The Earned Value Management Macros


This macro is used to produce the periodic planned value.

%EVA_PLANNED_VALUE ( parameters ) ;

Required Parameters

ACTIVITY= variable

specifies the activity variable in the PLANSCHED= and BUDGETCOST= data sets.



identifies the input data set containing the budgeted cost rates for each activity.


identifies the input data set containing the planned schedule.

START= variable

specifies the start date or datetime variable in the PLANSCHED= data set.

Figure 11.29: Analysis Macro Data Flow

Optional Parameters

CALENDAR= SAS-data-set

identifies the calendar input data set. (See the CALENDAR= option in Chapter 4 for more details.)

COST= variable

specifies the cost variable in the BUDGETCOST= data set. This is the total of the start and finish costs associated with the given task. At least COST= or RATE= must be specified.

DURATION= variable

specifies the task duration variable in the PLANSCHED= data set. At least DURATION= or FINISH= must be specified. If both parameters are specified, the FINISH= variable value overrides a nonzero DURATION= variable value; i.e., duration is only used to indicate a milestone task.

FINISH= variable

specifies the finish date or datetime variable in the PLANSCHED= data set. At least FINISH= or DURATION= must be specified. If both parameters are specified, the FINISH= variable value overrides a nonzero DURATION= variable value; i.e., duration is only used to indicate a milestone task.

HOLIDATA= SAS-data-set

identifies the input data set that contains the holiday schedule. (See the HOLIDATA= option in Chapter 4 for more details.)

HOLIDAY= statement

specifies the HOLIDAY statement to use for PROC CPM. For example:

%eva_planned_value(\ldots, holiday=holiday start / holifin=finish, ...);

(See the HOLIDAY statement in Chapter 4 for more details.)

INTERVAL= interval

specifies the units to use for the DURATION= variable values. (See the INTERVAL= option in Chapter 4 for more details.)


sets the limit on the number of allowable observations for the PV= data set. (See the MAXOBS= option of the RESOURCE statement and CPM procedure in Chapter 4 for more details.)

NROUTCAL= variable

indicates which calendar is to be used for incrementing the _TIME_ variable in the BCOSTOUT= data set. (See the NROUTCAL= option of the RESOURCE statement and CPM procedure in Chapter 4 for more details.)

PV= SAS-data-set

identifies the output data set that contains the periodic planned value. The frequency is determined by the INTERVAL= and ROUTINTERVAL= parameters. The default data set name is PV.

RATE= variable

specifies the cost rate variable in the BUDGETCOST= data set. This is the rate at which cost is incurred over the duration of the task. The variable that contains this duration is specified with the DURATION= parameter. At least RATE= or COST= must be specified.


specifies the period between values in the PV= data set. (See the ROUTINTERVAL= option in Chapter 4 for more details.)

SPCT= variable

specifies the start percentage variable in the BUDGETCOST= data set. This is the percentage of the COST= amount that is incurred at the beginning of the task. The default is zero, in which case the entire COST= amount is incurred at the completion of the task. The specified variable may also contain a comma-delimited list of weights to be used for distributing the cost at equal working intervals over the duration of the activity.

TASKPV= SAS-data-set

identifies the output data set that is used as input to the %EVA_EARNED_VALUE macro. This data set is used to store the planned duration and costs by activity, which are used by the %EVA_EARNED_VALUE macro to compute earned value (see Figure 11.29). The default data set name is TASKPV.

WORKDAY= SAS-data-set

identifies the workday input data set. (See the WORKDAY= option in Chapter 4 for more details.)

Note that if a WORKDAY=, CALENDAR=, or HOLIDAY= data set is specified, the default variable name, _CAL_, is assumed for calendar identification.

Table 11.1 summarizes the parameters used for managing input and output data sets in the %EVA_PLANNED_VALUE macro.

Table 11.1: %EVA_PLANNED_VALUE I/O Parameter Summary


Data Set
