***  This class is subject to change.  ***

Class CompoundStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
Base, BusinessModelResourceReferencer, ModelItem, StepInterface, UsabilityInterface, PropertyChangeListenee, com.sas.util.LocalizableToStringInterface, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener

public class CompoundStep
implements StepInterface, java.lang.Cloneable, com.sas.util.LocalizableToStringInterface

Enables a user to group a set of steps together. A compound step brings the notion of parentheses within the list of steps. For example, (Blue Car Models with Sales GT 1M) and (Red Car Models with Sales GT 2M). CompoundSteps, like simple Steps are managed by the StepManager. Each CompoundStep can contains any number of Steps or CompoundSteps.

The following is a brief description of how AND/OR is applied by step

See Also:
DataItem, StepInterface

Field Summary
static java.lang.String AND_CONDITION
          Definition of an AND condition in a compound step.
static java.lang.String EVENT_CONDITION_TYPE_CHANGED
          Indication that a condition defined in a step has changed
static java.lang.String EVENT_NEGATION_CHANGED
          Indication that a NOT condition in the MDX phrase has changed.
static java.lang.String EVENT_STEPS_CHANGED
          Indication that the list of steps defined in a compound step has changed
static java.lang.String OR_CONDITION
          Definition of an OR condition in a compound step.
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.Base
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.ModelItem
Constructor Summary
          A constructor that initializes a CompoundStep
Method Summary
 void addStep(StepInterface step)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps.
 java.util.List getSteps()
          This method returns an ordered list of Steps.
 java.util.List getStepsConditions()
          This method returns an ordered list of the condition (AND/OR) applied to steps.
 boolean isNegated()
          Tests if the expression defined in the compound step are negated or defined with a NOT
 void setConditionType(java.lang.String stepCondition)
          This method defines whether AND/OR condition for step connection.
 void setNegated(boolean isNegated)
          Set that this compound step is negated
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.BusinessModelResourceReferencer
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.PropertyChangeListenee
addListener, getListeners, removeListener
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.iquery.metadata.business.UsabilityInterface
getReasonsUnusable, isUsableInQuery

Field Detail

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public static final java.lang.String EVENT_NEGATION_CHANGED
Indication that a NOT condition in the MDX phrase has changed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final java.lang.String EVENT_STEPS_CHANGED
Indication that the list of steps defined in a compound step has changed

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final java.lang.String EVENT_CONDITION_TYPE_CHANGED
Indication that a condition defined in a step has changed

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final java.lang.String AND_CONDITION
Definition of an AND condition in a compound step.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final java.lang.String OR_CONDITION
Definition of an OR condition in a compound step.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail
***  This constructor is subject to change.  ***


public CompoundStep()
A constructor that initializes a CompoundStep

Method Detail
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public void addStep(StepInterface step)
This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps.

step - The step to be added to the CompoundStep

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public boolean isNegated()
Tests if the expression defined in the compound step are negated or defined with a NOT

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public void setNegated(boolean isNegated)
Set that this compound step is negated

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public void setConditionType(java.lang.String stepCondition)
This method defines whether AND/OR condition for step connection. If an AND or OR must be applied, If neither is used, OR is assumed.

stepCondition - The stepCondition defines whether this is a AND/OR condition.

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public java.util.List getSteps()
This method returns an ordered list of Steps. A CompoundStep can contain CompoundSteps or Steps, but can't directly or indirectly contain itself.

An ordered list of Steps

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public java.util.List getStepsConditions()
This method returns an ordered list of the condition (AND/OR) applied to steps.

An ordered list of step conditions

***  This class is subject to change.  ***

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