Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusinessModel Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. Provides interfaces and exceptions that are related to SAS Query Services query execution. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to data items and business queries to modify the results of a query. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes used to define OLAP expressions usable within a business model for defining portions of an OLAP business query. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. Server properties classes that describe SAS formats. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
 void IQDataServices.verify(BusinessModel businessModel, ExpressionInterface expression)
          This convenience method can be used to verify expressions that may be used in a query.

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in that return BusinessModel
 BusinessModel IQOlapAppliedFilter.getParent()
 BusinessModel IQAppliedFilter.getParent()
          Returns the parent business model for this applied filter.

Constructors in with parameters of type BusinessModel
IQOlapAppliedFilter(java.util.List<> levels, BusinessModel parent, java.lang.String displayedText)
          Create a new IQ OLAP applied filter object, based on the supplied levels and parent business model.

Uses of BusinessModel in

Subinterfaces of BusinessModel in
 interface DataSelection
          Specifies an object that is a business model and that provides the specification of a business query.
 interface InformationMap
          Specifies a business model that provides support for organizing its business items within an internal folder structure.

Methods in that return BusinessModel
 BusinessModel BusinessModel.getBaseModel()
          This returns the same as getParentBusinessModel()
 BusinessModel BusinessQuery.getBusinessModel()
          Returns the most extended business model object referenced by business items in this business query.
 BusinessModel BusinessModelObject.getBusinessModel()
          Returns the business model this object was created by.
 BusinessModel BusinessModel.getParentBusinessModel()
          Returns the business model that this business model is directly based on, if any.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
 void DataSelection.initialize(BusinessModel baseModel)
          Deprecated. This is no longer supported.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates and returns a new DataSelection object based upon the given business model.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates and returns a new DataSelection object based upon the given business model.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newSampleDataSelection(BusinessModel rootBusinessModel, java.util.Map maxElements)
          This method is similar to the default DataSelectionFactory method except that it automatically adds ResultItems to create a sample. DataSelectionFactory.newSetOperationDataSelection(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates and returns a new DataSelection object based upon the given business model.
 void BusinessModel.removeChild(BusinessModel child)
          Deprecated. the Model.dispose() method is the preferred way to indicate that a child model and its descendants are no longer needed and should be removed from memory. When migrating to the dispose method, BE SURE to call the .dispose() method on the model previously used as the parameter for this method. See the dispose method for details.

 void BusinessModelResourceReferencer.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessModelResourceReferencer.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
 void CompoundStep.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void CompoundStep.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
 void TupleFilterMemberQualifier.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void DataItemRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataItemMemberFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessQueryTupleFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void BusinessQueryRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BaseFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void TupleFilterMemberQualifier.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemMemberPropertiesFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataItemMemberFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryTupleFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryRankFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BaseFilter.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  ExpressionInterface BaseFilter.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          This is a convenience method for the subclasses

Uses of BusinessModel in

Fields in declared as BusinessModel
 BusinessModel ResourceAwareStringExpression._businessModel

Methods in that return BusinessModel
 BusinessModel ResourceAwareStringExpression.getBusinessModel()
          IQ internal use only.

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ExpressionInterface expr, ResourceScope scope, BusinessModel businessModel)
          Get the Expression String
 java.lang.String ResourceAwareStringExpression.getText(ResourceScope scope, BusinessModel businessModel)
          Get the Expression String This is the human readable String
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface with numeric expression type.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
 void StringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void ResourceAwareStringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void FunctionCall.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void ConstantExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void AbstractTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void StringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void ResourceAwareStringExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void FunctionCall.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void FractionOfTotalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void ConstantExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void AbstractTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  ExpressionInterface ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
protected  void ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResourcesInList(java.util.List resourceList, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Constructors in with parameters of type BusinessModel
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, exprList, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Constructor Build a ResourceAwareExpression from an identifier list The Expression will not be "parsed" during construction.
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed on business items (default scope) using the BusinessModel provided during construction.
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression, int expressionType)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed on business items (default scope) using the BusinessModel provided during construction
ResourceAwareStringExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expression, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Constructor As part of construction Resource Identification is performed using the ResourceScope and BusinessModel provided during construction

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
protected  void TimeRangeFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void MemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List memberNames, BusinessModel model)
          IQ internal use only -- do not use.
protected  void BusinessGroupMemberFilterExpression.buildMemberTuples(java.util.List memberNames, BusinessModel model)
          This method is only placeholder for the parent class.
 void TimeFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replace what is being compared (which should be TIME)
 void TimeExpressionMeasure.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void MemberFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void BaseFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void TimeFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void TimeExpressionMeasure.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void MemberFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void BaseFilterExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
          Replaces any direct references within this object's definition to the specified "old" object with the given "new" resource object.
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.replaceResource(BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Constructors in with parameters of type BusinessModel
SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains(BusinessModel businessModel)
          Creates a Contains conditional expression while testing to make sure that CONTAINS is supported on the server that the BusinessModel is connected to.

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
static java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> SASFormatDescriptionUtil.getFormatsByType(SASFormatCategory type, BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Visits the appropriate server for this business model and retrieves all the formats for the given type.
static java.util.List<SASFormatDescription> SASFormatDescriptionUtil.getUserDefinedFormats(BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Visits the appropriate server for this business model and retrieves all user defined formats.
static boolean SASFormatDescriptionUtil.isFormatUserDefined(java.lang.String format, BusinessModel model, java.util.Locale locale)
          Tests the format to see if it is user defined.

Uses of BusinessModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BusinessModel
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getCubeName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the cube name for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the dimension name for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem, connection)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not call!
static int BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getDimensionType(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.Object obj)
          Get the dimension type for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getHierarchyName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the fully qualified hierarchy name for an OLAP data item.
static java.lang.String BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.getMeasureName(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the measure name for an OLAP data item.
static boolean BusinessQueryOLAPUtil.isInMeasureDimension(BusinessModel businessModel, DataItem dataItem)
          Get the dimension name for an OLAP data item.

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