The DOCUMENT Procedure

DELETE Statement

Deletes entries from the current directory.
Restriction: The root directory cannot be deleted or moved.
Note: The DELETE statement affects all levels of a directory below the specified path.


Required Argument

specifies the location of one or more links, output objects, or directories. For example, the following DELETE statement removes the ClassLevels and Nobs entries from the current directory:
delete classlevels, nobs; 
Requirement:Separate multiple paths with commas.
Tip:You can use the symbol '^' to represent the current directory and the symbol '^^' to represent the parent directory.

Optional Arguments

LEVELS= ALL | value
specifies the number of levels that you want to delete.
specifies all levels.
specifies the numeric value of the path level.
Restriction:The LEVELS= option is valid only when you specify a directory.
(WHERE=(where-expression-1<operator >))
conditionally selects a subset of entries in an ODS document.
is an arithmetic or logical expression that consists of a sequence of operators and operands.
is one of the following:
is a fixed value such as a date literal, a value, or a BY variable value.
SAS function
For information about SAS functions, see SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference.
subsetting variable
is a special type of WHERE expression operand used by the DOCUMENT procedure to help you find common values in ODS documents. Here are the subsetting variables:
is the creation date of the current entry.
Example:The following MOVE TO statement moves all entries of the type 'Graph' with a creation date of 16JUL2004 to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
move ^(where=(_type_ = 'Graph' and _cdate_ = '16JUL2004'd)) to
   \ work.mydoc\monthly;
is the creation datetime of the current entry.
Example:The following COPY TO statement copies all entries with a creation datetime of May 1, 2003, at 9:30 to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
copy ^(where=(_cdatetime_ = '01may04:9:30:00'dt)) to \work.mydoc\monthly;
is the creation time of the current entry.
Example:The following DELETE statement deletes all entries with a creation time of 9:25:19 PM:
delete ^(where=(_ctime_ = '9:25:19pm't));
is the label of the current entry.
Example:The following LIST statement lists all tables containing the label 'Type III Model' within the GLM procedure:
list glm(where=(_type_ = 'table' _label_ ? 'Type III Model'));
is the path to the label of the current entry. Document label paths are formed by concatenating the labels and sequence numbers, and then separating them with the forward slash (/) symbol. Document label paths are similar to the label paths specified by the ODS TRACE statement.
For example, suppose that this is the ODS TRACE label path:
'The Univariate Procedure'.'Normal_x'.'Histogram 1'
The corresponding document label path would be as follows:
'The Univariate Procedure'#1\'Normal_x'#1\'Histogram 1'#1
Note that in document label paths, the instances of '.' are replaced with '\'.
Example:The following LIST statement lists all items containing “Fit Statistics” in the label path.
list gml(where=(_labelpath_ ? "Fit Statistics"))/levels=all;
is the last observation.
Restrictions: _MAX_ is used only for output objects.

_MAX_ is used only in the REPLAY statement.

Example:The following REPLAY statement replays all observations except the last observation:
replay class(where=(_obs_ < _max_));
is the modification date of the current entry.
Example:The following MOVE TO statement moves all entries of the type 'Graph' with a modification date of 16JUL2004 to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
move ^(where=(_type_ = 'Graph' and _mdate_ = '16JUL2004'd)) to
is the modification datetime of the current entry.
Example:The following REPLAY statement replays all entries with a modification datetime of May 1, 2003, at 9:30:
replay ^(where=(_mdatetime_ = '01may04:9:30:00'dt));
is the first observation.
Restrictions:_MIN_ is used only for output objects.

_MIN_ is always set to 1

_MIN_ is used only in the REPLAY statement.

Example:The following REPLAY statement replays all observations except the first observation:
replay class(where=(_obs_ <  _min_));
is the modification time of the current entry.
Example:The following COPY TO statement copies all entries with a modification time of 9:25:19 PM to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
copy ^(where=(_mtime_ = '9:25:19pm't)) to \work.mydoc\monthly;
is the name of the current entry.
Example:The following DELETE statement deletes all entries that contain the name “stemleng” within the GLM procedure:
delete glm(where=(_name_ ? 'stemleng'));  
is the current observation number in an output object.
Restrictions:_OBS_ is used only for output objects.

_OBS_ is used only in the REPLAY statement.

Examples:The following REPLAY statement replays all but the first ten observations:
replay class(where=(_obs_ > 10));

The following REPLAY statement replays all observations except the last observation:

replay class(where=(_obs_ < _max_));

The following REPLAY statement replays the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth observations:

replay class(where=(_obs_ in (1,3,5,7,9)));

is the observation number to be replayed.
Restrictions:observation-number is used only for output objects.

observation-number is used only in the REPLAY statement.

Example:The following REPLAY statement replays the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth observation:
replay class(where=(_obs_ in (1,3,5,7,9)));
is the name of an observation.
Restrictions:observation-variable is used only for output objects.

observation-variable is used only in the REPLAY statement.

Examples:The following REPLAY statement replays all observations where the variable Weight is greater than 100:
replay class(where=(weight>100));

The following REPLAY statement replays all observations where the variable Sex is equal to ‘F’.

replay class(where=(sex='F'));

is the path of the current entry.
Example:The following LIST statement lists all entries with a path containing the substring 'Anova' at all levels of the current directory:
list ^(where=(_path_ ? 'Anova'));
is the sequence number of the current entry.
Example:The following REPLAY statement replays all entries that have a sequence number of 2 in the GLM procedure:
replay glm(where=(_seqno_ = 2));  
is the type of the current entry.
Example:The following MOVE TO statement moves all entries of the type 'Graph' with a creation date of July 16, 2004, to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
move ^(where=(_type_ = 'Graph' and _cdate_ = '16JUL2004'd)) to
variable- name
is the name of a BY variable.
Example:The following MOVE TO statement moves all entries where the value of the variable Gender is 'F' to the Monthly directory of Work.MyDoc:
move ^(where=(gender='F')) to \work.mydoc\monthly;
compares one variable with a value or another variable. operator can be AND, OR NOT, OR, AND NOT, or a comparison operator.
Comparison Operators
Mnemonic Equivalent
Equal to
^= or ~= or ¬= or <>
Not equal to
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Equal to one from a list of values
Restriction:For the REPLAY statement, the WHERE= option applies to directories and output objects. For the following statements, the WHERE= option applies to directories only:
  • LIST
Requirement:Enclose where-expression in quotation marks.
See:You can use any expression that can be used in the WHERE= data set option. For information about expressions that you can use in the WHERE data set option, see the WHERE data set option in SAS Data Set Options: Reference and the section on WHERE-Expression Processing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.