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SYSTEM 2000 Generates XML Documents

A beta version of SYSTEM 2000 that lets you output your results in XML format is now available for Version 1 and Release 12.1.

The main benefit of adding XML support to SYSTEM 2000 is that it allows you to send data in text format from a SYSTEM 2000 database to any platform in existence.

You can now leave your data on your mainframe in SYSTEM 2000's highly-efficient and disk-storage friendly database, and still have the ability to generate data that can be sent and used anywhere. You can send an entire database, or just the components you want, and just the data you want, using an ordinary where-clause.

Using SYSTEM 2000 to Generate XML Documents explains in detail how to turn on the XML option and how it works.

Please call us at (512) 250-9170 or send us email if you want to obtain a beta version of the software or want to find out more.