Example 27.1 Panel Data: Two-Way Random-Effects Model

This example shows how you can use the SSM procedure to fit a two-way random-effects model to the panel data. Suppose denotes a -dimensional response vector that is associated with a cross-sectional study with cross sections. The study data set contains measurements recorded at regular time intervals and might also contain predictor information. Here, unlike the multivariate time series setting, the values are stored in a single variable, and a separate variable called the cross-sectional variable indicates the membership of the observation to a particular cross section. Thus, for each time index , the information in takes up rows in the data set. The two-way random-effect model can be described as follows:


Here the matrix contains the regression variables that are associated with the -dimensional regression vector , is a -dimensional latent vector, is a one-dimensional latent effect, is a -dimensional vector with all of its entries equal to one, and is a -dimensional latent vector. is called the cross-sectional effect, is called the time effect, and is called the observation noise. All these latent effects are assumed to be statistically independent. In addition, it is assumed that is a zero mean, Gaussian vector with scaled identity, , as a covariance, is a white noise sequence with variance , and the observation noise is a -variate white noise sequence with covariance . This model can be easily formulated as an SSM that can be analyzed by using the SSM procedure as follows:

  • Since the random latent vector is time-invariant, it can be specified as a state subsection with an identity as the transition matrix and zero as the state disturbance vector. Its initial condition is nondiffuse with , a scaled identity.

  • Since affects all elements of , it must be included in the state. It can be modeled as a one-dimensional white noise state subsection.

  • can be modeled as observation noise, since its covariance is diagonal.

The Christenson Associates airline data, a frequently cited data set (Greene 2000), are used in this illustration. The data measure costs, prices of inputs, and utilization rates for six airlines over the time span 1970–1984. This is a cross-sectional data set with six cross sections that correspond to the six airlines; firmNumber is the cross-sectional variable and lC, the log-transformed costs, is the response variable. The following DATA step generates the data set:

data airline;
   input timePeriod firmNumber lC lQ lPF LF; 
   label timePeriod  = "Time period"; 
   label firmNumber  = "Firm Number"; 
   label LF = "Load Factor (utilization index)";
   label lC = "Log transformed Costs";  
   label lQ = "Log transformed Quantity";  
   label lPF= "Log transformed Price of Fuel";  
   year = intnx( 'year', '1jan1970'd, timePeriod-1 );  
   format year year.; 
1    1    13.9471    -0.04839    11.5773    0.53449
1    2    13.2521    -0.65270    11.5502    0.49085
1    3    12.5648    -1.33781    11.6851    0.52433
1    4    11.8856    -2.44888    11.6526    0.43207

   ... more lines ...   

As needed, these data are already ordered by the time index, year. For each year, there are six rows of observations—one row per airline. The following statements specify and fit a two-way random effects model to lC, the log-transformed costs. An intercept term, lQ, lPF, and LF are included as regressors.

 proc SSM data=airline;
   id year interval=year;
   parms s2c/ lower=(1.e-6);
   array firmArray{6} f1-f6;
   do j=1 to 6;
      firmArray[j] = (firmNumber=j);
   intercept = 1.0;
   state panel_state(6) T(I) cov1(I)=(s2c);
   component panel = panel_state * (firmArray);
   state t_noise(1) type=wn cov(D);
   component teffect = t_noise[1];
   irregular wn ;
   model lC = intercept lQ lPF LF panel teffect wn;
   eval trendPlusReg = intercept + lQ + lPF + LF + 
     panel + teffect;
   forecast out=for;

The ID statement specifies year as an ID variable with yearly frequency. The PARMS statement defines s2c, a parameter that is restricted to be positive. s2c is used later as the variance parameter for the panel effect. An array, firmArray, is defined, which is used later to pick the correct element of in a COMPONENT statement. A constant column, intercept, is defined to be used later as an intercept term. The state subsection panel_state corresponds to , and the component panel extracts the proper element of by using firmArray. The component teffect corresponds to , and wn specifies the observation noise . Finally the MODEL statement defines the model. A state linear combination, rendPlusReg, defined by the EVAL statement, is a sum of all effects in the model except the observation noise. An output data set, for, is specified to output all the estimated components. Some of the tables produced by running these statements are shown in Output 27.1.1 through Output 27.1.6.

The model summary, shown in Output 27.1.1, shows that the model is defined by one MODEL statement, the dimension of the underlying state vector is 7 (since is six-dimensional and is one-dimensional), the diffuse dimension is 4 (because of the four predictors in the model), and there are three parameters to be estimated.

Output 27.1.1 Model Summary Information
The SSM Procedure

Model Summary
Model Property Value
Number of Model Equations 1
State Dimension 7
Dimension of the Diffuse Initial Condition 4
Number of Parameters 3

Output 27.1.2 provides information about the ID variable. It shows that there are multiple measurements—replications—at at least one time point. In this example you know that there are exactly six measurements at each time point.
Output 27.1.2 ID Variable Information
ID Variable Information
Name Start End MaxDelta Type
year 1970 1984 1.00 Regular with replication

The Output 27.1.3 provides likelihood information about the fitted model. See Table 27.6 and Table 27.7 for information about how to interpret this table.
Output 27.1.3 Likelihood Based Fit Statistics
Likelihood Based Fit Statistics
Statistic Value
Non-Missing Response Values Used 90
Estimated Parameters 3
Initialized Diffuse State Elements 4
Normalized Residual Sum of Squares 86
Full Log Likelihood 109.15
AIC (smaller is better) -212.3
BIC (smaller is better) -204.9
AICC (smaller is better) -212
HQIC (smaller is better) -209.3
CAIC (smaller is better) -201.9

Output 27.1.4 shows the regression estimates.
Output 27.1.4 Regression Estimates
Estimates of the Regression Parameters
Response Variable Regression Variable Estimate Approx
Std Error
t Value Approx
Pr > |t|
lC intercept 9.36918 0.24003 39.03 <.0001
lC lQ 0.86746 0.02510 34.56 <.0001
lC lPF 0.43596 0.01700 25.64 <.0001
lC LF -0.98529 0.22369 -4.40 <.0001

The ML estimate of s2c, a parameter specified by the PARMS statement, is shown in Output 27.1.5. It corresponds to , the panel effect variance.
Output 27.1.5 Estimates of the Named Parameters
Maximum Likelihood Estimates
of the Parameters Specified in
the PARMS Statement
Parameter Estimate Approx
Std Error
s2c 0.01516 0.0097921

The estimates of the other unknown parameters in the model are shown in Output 27.1.6. It shows the estimate of the variance of the irregular component wn, and the estimate of the variance of the time effect .
Output 27.1.6 Estimates of the Unnamed Parameters
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Unknown System Parameters (Parameters Not Specified in the PARMS Statement)
Component Type Parameter Estimate Approx
Std Error
t_noise Disturbance Covariance Cov[1, 1] 0.00107 0.0006450
wn Irregular Variance 0.00274 0.0004721

Very often the main goal of a panel study is to estimate the regression effects, having taken into account the panel-specific intercepts (). However, you might also be interested in other issues. For example, the scatter plot in Output 27.1.7 shows the smoothed estimates of between 1970 and 1984, which can be thought of as shocks to the overall airline industry during this span. This plot is produced by using smoothed_teffect, the smoothed estimate of the teffect component in the model.

  proc sgplot data=for;
     title "Yearly Disturbances to the Airline Industry";
     scatter x=year y=smoothed_teffect;
     refline 0;

Output 27.1.7 Scatter Plot of Smoothed Estimates of
Scatter Plot of Smoothed Estimates of t

Similarly, you might wish to study the company-specific patterns implied by the fitted model. This can be done by using the smoothed estimate of trendPlusReg, a component defined by the EVAL statement in the program. The output data set, for, contains this estimate and contains its 95%confidence limits. However, firmNumber, the input data set variable that contains the company number, is not output to for. The following DATA step merges for with the input data set airline:
data for;
   merge for airline;
   by year;

The following statements produce a panel of airline-specific trends. It is shown in Output 27.1.8.

  proc sgpanel data=for noautolegend;
   title 'Airline-specific Trends';
      panelby firmNumber / columns=3;
      band x=year lower=smoothed_lower_trendplusReg 
      scatter x=year y=lC;
      series  x=year y= smoothed_trendplusReg;

Output 27.1.8 Airline-Specific Trends with 95% Confidence Bands
Airline-Specific Trends with 95% Confidence Bands

Note: This procedure is experimental.