
SAS Technical Papers » Marketing Research

Note: MR2010 and its subparts replace MR2009, TS-722, TS-694 and all earlier documents.

Date Title
10Jan06 TS-723:     Orthogonal Arrays (HTML)
MR2010:   Marketing Research Methods in SAS (PDF)
Macro Code (ZIP)

Note: These macros might be older than the macros that you have automatically available. There is no reason to copy these macros if you are using a more recent SAS release than 9.2.

All features work with SAS 9.2 and later, and most work with earlier SAS releases.
You can get the entire book (1309 pages) from the "PDF" link above or each individual chapter from the "PDF" links below.
Individual chapters are MR2010A through MR2010L.
If you get the chapters individually, get the macros, table of contents, references, and index from here:
Title, Preface, Contents, Concluding Remarks, References, Index. (PDF)
01Oct10 MR2010A: Uncovering Competitive Advantages (PDF)
01Oct10 MR2010B: Introducing the Market Research Analysis Application (PDF)
MR2010C: Experimental Design: Efficiency, Coding, and Choice Designs (PDF)
SAS Program and Answers to Exercises (SAS)
01Oct10 MR2010D: Efficient Experimental Design with Marketing Research Applications (PDF)
01Oct10 MR2010E: A General Method for Constructing Efficient Choice Designs (PDF)
MR2010F: Discrete Choice (PDF)
SAS Program (SAS)
01Oct10 MR2010G: Multinomial Logit Models (PDF)
MR2010H: Conjoint Analysis (PDF)
SAS Program (SAS)
MR2010I: Experimental Design and Choice Modeling Macros (PDF)
Macro Code (ZIP)

Note: These macros might be older than the macros that you have automatically available. There is no reason to copy these macros if you are using a more recent SAS release than 9.2.

A Quick Reference Guide to the Macro Options (PDF)
SAS Program (SAS)

Documentation for individual macros is available from here:

ChoicEff (PDF) Efficient choice design MktEval (PDF) Evaluate design MktRoll (PDF) Roll out choice design
MktAllo (PDF) Process allocation data MktEx (PDF) Comprehensive linear design MktRuns (PDF) Number of runs
MktBal (PDF) Balanced design MktKey (PDF) Key for choice design Paint (PDF) Interpolated colors
MktBIBD (PDF) Balanced incomplete block design MktLab (PDF) Label attributes and levels PHChoice (PDF) Customize PHREG for choice modeling
MktBlock (PDF) Block a design MktMDiff (PDF) Process and analyze MaxDiff data PlotIt (PDF) Scatter plots of labeled points
MktBSize (PDF) Balanced incomplete block design sizes  MktMerge (PDF) Merge data and choice design  
MktDes (PDF) Linear design MktOrth (PDF) Orthogonal array catalog  
MktDups (PDF) Find duplicate runs MktPPro (PDF) Partial profile design  
01Oct10 MR2010J: Linear Models and Conjoint Analysis with Nonlinear Spline Transformations (PDF)
01Oct10 MR2010K: Graphical Scatter Plots of Labeled Points (PDF)
01Oct10 MR2010L: Graphical Methods for Marketing Research (PDF)