LENGTH Statement (Optional)

Assigns a character width to a data item.

Alias: S2KLEN or LEN
Applies to: access descriptors and view descriptors


LENGTH variable-identifier = item-width <…variable-identifier-n= item-width-n> ;


The LENGTH statement changes the item width in characters from the default width; the default item width is based on the database item's picture specification. The LENGTH statement enables SAS to handle S2K CHARACTER and TEXT items that overflow their widths (SAS does not permit variable-length character variables).
item-width can be a maximum of 200 characters.
variable-identifier can be one of the following:
  • the current SAS name for the item
    Note: Any name on the left side of the equal sign (=) must be a SAS name, not a SYSTEM 2000 name. In an access descriptor, if the ASSIGN statement is omitted, you must enter the item number or component number (C-number) on the left side of the equal sign (=).
  • a positional equivalent, which is the number that represents the item, as specified in the LIST statement
  • the SYSTEM 2000 C-number of the database item.
You can use only the LENGTH statement with a view descriptor if ASSIGN= NO in the access descriptor from which the view descriptor is derived. When used for a view descriptor, the LENGTH statement automatically selects the reformatted item. That is, if you change the length associated with an item, you do not have to issue a SELECT statement for that item.
Note: You cannot specify a LENGTH statement for a record.