***  This package is subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.iquery.metadata.serverprop.formats

Server properties classes that describe SAS formats.


Interface Summary
SASFormatDescription Provides information about a SAS data server format.

Class Summary
SASFormatAttributes Contains the set of attributes for an instance of a SAS format.
SASFormatCategory Contains SAS Format Categories.
SASFormatDescriptionUtil Performs a series of getters on SAS specific format description.

Exception Summary
SASFormatException Specifies an exception that is thrown on SAS format processing failures.

Package com.sas.iquery.metadata.serverprop.formats Description

Server properties classes that describe SAS formats.   These classes are typically used for display purposes, to help the user determine which base format to use as a format for a data item.

Information about available SAS formats can be retrieved from a ServerProperties object by using one of the getSASFormatDescriptions() methods. The information provided by those methods comes from the knowledge-based configuration that SAS Query Services loads when the first server properties object is created in a Java Virtual Machine.

See Also:
ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions(), ServerProperties.getSASFormatDescriptions(SASFormatCategory)

***  This package is subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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