Angela Hall
Senior Director, Consulting, SAS

Angela Hall leads a team of architects at SAS Institute Inc. who implement analytic focused solutions that uncover hidden patterns to make improvements such as eliminating waste and fraud. A SAS user since 1995, Angela enjoys working with OLAP data structures and developing custom applications using stored processes. She received a BS in statistics from N.C. State University and an MBA with an emphasis in technology management from the University of Phoenix. A previous chair of the American Society of Quality’s Raleigh, North Carolina, chapter, she has also co-chaired a Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) section and continues to present papers at SAS Global Forum conferences.

By This Author

Building Business Intelligence Using SAS®: Content Development Examples

By Tricia Aanderud and Angela Hall

Focusing on the SAS BI client, the authors provide a quick-start guide loaded with examples and tips that will help users move quickly from using only one BI client tool to using a significant portion of the system.

*This book is out of print.