SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » SAS Web Infrastructure Kit: Developer's Guide

Developing Custom Portlets
Development Steps
Creating a Deployment Descriptor
Creating Display Resources Files
Developing the Presentation JSP Page
Creating Action Classes
Implementing Portlet Help
Creating a PAR File
Use Cases
Simple Display Portlet
Localized Portlet
Portlet Template (Editable Portlet)
Remote Portlet
Tips and Best Practices
Using the Portlet API
Sample Portlets
Localized Display Portlet (Welcome)
Interactive Form Portlet (FormExample)
Portlet Template, or Editable Portlet (DisplayURL)
Web Application (HelloUserWikExample)
Remote Portlet (HelloUserRemote
Sample: Localized Display Portlet (Welcome Portlet)

Step 2: Create the Portlet Deployment Descriptor

The portlet deployment descriptor is an XML file that provides all of the information that the portal Web application needs to deploy one or more portlets. Here is the portlet deployment descriptor for the Welcome portlet. The boxes contain explanatory comments. For more information, see Creating a Portlet Deployment Descriptor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The DOCTYPE statement must be present in the descriptor file in order for the portlet to run. However, the document type definition (DTD) does not need to be accessible at the URL that the statement specifies.

If you want to look at the portlet.dtd file, you can find it in the portal setup directory in the path Portal\WEB-INF. For example, if you used the default installation location on a Windows system, then the DTD is located under the following path: c:\Program Files\SAS\Web\Portal2.0.1\Portal\WEB-INF.

<!DOCTYPE portlets SYSTEM "">


The local-portlet element assigns the name Welcome to the portlet. The name cannot contain spaces. The portlet identifier, which consists of the portlet path (defined in the portlet-path element) together with the portlet name, must be unique within the portal Web application.

The icon attribute is optional. It specifies the icon that is to appear with the portlet's name in the portal Web application's search results. In the portlet's directory structure, the icon's image file must be placed in or under the content directory. If it is in a subdirectory of content, you must specify the subdirectory with the image name. For example, if the image greeting.gif is in the path content\icons, then you would specify icon="icons\greeting.gif".

If an icon is not specified, then the default icon for portlets will be used.

  <local-portlet name="Welcome Sample" title="Welcome Sample" icon="Portlet.gif">
The localized resources element lists the locales that the portlet supports. Display resource files must be provided for each of these locales.
    <localized-resources locales="de,en,es,fr,it,ja,pl,ru,sv,zh_CN" /> 
The deployment element specifies that the portlet is to be available to the Public group. This means that all users will be able to search for this portlet and add it to their pages. Use all CAPS for PUBLIC.
    <deployment scope="group" autoDeploy="true" userCanCreateMore="false">

Since the Welcome portlet does not need its own initializer class, the portal Web application's default portlet initializer (JspPortletInitializer) is specified. This class requires a parameter called display-page. The initializer places the value of this parameter in the PortletContext object so that it can be used by the portlet's action class. The value of the parameter is the name of the Welcome portlet's JSP page, called Welcome.jsp.

Note: The default initializer passes only the display-page parameter. To pass additional parameters, you would need to create your own initializer class (see Creating an Initializer Action Class).

The portlet-path element specifies the directory location in which the portlet is to be deployed. The portlet identifier, which consists of the portlet path together with the portlet name (defined in the local-portlet element), must be unique within the portal Web application. For example, Orion Star Sports & Outdoors could have two Welcome portlets if different paths are specified for each (as in OrionStar/Sales/Welcome and OrionStar/Purchasing/Welcome).
To provide for internationalization of the text that appears inside the portlet border, the Welcome portlet has its own action class, called WelcomeAction. The name of the class is specified in the type subelement of the portlet-action element.
      <portlet-action name="display" default="true">