response <(response-options)> = <effects> </ model-options> ;
events / trials <(response-options)> = <effects> </ model-options> ;
The MODEL statement defines the statistical model in terms of a response variable (the target) or an events/trials specification, model effects constructed from variables in the input data set, and options. An intercept is included in the model by default. You can remove the intercept with the NOINT option.
You can specify a single response variable that contains your binary, ordinal, or nominal response values. When you have binomial data, you can specify the events/trials form of the response, where one variable contains the number of positive responses (or events) and another variable contains the number of trials. Note that the values of both events and (trials – events) must be nonnegative and the value of trials must be positive.
For information about constructing the model effects, see the section Specification and Parameterization of Model Effects of Chapter 4: Shared Statistical Concepts.
There are two sets of options in the MODEL statement. The response-options determine how the HPLOGISTIC procedure models probabilities for binary data. The model-options control other aspects of model formation and inference. Table 9.3 summarizes these options.
Table 9.3: MODEL Statement Options
Option |
Description |
Response Variable Options |
Reverses the response categories |
Specifies the event category |
Specifies the sort order |
Specifies the reference category |
Model Options |
Specifies the confidence level for confidence limits |
Requests association statistics |
Requests confidence limits |
Specifies the degrees-of-freedom method |
Includes effects in all models for model selection |
Requests the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test |
Specifies the link function |
Suppresses checking for infinite parameters |
Suppresses the intercept |
Specifies the offset variable |
Requests a generalized coefficient of determination |
Includes effects in the initial model for model selection |
Response variable options determine how the HPLOGISTIC procedure models probabilities for binary and multinomial data.
You can specify the following response-options by enclosing them in parentheses after the response or trials variable.