Query |
| |||||||||||
public interface BusinessQuery
Specifies the interface that models the information that is necessary to request a result set based on business items that are contained in business models that are managed by the Intelligent Query Metadata Service. The BusinessQuery helps define and manipulate a query based on business metadata. It supports multiple views and the ability to let each view be notified when the model changes.
To specify how a particular data item's values are to be sorted, one may specify the sort direction for the data item. The sort direction attribute for a DataItemReference is inherited from its parent (base) data item if it is not explicitly set (overridden) in the DataItemReference.
To specify the precedence order of the data items to be sorted on, one may specify the "sort order precedence" list of data items for a business query.
Sorting is applied to either a data item or a business query. Sorting is applied to the data item using methods in the DataItem class.
The sort criteria is defined for a data item is based either on the value of category data item label or the value of a measure defined in the definition of that category.
The sort criteria is defined for a business query is based on the value of a measure in the crossing of a set or tuples (which would generate a MDX phrase:
This type of sort would be achieved by defining the following:
List sortCriteria = new ArrayList(); String[] measures = { measure };<<== where name is [ACTUAL_AVG] sortCriteria.put(measures); businessQuery.setSortCriteria(sortCriteria,com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Role.ROW) businessQuery.setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType.SORT_HIERARCHY_DESCENDING, com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Role.ROW);
If sorting has been defined for both a data item and a business query, both will be honored if the BusinessQueryProperty.BUSINESS_QUERY_OLAP_SORT_PRECEDENCE property has been set to FALSE. If we applied the following:
businessQuery.setQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty.BUSINESS_QUERY_OLAP_SORT_PRECEDENCE, true);
then, we would generate a MDX phrase:
Business Query can be filtered by a particular value threshold in a measure, a particular value range or list in a catergory, or a particular ranking of value in a measure. This filtering is performed by applying steps to a business query. To determine out how steps can be applied to a business query for OLAP filtering and ranking, see com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.step.
One can look at total in two different modes:
Visual Value is is a sum of all the members at a given level which actually appear in the result set.
A cube value is the standard aggregate value for a given member as returned by the server, if the user has access to these members.
A subtotal is the value for a parent (see "Parent values") that has been added to the output because the user has asked for subtotals. It can therefore be either a Visual Total or a Cube Value.
Row Total and Column Total occurs at the outermost hierarchy and level in the result set on either the column axis or the row axis.
Column totals are displayed as the last/first row(s) on the row axis. Row totals are displayed as the last/first column(s) on the column axis. When a total is coalesced, there is a single row/column for total. If total is not coalesced, you will see the natural multidimensional presentation.
This is the visual total or cube value on the bottom right (or top left) of a grid. This is naturally presented as the cell where Row Total and Column Total intersect. Note: There may be more than one grand total as there may be more than one measure.
A parent value is the value for an item that appears along with one or more of its children. Note that the value a user sees may not include all children, if security is set so that a user does not have access to all of the children, or if the query contains a filter and the user has asked for "visual total" instead of "cube value". Note that an item may or may not be a "parent" depending on context. For example, if Southeast occurs along with North Carolina, it is a parent, but if it occurs with Wake County (a grandchild) it is not. Parent values can occur either when the query contains a filter or when the user has asked for subtotals. They cannot be created just by doing an Expand or a Drill.
The total and subtotal should inherit the inherent statistic of the current measure in the same way as the AGGREGATE function. This means that measures which are non-additive should be computed in accordance with the appropriate semantics for the various statistics: AVG, MIN, MAX, etc.
There are some aggregations which do not fit into the totaling mode. For example: an aggregation across the measure dimension.
The all member is the parent of the highest level nodes in a cube. For example, if continents form the top of a Geography hierarchy, the all member would give the sum of everything in the entire world.
The type of totaling that can be applied are:
To define this type of totaling, use the following:
dataSelection.setTotalType(bq.ALLTOTAL, Role.ROW);<<-- for all totaling on row.
To define this type of totaling, use the following:
dataSelection.setTotalType(bq.SUBTOTAL, Role.ROW);<<-- for sub totaling on row.
To define this type of totaling, use the following:
dataSelection.setTotalType(bq.AXISTOTAL, Role.ROW);<<-- for grand totaling on row. axis
To define this type of totaling, use the following:
dataSelection.setTotalType(bq.TOTAL_NONE, Role.ROW);<<-- for no totaling on the row.
Note: What happens if the All member of a dimension is excluded by the Permission condition?
Each dimension has a default member. That member is implicitly being used if no other members of that dimension are explicitly selected in your query. Usually the All member of a dimension is also the default member. If you remove the All member by not including it in the Permission Condition, the default member becomes the first member of the set specified in the Permission Condition.
Unless otherwise noted, all getter/setter method pairs do not copy their outputs or inputs, respectively. That is, if one calls the setter method and immediately calls the getter method for that same attribute, the object that was just given on the setter method will be returned by the getter. The only general exception to this rule, which is not documented further on the getter/setter methods, is when the output or input is a List, in which case the List is copied but the contents of the list are not copied. (A shallow copy of the List is made in both the setter and getter methods).
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
This totaling action defines that both subtotals and axistotals have been applied for a business model. |
static java.lang.String |
This action defines that totaling is applied at the outermost hierarchy and level in the result set on either the column axis or the row axis. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the explicit join path has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the empty data format has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the list of filters has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when a change to an object has occurred that may cause query results to change from prior to the object change. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when a query property has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when any BusinessModelObject referenced by this BusinessQuery has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the set of result items has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the role of a result item has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is currently never fired. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the OLAP sort criteria has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the OLAP sort direction has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the sort order precedence list has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the step list has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the list of supported actions has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when totaling has been changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when a total label has been changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when the explicit join path has changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This event is fired when totaling has been changed. |
static java.lang.String |
This action defines if grand totaling is applied to outermost dimension for a business model. |
static java.lang.String |
This action defines if either all innermost rows or columns will be subtotaled for a business model. |
static java.lang.String |
This action defines if neither rows or columns will be totaled for a business model. |
static java.lang.String |
In the java.util.Map returned from the write(Element, Map) method,
the value associated with this key is a org.w3c.dom.Element object giving the main element
written for the query. |
static java.lang.String |
In the java.util.Map returned from the write(Element, Map) method,
the value associated with this key is a java.util.List of BriefInformationMap objects which represent
the information maps that were referenced in the XML that was written for the query. |
Method Summary | |
void |
addResultItem(DataItem dataItem,
Role role)
Adds a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list). |
void |
addResultItems(java.util.List dataItems,
Role role)
Adds a list of data items with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list). |
void |
addStep(StepInterface step,
Role stepRole)
This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role. |
BusinessModel |
Returns the most extended business model object referenced by business items in this business query. |
CascadeRuleSet |
Returns a CascadeRuleSet objects that describe the cascades needed if this business query were to be run at this time. |
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> |
Get effective groups for a business query. |
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> |
getEffectiveGroupsByType(BusinessGroup.Type type)
Get a flattened list of the effective groups by type for the query. |
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> |
getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi)
Get the effective groups for the query that contain the specified business model object. |
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> |
getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi,
BusinessGroup.Type type)
Get the effective groups by type for the query that contain the specified business model object. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the replacement string to be used (in a result set generated from this query) for empty data. |
com.sas.entities.EntityInterface |
Deprecated. Use getPromptValues; |
java.util.List |
Returns the list of FilterItem objects last set on this object via setFilters() |
StructureOfData |
Returns an indication as to the type or structure of the data used as input to this query. |
BusinessQuery |
Returns the parent query for this BusinessQuery |
com.sas.prompts.PromptValuesInterface |
Returns a prompt values object containing all of the prompts referenced by business items used in this BusinessQuery. |
boolean |
getQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty prop)
Returns the value of a specified query property. |
java.util.List<Reason> |
Returns a list of reasons why this object is not a valid business query. |
Role |
getResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem)
Returns the role for the given data item contained in the result item list. |
java.util.List |
Returns the list of data items contained in the result item list of this business query. |
java.util.List |
getResultItems(Role withThisRole)
Returns the list of data items contained in the result item list of this business query that have been assigned the given role. |
int |
getResultSetIndex(java.lang.String dataItemID)
Returns the column index in the resultset for the data item (contained in the result items list) with the given ID. |
java.util.List |
getSortCriteria(Role businessSortRole)
This method gets the list of elements that are used to sort (order) on that was applied to this Business Query using the setSortCriteria method. |
BusinessQueryActionType |
getSortDirection(Role businessSortRole)
This method gets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this Business Query using the setSortDirection method. |
java.util.List |
This method gets the list of DataItems that was last set via setSortOrderPrecedence which specifies a precedence amongst a set of data items. |
StepInterface |
getStep(int stepNumber,
Role stepRole)
This method returns the Step (StepInterface) that has been applied for a specific role and step number. null can be returned if the object does not support steps, for example, XMLIntelligentQuery . |
java.util.List<StepInterface> |
getSteps(Role stepRole)
This method returns an ordered list of steps (StepInterface) that will be applied to a business query for a specific role. |
java.lang.String |
getTotalLabel(Role businessTotalRole,
java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
This method gets the total label used for all totaling rows or columns in a businesss query. |
BusinessQueryTotalLocationType |
This method gets the location where total are inserted. |
BusinessQueryTotalModeType |
This method gets the mode of totaling (either CUBE_VALUES or VISUAL_VALUES) |
java.lang.String |
getTotalType(Role businessTotalRole)
This method gets the type of totaling that has been applied to a business query. |
java.util.List |
Returns a List of ( BusinessQueryActionType ) elements. |
void |
insertResultItemsAt(DataItem dataItem,
Role role,
int index)
Inserts the specified a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results. |
boolean |
isActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType)
Returns whether or not the specified BusinessQueryActionType is currenly supported by the BusinessQuery. |
boolean |
Returns whether this business query passes a set of base checks determining whether it is valid. |
void |
removeResultItem(DataItem dataItem)
Removes the specified data item from the set of result items contained in this object. |
void |
removeResultItems(java.util.List dataItems)
Removes a list of data items from the list of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list). |
void |
removeStep(int stepNumber,
Role stepRole)
This method removes a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role. |
void |
setActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType,
boolean actionSupported)
Sets whether or not the specified BusinessQueryActionType is supported for this BusinessQuery. |
void |
setEmptyDataFormat(java.lang.String replacementString)
This method specifies the replacement string to be used (in a result set generated from this query) for empty data. |
void |
setFilters(java.util.List filters)
Sets the List of FilterItem objects on this business query to limit the results when this query is run. |
void |
setGroups(java.util.List<BusinessGroup> group)
Set effective groups for a business query. |
void |
setQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty prop,
boolean value)
Sets the value of the specified query property in this object. |
void |
setResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem,
Role role)
Sets the role for the given data item contained in the result item list. |
void |
setResultItems(java.util.List dataItems)
Sets the list of data items to use in the result item list. |
void |
setSelectedItems(java.util.List newSelectedItems)
Sets the list of selected items to be used as result items. |
void |
setSortCriteria(java.util.List sortCriteria,
Role businessSortRole)
This method sets a list that contains the elements that will be used to sort (order) on. |
void |
setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType sortDirection,
Role businessSortRole)
This method sets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this BusinessQuery. |
void |
setSortOrderPrecedence(java.util.List sortOrderPrecedence)
This method sets the Sort Order Precedence for this query to the set of given data items. |
void |
setSteps(java.util.List<StepInterface> steps,
Role stepRole)
This method sets an ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role. |
void |
setTotalLabel(java.lang.String totalLabel,
Role businessTotalRole,
java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
This method sets a total label for all totaling rows or columns in a businesss query. |
void |
setTotalLocation(BusinessQueryTotalLocationType totalLocation)
This method sets the location where total values are inserted. |
void |
setTotalMode(BusinessQueryTotalModeType totalLocation)
This method sets the mode which the total values are displayed. |
void |
setTotalType(java.lang.String totalingType,
Role businessTotalRole)
This method sets the type of totaling that will be included in the resulting set of members defined as in a row or a column. |
org.w3c.dom.Element |
write(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement)
Serializes this model as a sub-element to the given DOM element and returns the subelement representing this model. |
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.PropertyChangeListenee |
addListener, getListeners, removeListener |
Field Detail |
static final java.lang.String EVENT_RESULT_ITEM_ROLE_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_RESULT_ITEM_LIST_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_FILTERS_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_SORT_ORDER_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_TOTAL_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_TOTAL_MODE_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_TOTAL_LABEL_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_SORT_DIRECTION_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_SORT_CRITERIA_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_SOLVE_ORDER_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_STEPS_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_QUERY_PROPERTY_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_SUPPORTED_ACTION_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_EMPTY_DATA_FORMAT_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_REFERENCED_OBJECT_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_QUERY_DEFINITION_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_COALESCED_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String EVENT_TOTAL_LOCATION_CHANGED
static final java.lang.String ALLTOTAL
static final java.lang.String SUBTOTAL
static final java.lang.String TOTAL_NONE
static final java.lang.String GRANDTOTAL
static final java.lang.String AXISTOTAL
static final java.lang.String WRITERESULT_MODEL_ELEMENT
write(Element, Map)
the value associated with this key is a org.w3c.dom.Element object giving the main element
written for the query.
static final java.lang.String WRITERESULT_REFERENCED_INFOMAPS
write(Element, Map)
the value associated with this key is a java.util.List of BriefInformationMap objects which represent
the information maps that were referenced in the XML that was written for the query.
Method Detail |
BusinessQuery getParentQuery()
java.util.List getFilters()
void setFilters(java.util.List filters) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- List of FilterItem objects to be set on this business query
- if the operation could not be performed
boolean getQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty prop)
When a business query is initially created, all properties are initialized to a "false" value.
- specifies the query property whose value is to be returned.
setQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty, boolean)
void setQueryProperty(BusinessQueryProperty prop, boolean value) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- The query property whose value is to be changed.value
- The value to change the the query property to.
- if the operation could not be performedjava.lang.String getEmptyDataFormat()
Clients can use this property value to replace the value returned in the result set when rendering a display of values. Clients should not expect IQ to replace the actual values in the returned result set with this replacement string. A SQL/JDBC result set will not allow returning string data for numeric or date values.
void setEmptyDataFormat(java.lang.String replacementString) throws MetadataException
Clients can use this property value to replace the value returned in the result set when rendering a display of values. Clients should not expect IQ to replace the actual values in the returned result set with this replacement string. A SQL/JDBC result set will not allow returning string data for numeric or date values.
Property change events signaled:
- The value used to represent empty data in a ResultSet.
StructureOfData getInputStructure()
void addResultItem(DataItem dataItem, Role role) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- The data item to add to the result item listrole
- The role that the data item plays in the business query.
If this is null no role is associated with the result item and a
default role will be determined when this business query is run.
- if the operation could not be performedvoid addResultItems(java.util.List dataItems, Role role) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a list of DataItem objects to add to the result item listrole
- The role that the data items play in the business query.
If this is null no role is associated with the specified data items and
default roles will be determined when this business query is run.
- if the operation could not be performedvoid insertResultItemsAt(DataItem dataItem, Role role, int index) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- The data item to add to the result item listrole
- The role that the data item plays in the business query.
If this is null no role is associated with the result item and a
default role will be determined when this business query is run.index
- where to insert the data item.
- if the operation could not be performed
- if the data item is null or the index is less then zerovoid removeResultItem(DataItem dataItem) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a data item object to remove from the result item list
- if the operation could not be performedvoid removeResultItems(java.util.List dataItems) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a list of DataItem objects to be removed from the result item list
- if the operation could not be performedvoid setSelectedItems(java.util.List newSelectedItems) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a list of selected items to be used as result items
- if the operation could not be performedvoid setResultItems(java.util.List dataItems) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a list of data items to set in the result item list
- if the operation could not be performedjava.util.List getResultItems()
java.util.List getResultItems(Role withThisRole) throws MetadataException
- if the operation could not be performedRole getResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem) throws MetadataException
- if the given data item is not in the result item listvoid setResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem, Role role) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a Role for the given data item in this business query
- if the given data item is not in the result item listvoid addStep(StepInterface step, Role stepRole) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- The step to be added to the StepManagerstepRole
- The role (either Column or Row) where step will be applied.
StepInterface getStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole)
A CompoundStep can contain CompoundSteps or Steps, but cannot directly or indirectly contain itself.
- stepRole
- the role (either Column or Row) where step will be applied
- if there is no step for this
stepNumber and stepRolejava.util.List<StepInterface> getSteps(Role stepRole)
A CompoundStep can contain CompoundSteps or Steps, but can't directly or indirectly contain itself.
- the role (either Column or Row) where the step
will be applied.
void setSteps(java.util.List<StepInterface> steps, Role stepRole) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- the list of stepsstepRole
- The role (either Column or Row) where step will be applied.
void removeStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- stepRole
java.util.List getValidActions()
) elements. This list contains all
all the Action Types that could be valid for this BusinessQuery. This differs from the
method in that this list does not define the set of
Action that are currently supported by the BusinessQuery, but rather the list of Actions
that can optionally be turned on or off. If an Action does not appear in this list
then the consumer does not have the option of controlling this Action.
boolean isActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType)
- The type of BusinessQuery Action that is being queried.
void setActionSupported(BusinessQueryActionType actionType, boolean actionSupported) throws MetadataException
method can be enabled.
Property change events signaled:
- The type of BusinessQuery Action to enable or disableactionSupported
- A boolean indicating whether to enable or disable the BusinessQuery Action
- when trying to set an action to be supported when not in the valid list of supported actionsjava.util.List getSortOrderPrecedence()
void setSortOrderPrecedence(java.util.List sortOrderPrecedence) throws MetadataException
Property change events signaled:
- a list a DataItem objects providing sort precedence
- when the action is not supported
BusinessQueryActionType getSortDirection(Role businessSortRole)
Sort directions that can be retrieved are:
Note: This method is specifically used to perform ordering for OLAP. This method is not used for relational business model. If businessSortRole is null, COLUMN is assumed. If an invalid Role is presented to this method, an error will be displayed and an SORT_NONE is returned. The valid sortDirection arguments that can be returned are:
Property change events signaled:
- Defines whether this sort applied to a row or column.
setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType, Role)
setSortCriteria(java.util.List, Role)
void setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType sortDirection, Role businessSortRole) throws MetadataException
Note: This method is specifically used to perform ordering for OLAP. This method is not used for relational business model. There is no validation that occurs on the items defined in the sort criteria list. "Order" will arranges members of a specified set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy. There are two varieties of Order: hierarchized (ASC or DESC) and nonhierarchized (BASC or BDESC, where B stands for Break hierarchy). The hierarchized ordering first arranges members according to their position in the hierarchy. Then it orders each level. The nonhierarchized ordering arranges members in the set without regard to the hierarchy.
Valid sortDirection arguments are:
To define a successful sort, both a sort direction and a sort criteria must be specified.
Property change events signaled:
- the type of sorting that will be applied to this query.businessSortRole
- Defines whether this sort applied to a row or column. If businessSortRole is null, COLUMN is assumed.
- when the action is not supported
- when either a invalid sortDirection or invalid businessSortRole is applied.getSortDirection(Role)
setSortCriteria(List, Role)
java.lang.String getTotalType(Role businessTotalRole)
- define whether this totaling is being set for a row or a column. If businessTotalRole is null, COLUMN is assumed.
void setTotalType(java.lang.String totalingType, Role businessTotalRole) throws MetadataException
Note: Several other methods will be added to support totaling in the future such as setTotalStyle (set label and formatting of the total row or column) and setTotalAggregation set aggregation factor).
The type of totaling applied can be:
Property change events signaled:
- the type of totaling that will be applied to this query.businessTotalRole
- define whether this totaling is being set for a row or a column. If businessTotalRole is null, COLUMN is assumed.
- when the action is not supported
- when a businessTotalRole is applied.java.lang.String getTotalLabel(Role businessTotalRole, java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
Note: If businessTotalRole is null, COLUMN is assumed. If an invalid Role is presented to this method, an error will be displayed and an empty string will be returned.
- define whether this totaling is being set for a row or a column. If businessTotalRole is null, COLUMN is assumed.typeOfTotal
- defines whether total label will be applied to subtotal or grandtotal label.
BusinessQueryTotalLocationType getTotalLocation()
BusinessQueryTotalModeType getTotalMode()
void setTotalLocation(BusinessQueryTotalLocationType totalLocation)
This option only applicable with BUSINESS_QUERY_OLAP_SELECTED_PARENTS_ONLY set to true.
Property change events signaled:
- that was set.void setTotalMode(BusinessQueryTotalModeType totalLocation)
Property change events signaled:
- that was set.void setTotalLabel(java.lang.String totalLabel, Role businessTotalRole, java.lang.String typeOfTotal) throws MetadataException
Note: This method may be deprecated for another method that will apply a full style name string pair. This pair would apply items such as labeling and formating (color, font, etc.)
Property change events signaled:
- defines label that will be used.businessTotalRole
- define whether this totaling is being set for a row or a column. If businessTotalRole is null, COLUMN is assumed.typeOfTotal
- defines whether total label will be applied to subtotal or grandtotal label.
- when a businessTotalRole is applied.
java.util.List getSortCriteria(Role businessSortRole)
Note: If businessSortRole is null, COLUMN is assumed. If an invalid Role is presented to this method, an error will be displayed and an empty list will be returned.
Note: This method is specifically used to perform ordering for OLAP. This method is not used for relational business model.
- Defines whether this sort applied to a row or column.
setSortCriteria(java.util.List, com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Role)
void setSortCriteria(java.util.List sortCriteria, Role businessSortRole) throws MetadataException
Note: There is no validation that occurs on the items defined in the sort criteria list.
Note: This method is specifically used to perform ordering for OLAP. This method is not used for relational information maps.
Property change events signaled:
- This parameter could contain a list of two string arrays (first array would be measures and second array would be member -
represent by the string value of the measure or the member). The parameter could also contain a list that contains items that are either
string values that represent members and data item entries that represent measure dataitems.businessSortRole
- Defines whether this sort applied to a row or column.
- when the action is not supported
- when an invalid businessSortRole is applied.getSortCriteria(com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Role)
boolean isValid()
java.util.List<Reason> getReasonsNotValid()
This method is a union of all validation testing done by this object ... so it tests for role assignment validation, and other basic validation required in order to be a valid query to run.
org.w3c.dom.Element write(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement) throws MetadataException
- element under which a new element should be created
which holds this model's XML form.
- if the write fails
- if given a null element argumentBusinessModel getBusinessModel()
int getResultSetIndex(java.lang.String dataItemID)
- ID of a DataItem contained in the result item list
com.sas.entities.EntityInterface getEntity()
com.sas.prompts.PromptValuesInterface getPromptValues()
CascadeRuleSet getCascadeRuleSet() throws MetadataException
void setGroups(java.util.List<BusinessGroup> group) throws MetadataException
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> getEffectiveGroups()
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> getEffectiveGroupsByType(BusinessGroup.Type type)
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi, BusinessGroup.Type type)
java.util.List<BusinessGroup> getEffectiveGroupsContaining(BusinessModelObject bi)
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