SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Developer's Guide

SAS Package Retriever
Invoking SAS Package Retriever
Obtaining a Package
From Archive
From Queue
From WebDAV
Selecting Package Entries for Retrieval and Storage
Retrieving and Storing a Package Entry
SAS Data
SAS Data Set
SAS Catalog or Database
External Data
Binary File
Binary File of Type CSV
Text File
Viewer File
Removing the Package from the Transport Location
Publishing Framework

Retrieving and Storing a Catalog, MDDB, or SQLView Entry

When you select a catalog, MDDB, FDB, or SQLView entry to retrieve and store from the Result Package Tree View window, the Specify Output Library Name and Member Name window prompts you to specify the storage location.

Specify Output Filename or Fileref Window

  1. Specify the library name and the member name for the data set.

    Library Name
    specifies the library where you want the retrieved SAS package entry to be stored. You can also click the arrow beside this field to browse possible library selections.

    Member Name
    specifies the name for the entry.

  2. Click OK to retrieve and store the package entry.