Features: |
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CHORO statement and Annotate data set |
Sample library member: | GPJANNOT |
goptions reset=all border;
data us48; set maps.states; if state ne 2 and state ne 15 and state ne 72; if density<4; run;
proc gproject data=us48 out=us48p project=gnomon polelong=160 polelat=45 parmout; id state; run;
data cities; set maps.uscity(keep=lat long city state); length function style color $ 10 position $ 1 text $ 20; retain function "label" xsys ysys "2" hsys "1" when "a"; if (state=45 and city="Charleston") or (state=25 and city="Boston") or (state=23 and city="Bangor"); state+100; color="black"; size=8; text="V"; position="5"; style="marker"; x=long; y=lat; output; state+1; color="black"; size=5; text=" "||city; position="6"; style="Albany AMT"; output; run;
proc gproject data=cities degrees out=citiesp parmentry=us48p dupok; id; run;
title1 "Distribution Center Locations"; title2 "East Coast";
pattern value=solid color=white;
proc gmap data=us48p map=us48p all; id state; choro state / nolegend levels=1 coutline=blue annotate=citiesp; run; quit;
data cities; set maps.uscity(keep=lat long city state); length function style color $ 10 position $ 1 text $ 20; retain function "label" xsys ysys "2" hsys "1" when "a"; if (state=45 and city="Charleston") or (state=25 and city="Boston") or (state=23 and city="Bangor"); state+100; color="black"; size=8; text="V"; position="5"; style="marker"; x=long; y=lat; output; state+1; color="black"; size=5; text=" "||city; position="6"; style="Albany AMT"; output; run;