SAS®  Management Console

Providing a single point of control for managing resources that are used throughout a business intelligence environment. Rather than using a separate administrative interface for each application in your computing environment, you can use SAS Management Console's single interface to perform the administrative tasks required to create and maintain an integrated environment across multiple platforms.


white marble texture

The most recent release is SAS Management Console 9.4.

SAS Management Console enables you to manage server definitions, library definitions, user, group, role definitions, resource access controls, metadata repository and job schedules.

The application provides a flexible administrative environment through the use of plug-ins. A plug-in is a Java .jar file that is installed in the SAS Management Console directory to provide a specific administrative function.

SAS Management Console works by creating and maintaining metadata definitions for each computing resource or control. These metadata definitions are stored in a repository on a SAS Metadata Server, where they are available for use by other applications.

What's New in SAS Management Console 9.4

SAS Management Console 9.4 includes these new features:

  • Support has been added for metadata server clusters.
  • Support has been added for secured libraries.
  • New server management functions have been added.
  • Support has been added for grid options sets.
  • Support has been added for grid-launched workspace servers.
  • Resource templates have been added and revised for server and library definitions.

Videos & Tutorials

Ready to start managing resources that are used throughout a business intelligence environment?
These SAS Management Console videos and tutorials are a good place to start.


For more in-depth information, read books written by SAS experts.


Find user's guides and other technical documentation for SAS® Management Console.

SAS Management Console 9.4

Previous Versions

SAS Management Console 9.3

  • What's New in SAS Management Console 9.3 HTML
  • "Overview of SAS Management Console" in SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide HTML
  • Scheduling in SAS 9.3 PDF | HTML
  • SAS 9.3 Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions PDF | HTML
  • "Administering SAS Management Console" in SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Desktop Application Administration Guide HTML
  • Help for SAS Management Console is accessible within the product.

SAS Management Console 9.2

  • What's New in SAS Management Console 9.2 HTML
  • "Overview of SAS Management Console" in SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide HTML
  • Scheduling in SAS 9.2 PDF | HTML
  • SAS 9.2 Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions PDF | HTML
  • "Administering SAS Management Console" in SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform: Desktop Application Administration Guide HTML
  • Help for SAS Management Console is accessible within the product

SAS Management Console 9.1.3

SAS Metadata Bridges, SAS Management Console 9.1.2, 9.1

SAS Metadata Bridges

  • See the help for Import and Export Wizards available from SAS Management Console. See also SAS Metadata Bridges.

SAS Management Console 9.1.2

  • SAS Management Console 9.1.2 User's Guide PDF
  • Help for SAS Management Console is accessible within the product.

SAS Management Console 9.1

  • Help for SAS Management Console is accessible within the product.

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