GDEVICE Procedure

ADD Statement

Adds a new device entry to the catalog selected by the CATALOG= option in the PROC GDEVICE statement. The device entry is initialized with NULL values for most parameters.
Restriction: Not valid in browse mode.
Requirement: You must have Write access to the device catalog in order to add entries, and use CATALOG= in the PROC GDEVICE statement.


ADD new-device-entry required-parameters <options>;

Required Arguments

specifies the one-level name of the new device entry. New-device-entry must be a valid name for a SAS catalog entry for your operating environment and cannot already exist in the current catalog.
are all of the following parameters:
MODULE = driver-module
XMAX = width <IN | CM>
YMAX = height <IN | CM>
XPIXELS = width-in-pixels
YPIXELS = height-in-pixels
Also, you must specify one or both of these parameter pairs:
LCOLS= landscape-columns and LROWS = landscape-rows
PCOLS = portrait-columns and PROWS = portrait-rows
All of the required parameters for the ADD statement correspond to device parameters of the same name. Refer to Graphics Options and Device Parameters Dictionary for a description of each parameter.


All optional parameters for the ADD statement correspond to device parameters of the same name that are documented in Graphics Options and Device Parameters Dictionary.
Note: Each entry in the dictionary states whether the entry (that is, the option or parameter) can be used by the GOPTIONS statement, the GDEVICE procedure, or any of the GDEVICE windows. Any entry that says it can be used by the GDEVICE procedure or a GDEVICE window is a device parameter. You can specify any parameter that can be specified with the GDEVICE procedure.
Note: The COLORS= device parameter is not required; the device entry is created even if you do not specify it. However, the GDEVICE procedure issues an error message if you do not specify at least one color for the COLORS= option.


Best Practice

The best way to add a new driver is to copy an existing driver and modify the parameters. The ADD statement initializes all the parameter values to NULL, and you have to set values for all of the parameters to something other than NULL.