SAS® Governance and Compliance Manager

Reduce enterprisewide risk by strengthening oversight. SAS Governance and Compliance Manager builds trust across your organization through proactive and systematic management of risk exposures, including the development of an action plan to track and address issues. You can detect and prevent policy violations as well as align activities with your organization’s risk appetite, key stakeholder expectations and external obligations.

white marble texture

The most recent release is Governance and Compliance Manager v04.2020.


Find user's guides and other technical documentation for SAS Governance and Compliance Manager.

The documentation for SAS Governance and Compliance Manager is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. To expedite your request, please include SAS Governance and Compliance Manager in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Governance and Compliance Manager v04.2020

SAS Governance and Compliance Manager Content Release v04.2020 Documentation

SAS Risk Governance Framework 7.5 

Other Supporting Documentation

  • SAS Workflow Studio 1.3: User's Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML

Previous Versions


The documentation for SAS Governance and Compliance Manager is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. To expedite your request, please include SAS Governance and Compliance Manager in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Governance and Compliance Manager v07.2019

Supporting Documentation

  • SAS Workflow Studio 1.3: User's Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML


The documentation for SAS Governance and Compliance Manager is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. To expedite your request, please include SAS Governance and Compliance Manager in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Governance and Compliance Manager v07.2018

Supporting Documentation

  • SAS Workflow Studio 1.3: User's Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML


The documentation for SAS Governance and Compliance Manager is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. To expedite your request, please include SAS Governance and Compliance Manager in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Governance and Compliance Manager 7.3

Supporting Documentation

  • SAS Workflow Studio 1.3: User's Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML