SAS® Customer Due Diligence

Assess customer relationships and establish expectations about customer behavior with SAS Customer Due Diligence.  SAS Customer Due Diligence collects customer data and performs a risk rating on each customer. Risk ratings monitor customers closely to identify deviations from their transactions or personal information registered within the institution. SAS Customer Due Diligence enables financial institutions to rate new customers and update existing customer scoring based on key events that could affect the overall risk of the relationship. 


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The most recent release is SAS Customer Due Diligence 8.3.

What’s New

  • A configuration is now included that supports the ability to connect to a legacy SAS Anti-Money Laundering 7.1 database.
  • A SQL Server database can now be used for the Core data set for SAS Customer Due Diligence.


Find user's guides and other technical documentation for SAS Customer Due Diligence.

SAS Customer Due Diligence 8.3

The documentation for SAS Customer Due Diligence is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. In order to expedite your request, please include SAS Customer Due Diligence in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

Previous Versions


The documentation for SAS Customer Due Diligence is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. In order to expedite your request, please include SAS Customer Due Diligence in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Customer Due Diligence 8.2


The documentation for SAS Customer Due Diligence is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. In order to expedite your request, please include SAS Customer Due Diligence in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Customer Due Diligence 7.1


The documentation for SAS Customer Due Diligence is intended for use by existing customers and requires an access key. You can obtain the access key from your SAS consultant or by contacting SAS Technical Support. In order to expedite your request, please include SAS Customer Due Diligence in the subject field of the form. Be sure to provide the SAS Site Number for your software license along with your request.

SAS Customer Due Diligence

SAS Customer Due Diligence 6.3 Maintenance 1

  • Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guide, Second Edition
  • User's Guide, Second Edition
  • Accessibility Features

SAS Customer Due Diligence 6.3  

  • Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guide, Second Edition
  • User's Guide, Second Edition
  • Accessibility Features

SAS Customer Due Diligence 6.2

  • Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guide, Second Edition
  • User's Guide, Second Edition
  • Accessibility Features

SAS Customer Due Diligence 6.1

  • Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guide, Second Edition
  • User's Guide, Second Edition