SAS Technical Papers » Marketing Research
Note: MR2010 and its subparts replace MR2009, TS-722, TS-694 and all earlier documents.
Date |
Title |
10Jan06 |
TS-723: Orthogonal Arrays (HTML) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010: |
Marketing Research Methods in SAS (PDF) |
Macro Code (ZIP)
Note: These macros might be older than the macros that you have automatically available. There is no reason to copy these macros if you are using a more recent SAS release than 9.2.
All features work with SAS 9.2 and later, and most work with earlier SAS releases. |
You can get the entire book (1309 pages) from the "PDF" link above or each individual chapter from the "PDF" links below. |
Individual chapters are MR2010A through MR2010L. |
If you get the chapters individually, get the macros, table of contents, references, and index from here: |
Title, Preface, Contents, Concluding Remarks, References, Index. (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010A: Uncovering Competitive Advantages (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010B: Introducing the Market Research Analysis Application (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
01Oct10 |
MR2010D: Efficient Experimental Design with Marketing Research Applications (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010E: A General Method for Constructing Efficient Choice Designs (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
01Oct10 |
MR2010G: Multinomial Logit Models (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
01Oct10 |
Documentation for individual macros is available from here:
ChoicEff (PDF) Efficient choice design |
MktEval (PDF) Evaluate design |
MktRoll (PDF) Roll out choice design |
MktAllo (PDF) Process allocation data |
MktEx (PDF) Comprehensive linear design |
MktRuns (PDF) Number of runs |
MktBal (PDF) Balanced design |
MktKey (PDF) Key for choice design |
Paint (PDF) Interpolated colors |
MktBIBD (PDF) Balanced incomplete block design |
MktLab (PDF) Label attributes and levels |
PHChoice (PDF) Customize PHREG for choice modeling |
MktBlock (PDF) Block a design |
MktMDiff (PDF) Process and analyze MaxDiff data |
PlotIt (PDF) Scatter plots of labeled points |
MktBSize (PDF) Balanced incomplete block design sizes |
MktMerge (PDF) Merge data and choice design |
MktDes (PDF) Linear design |
MktOrth (PDF) Orthogonal array catalog |
MktDups (PDF) Find duplicate runs |
MktPPro (PDF) Partial profile design |
01Oct10 |
MR2010J: Linear Models and Conjoint Analysis with Nonlinear Spline Transformations (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010K: Graphical Scatter Plots of Labeled Points (PDF) |
01Oct10 |
MR2010L: Graphical Methods for Marketing Research (PDF) |