Problem Note 62634: SASĀ® 9.4M5 (TS1M5) abends when you run Version 5 style programming interface routines
In SAS 9.4M5, SAS jobs that contain old Version 5 style programming interface routines abend with messages similar to the following in the SAS log:
ERROR: System abend 0C4 occurred outside of the SAS environment.
ERROR: Delete current task.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.05 CPU seconds and 25109K.
You might not know whether your jobs contain these programming interface routines. In this case, you can run the following program to list load modules in STEPLIB that have relevant SSIs:
data_null_; infile steplib recfm=f lrecl=256 blksize=256 eov=eov;
retain ignore 0;
keep memname ssi;
input @3 @;
length ssi $4 x $2;
do i=1 to 6;
input memname $char8. +26 ssi $char2. @;
if ignore then continue;
if put(substra(ssi,1,1),$hex2.) in ('ab' 'ac' 'ae' 'af') then do;
input x $char2. +2 @;
else ssi='00000000'x;
if memname='ffffffffffffffff'x then ignore=1;
else do;
if ssi ne '00000000'x then put memname=ssi=$hex8.;
if ignore and eov then ignore=0;
If the output includes any load modules, determine whether the programming interface routines defined in the modules run numeric or character arguments. If the programming interface routines defined in the modules use only numeric arguments and return numeric values, you will not encounter this issue. If the programming interface routines defined in the modules only use character arguments and/or return a character value, you will encounter this issue when you run any SAS code using the modules in SAS 9.4M5.
Because the error messages that are associated with this issue are not unique, contact SAS Technical Support to confirm that you are encountering this issue. If Technical Support determines that you are encountering the issue, you will receive a link for a replacement SASHSTFM module as well as instructions for installation and testing. Alternatively, you can contact SAS Technical Support to obtain this replacement SASHSTFM module, because having it does not cause any issues.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | Base SAS | z/OS | 9.4 TS1M5 | 9.4 TS1M6 |
z/OS 64-bit | 9.4 TS1M5 | 9.4 TS1M6 |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
SAS 9.4M5 might abend with messages similar to the following: "ERROR: System abend 0C4 occurred outside of the SAS environment. ERROR: Delete current task." This issue is caused when you run jobs that contain Version 5 programming interface routines.
Type: | Problem Note |
Priority: | low |
Date Modified: | 2018-08-30 12:13:12 |
Date Created: | 2018-07-18 12:55:46 |