SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Administrator's Guide (LDAP Version)

Administering the Publishing Framework
Creating Channels
Creating Archive Paths
Creating Subscribers
Creating Subscriptions
Using Name/Value Filters
Entry Filters
MIME Type Filters
Creating Overrides

Creating Overrides

An override is created when a subscriber's delivery information is changed by a subscriber via the subscription manager applet to differ from
  • the default delivery information as specified by the subscriber's properties when subscribed directly to a channel.
  • the default delivery information specified by the subscriber's delivery properties when subscribed to a channel via a group.

When the default delivery information for a subscriber is overridden, the channel's node changes to a folder. The channel folder contains an override for each subscriber whose delivery information differs from their default delivery information, or the default delivery information of a group through which they are subscribed.

For example, in the following image the PlutoChannel appears as a node.

Channel as a node

However, after the delivery information for user sascnn1 has been changed from the default delivery information for that subscriber, the PlutoChannel node displays as a folder containing all overrides for that channel. The following image displays the sascnn1 override in the PlutoChannel Channel.

Override folder

In essence, overrides are a special type of subscriber, and can be edited or removed just as a subscriber can be edited or removed.

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