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ODS Statistical Graphics

ODS Statistical Graphics (also known as ODS Graphics) is functionality for more easily creating statistical graphics that is available in a number of SAS products, including SAS/STAT®, SAS/ETS®, SAS/QC®, and SAS/GRAPH® software. ODS Graphics eliminates the need for additional programming. ODS Graphics is an extension of ODS (the Output Delivery System). ODS manages procedure output and lets you display it in a variety of destinations, such as HTML and RTF. With ODS Graphics, statistical procedures produce graphs as automatically as they produce tables, and graphs are integrated with tables in the ODS output. ODS Graphics is available in procedures in SAS/STAT, Base SAS, SAS/ETS, SAS/QC, and other products.

In SAS 9.3, ODS Graphics is automatically provided with Base SAS software. Once ODS Graphics is enabled, creating graphical output with procedures is as simple as creating tabular output. To see more information, please read Getting Started with ODS Statistical Graphics.

With the production release of ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9.2, more than 40 statistical procedures were modified to use this functionality, and they produced graphs as automatically as they produce tables. SAS 9.2 also introduced the ODS Graphics Editor, a point-and-click interface with which you can customize titles, annotate points, and make other changes.

Getting Started

An Overview of ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9.4

Summary of ODS Graphics Capabilities provides a concise overview of the capabilities of ODS Graphics.

A Programmer's Introduction to the Graphics Template Language helps you understand the basics of the Graph Template Language and create graphs with the DATA step. Topics include:

  • basic concepts: template definition and storage, compilation, and run-time actions
  • graphical Layouts: features of gridded, overlay, and lattice layouts
  • common tasks: customizing axes and adding legends and titles
  • templates: making flexible templates by using dynamic and macro variables, conditional logic, and expressions
  • output: controlling image name, size, type, quality, and scaling
  • integration with ODS styles

Introduction to ODS Graphics for the Non-Statistician guides you through the basics of producing and customizing simple graphs using the new SG procedures. In addition, use of the ODS GRAPHICS statement for setting graph options is covered.

Getting Started with ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS® 9.2 presents the fundamental information you need to get started with ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9.2. (Revised 2009)

ODS Graphics Tip Sheet

Related Papers

Customizing ODS Statistical Graphs explains how to access and modify graph templates. By the end of the presentation, which includes code samples and demos, you will have a better understanding of the relationship between statistical procedures, graph templates, style templates, and DATA _NULL_ programs.

The Graph Template Language and the Statistical Graphics Procedures: An Example-Driven Introduction provides a gentle, parallel, and example-driven introduction to the graph template language (GTL) and the statistical graphics (SG) procedures. With the GTL and the SG procedures, you can easily create professional-looking statistical graphics and modify the graphs that the SAS® System automatically produces.

Modifying ODS Statistical Graphics Templates in SAS® 9.2 reviews the basics of ODS Statistical Graphics and focuses on programming techniques for modifying the default graphs. This paper presents examples to help you navigate the complexity of the default templates and safely customize elements such as titles, axis labels, colors, lines, markers, ticks, grids, axes, reference lines, and legends.

Model Fitting and Data Analyses in SAS/ETS® Software Using ODS Statistical Graphics uses several SAS/ETS procedures (including the AUTOREG, PANEL, UCM, and SIMILARITY procedures) to demonstrate a graphical diagnostic tool for effective modeling of cross-sectional, time-series, and panel data. The emphasis of the paper is on correct model selection and effective use of SAS/ETS software.

ODS Graphics Designer: Your Tool of Choice for Interactive, Batchable Graphics discusses the SAS/GRAPH ODS Graphics Designer, which provides an intuitive GUI interface for creating analytical graphs.

SAS/GRAPH® Procedures for Creating Statistical Graphics in Data Analysis introduces a family of new SAS/GRAPH procedures that are designed to create stand-alone displays that complement the more specialized graphs produced by the statistical procedures.

Secrets of the SG Procedures presents creative ways to combine the statements and options in the SAS/GRAPH SG procedures that might not be obvious, enabling you to create many of the specialized graphs you need in your industry.