The Earned Value Management Macros



This macro is used to generate summary statistics for the status date(s) requested, along with periodic metrics.

%EVA_METRICS < ( parameters ) > ;

Note: %EVA_METRICS requires output from both %EVA_PLANNED_VALUE and %EVA_EARNED_VALUE.

Optional Parameters


specifies whether the long form of the earned value acronyms is to be used—e.g., BCWP versus EV. The short form is used unless the macro variable _ACRONYMS_ is set to long or ACRONYMS=long is specified. The parameter overrides the macro variable setting; i.e., specifying any non-null value other than long for the ACRONYMS= parameter produces short forms.

EACFORM= integer

indicates the form of the EAC to be used in computing ETC, VAC, VAC percentage, and TCPI$_\mr {EAC}$. The values are assigned as follows:

  • 1 - EAC$_\mr {rev}$

  • 2 - EAC$_\mr {OTD}$

  • 3 - EAC$_\mr {CPI}$

  • 4 - EAC$_\mr {CPI\times SPI}$

The default value is 3 for EAC$_\mr {CPI}$.

EV= SAS-data-set

identifies the input data set containing the periodic earned value and actual cost. It is generated by the %EVA_EARNED_VALUE macro, with name specified by the EV= parameter of the %EVA_EARNED_VALUE macro. The default data set name is EV.

METRICS= SAS-data-set

identifies the periodic output data set containing earned value metrics. The default name of the periodic output data set is METRICS.

PV= SAS-data-set

identifies the input data set containing the periodic planned value. It is generated by the %EVA_PLANNED_VALUE macro, with name specified by the PV= parameter of the %EVA_PLANNED_VALUE macro. The default data set name is PV.

SUMMARY= SAS-data-set

identifies the output data set, which contains a summary of metrics derived with respect to the last time given by the TIMENOW= parameter. The default name of the summary output data set is SUMMARY.

TIMENOW= time(s)

specifies one or more reference dates (’ddmmmyy’d) or datetimes (’ddmmmyy:hh:mm:ss’dt) delimited by white space, for the summary output. For example:

%eva_metrics(timenow='01SEP11'd '15SEP11:12:00:00'dt);

The list of dates or datetimes must be in chronological order. The default value is today’s date, unless the macro variable _TIMENOW_ has been set, in which case the default is the latter.

Table 11.3 summarizes the parameters used for managing input and output data sets in the %EVA_METRICS macro.

Table 11.3: %EVA_METRICS I/O Parameter Summary


Data Set