microsoft SQL Server3, 4, 5
  • Teradata  

For the databases listed above, SAS Customer Due Diligence supports the same database versions as the corresponding SAS 9.4 Foundation SAS/ACCESS Interface product. For more information, refer to the specific "System Requirements for SAS 9.4 Foundation" document that corresponds to your operating system. You can find these documents on the SAS Support website.


  1. To leverage advanced tuning features such as bitmap indexing and data partitioning, SAS recommends deploying SAS Customer Due Diligence on Oracle Enterprise Edition instead of Oracle Standard Edition. Oracle Enterprise Edition offers features required for tuning high-volume databases. Consult with your Oracle licensing representative for a complete list of available features.
  2. When using Oracle, the Oracle Text option should be installed.
  3. When using Microsoft SQL Server as the solution database, SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC is required. SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server is not supported. 
  4. When using Microsoft SQL Server as the solution database, all server tiers of the solution are expected to be installed on Windows.
  5. Use of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 as the solution database might require you to install it in Compatibility Mode.

Third-Party Software Requirements

SAS Customer Due Diligence 7.1 with Hot Fix 5 or later is required to support the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Desktop Experience (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition with Desktop Experience (64-bit version) on the x64 chip family

SAS Customer Due Diligence 7.1 requires Apache Solr 5.5.5 to support search-related capabilities. This software is required for system operation.

Note: For proper Solr operation, a network drive that is accessible to the Server tier as well as to the Solr installation is required.

Client-Tier Requirements


SAS Data Management Standard Studio

Select a platform:

SAS Data Management Standard Studio is limited to five users.

SAS Data Management Standard Studio includes a SAS Data Management Contextual Extraction Language Pack of choice. It also includes either a Quality Knowledge Base Locale of choice, or a SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Product Data of choice.

The language that you select for these component must be the same as the language that you selected for the same components on the SAS Customer Due Diligence Server.

SAS Visual Analytics Mobile Clients

The SAS Visual Analytics Apps are supported on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, and on computers and tablets running Microsoft Windows 10. Each app is written specifically for its operating system and provides native support for these devices so that you can view reports on your mobile device. You can download the apps for free from the Apple App Store, Google Play, and the Microsoft Windows Store.

SAS recommends using the SAS Visual Analytics Apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 to view and interact with reports on mobile devices.

Web Browsers

SAS Customer Due Diligence supports the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome 67 and later
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge on Chromium 80 and later
  • Mozilla Firefox 60 and later

Third-Party Software

SAS software may be provided with certain third-party software, including but not limited to open-source software, which is licensed under its applicable third-party software license agreement. For license information about third-party software distributed with SAS software, refer to

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