The HPLOGISTIC Procedure

PROC HPLOGISTIC Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures

For general contrasts, see the section Common Features of SAS High-Performance Statistical Procedures in SAS/STAT 14.1 User's Guide: High-Performance Procedures. The following remarks contrast the HPLOGISTIC procedure with the LOGISTIC procedure in SAS/STAT software.

The CLASS statement in the HPLOGISTIC procedure permits two parameterizations: the GLM parameterization and a reference parameterization. In contrast to the LOGISTIC, GENMOD, and other procedures that permit multiple parameterizations, the HPLOGISTIC procedure does not mix parameterizations across the variables in the CLASS statement. In other words, all classification variables have the same parameterization, and this parameterization is either the GLM or reference parameterization.

The default parameterization of CLASS variables in the HPLOGISTIC procedure is the GLM parameterization. The LOGISTIC procedure uses the EFFECT parameterization for the CLASS variables by default. In either procedure, you can change the parameterization with the PARAM= option in the CLASS statement.

The default optimization technique used by the LOGISTIC procedure is Fisher scoring; the HPLOGISTIC procedure uses by default a modification of the Newton-Raphson algorithm with a ridged Hessian. You can choose different optimization techniques, including first-order methods that do not require a crossproducts matrix or Hessian, with the TECHNIQUE= option in the PROC HPLOGISTIC statement.

The LOGISTIC procedure offers a wide variety of postfitting analyses, such as contrasts, estimates, tests of model effects, least squares means, and odds ratios. This release of the HPLOGISTIC procedure is limited in postfitting functionality, since with large data sets the focus is primarily on model fitting and scoring.

The HPLOGISTIC procedure is specifically designed to operate in the high-performance distributed environment. By default, PROC HPLOGISTIC performs computations in multiple threads. The LOGISTIC procedure executes in a single thread.