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The PHREG Procedure

Specifics for Bayesian Analysis

To request a Bayesian analysis, you specify the new BAYES statement in addition to the PROC PHREG statement and the MODEL statement. You include a CLASS statement if you have effects that involve categorical variables. The FREQ or WEIGHT statement can be included if you have a frequency or weight variable, respectively, in the input data. The STRATA statement can be used to carry out a stratified analysis for the Cox model, but it is not allowed in the piecewise constant baseline hazard model. Programming statements can be used to create time-dependent covariates for the Cox model, but they are not allowed in the piecewise constant baseline hazard model. However, you can use the counting process style of input to accommodate time-dependent covariates that are not continuously changing with time for the piecewise constant baseline hazard model and the Cox model as well. The HAZARDRATIO statement enables you to request a hazard ratio analysis based on the posterior samples. The ASSESS, CONTRAST, ID, OUTPUT, and TEST statements, if specified, are ignored. Also ignored are the COVM and COVS options in the PROC PHREG statement and the following options in the MODEL statement: BEST=, CORRB, COVB, DETAILS, HIERARCHY=, INCLUDE=, MAXSTEP=, NOFIT, PLCONV=, SELECTION=, SEQUENTIAL, SLENTRY=, and SLSTAY=.

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